Title DPSIR 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006
EN01 Energy-related greenhouse gas emissions Pressures Good Good Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad
EN05 Emissions intensity of public conventional thermal power (electricity and heat) production Pressures Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
EN06 Emissions (CO2, SO2 and NOx) from public electricity and heat production Pressures Good Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
EN07 Residues from combustion of coal for energy production Pressures Good Good Good Good
EN08 Nuclear waste production Pressures Neutral Neutral Neutral Bad Neutral
EN09 Emissions of air pollutants from energy sources Pressures Good Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good
EN10 Final energy consumption by sector Driving forces Neutral Good Good Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
EN11 Total energy intensity Driving forces Good Bad Bad Neutral Neutral Neutral Bad
EN15 Final energy consumption intensity Driving forces Neutral Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
EN16 Primary energy consumption by fuel Driving forces Neutral Good Good Good Neutral Bad Bad Bad
EN18 Renewable energy sources Driving forces Bad Good Good Good Bad Bad
EN19 Electricity production from renewable energy sources Driving forces Good Bad Bad Bad Bad
EN20 Energy prices Responses Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
EN21 Energy taxes Responses Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
EN22 Subsidies in the energy sector Responses Good Good Good Bad
EN23 External costs of electricity production Impacts Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
EN24 The share of renewables in final energy consumption Driving forces Bad Bad Bad Bad Good Good Bad Bad Bad
EN25 Energy import dependency Driving forces Bad Neutral Good Good Neutral
EN26 Energy losses in transformation and distribution Driving forces Good Neutral Neutral Neutral
EN30 Production and consumption of electricity Driving forces Neutral Neutral
EN31 Efficiency of systems of production, transport and distribution of electricity and heat Driving forces Good Good Neutral
EN32 Energy efficiency and energy use in sectors of final energy consumption Driving forces Neutral Bad
GZ01 Forest decline and tree defoliation Impacts Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good
GZ02 Naturalness of forests State Good Good Good Good Good Good
GZ03 Growing stock, increment and fellings State Good Good Good Good Good Good Good
GZ04 Forest area State Good Good Good Good Good Good Good
GZ05 Deforestation Pressures Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
GZ06 Deadwood State Good Good Good Good
HR01 Exposure to traffic noise Pressures Neutral
HR02 Exposure to road traffic noise outside urban areas Pressures Good
HR03 Exposure to noise from rail traffic outside urban areas Pressures Neutral
HR04 Exposure to traffic noise in Ljubljana Pressures Bad
HR05 Exposure to traffic noise in Maribor Pressures Good
IP01 Environmental management systems Responses Good Good Good Good Good
KM01 Use of plant protection products Pressures Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
KM02 Consumption of mineral fertilisers Impacts Good Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
KM03 Areas of land with agri–environmental measures Responses Good Good Good Good Good Good
KM04 Intensity of agriculture Driving forces Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
KM05 Share of Agricultural Land with High Natural Value State Neutral Neutral
KM06 Nature areas under protection and agriculture Responses Good Good Good Good
KM07 Farmers' training levels Responses Neutral Neutral Neutral Good
KM08 Areas of land with organic farming Responses Good Good Good Good Good Good Good
KM09 Energy use in agriculture Driving forces Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
KM10 Land use change and agriculture State Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
KM11 Production methods on agricultural holdings State Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
KM12 Specialisation and diversification of agriculture Driving forces Neutral Neutral Neutral
KM13 Emissions of Ammonia in Agricuture Pressures Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good
KM14 Emissions of Methane and Nitrous oxide Pressures Neutral Neutral Good Good Good Good Good
KM15 Genetic diversity - agriculture plants Impacts Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
KM16 Genetic diversity - domestic animals State Bad Bad Neutral Neutral Neutral
KM17 Soil quality State Neutral Neutral
KM21 Irrigation of agricultural land Driving forces Good Good Good Neutral Neutral
KM22 The Nitrogen Budget in Agriculture Pressures Good Good Good Good Good Good Good
KM24 Production of renewable energy from agriculture Driving forces Neutral
KM25 The Phosphorous Budget in Agriculture Pressures Good Good Good
KM26 Plant nutrient content in agricultural topsoils State Neutral Neutral Neutral
KM27 Agricultural area - Arable land per capita State Neutral Neutral Neutral
KM28 Agricultural production State Neutral Neutral
KM29 Food self-sufficiency Driving forces Neutral Neutral Neutral
KM31 Structure of food imports Driving forces Bad Neutral
KM32 Market prices of agricultural products State Neutral Neutral Neutral
KM33 Coverage of food imports by food exports Driving forces Neutral Neutral
KM34 The Concentration of Agricultural Production State Neutral Neutral
KM35 Soil water erosion State Neutral
KM36 Soil organic carbon stocks State Neutral
MR01 Accidental oil spills from marine shipping Pressures Bad
MR02 Sea level State Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
MR03 Dissolved oxygen in the bottom layer State Neutral Good Good Good
MR04 Chlorophyll a in coastal waters State Good Good Good Good Good
MR05 Bathing water quality in costal zones Impacts Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good
MR06 Chemical and trophic status of the sea State Neutral Good
MR08 Nutrients in the coastal waters State Good Good
NB01 Population size of selected bird species State Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
NB02 Threatened species Impacts Neutral
NB03 Game preservation Pressures Good
NB04 Subterranean biodiversity State Neutral
NB05 Plants – species richness and endangered species State Neutral Neutral
NB06 Brown bear State Good Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
NB07 Compensation for damage caused by protected animal species Responses Bad Neutral Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
NB09 Plants – invasive species State Bad Bad
NB10 Dolphins State Neutral Neutral
NB11 Species of European interest State Bad Bad Bad
NB12 Habitats of European interest State Bad Neutral Neutral
NB14 Farmland bird index State Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
NV01 Nature areas under protection Responses Good Good Good
NV02 Protected areas Responses Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
NV03 Natura 2000 Responses Good Good Good Good
NV04 Valuable natural features Responses Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
OD01 Municipal waste Pressures Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
OD03 Hazardous waste Pressures Bad Bad Bad Bad
OD04 Transboundary shipments of waste Pressures Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Good
OD06 Direct Material Input and Domestic Material Consumption Pressures Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good Bad
OD07 Waste management Responses Neutral Neutral Neutral
OD08 Sewage sludge from urban waste water treatment plants Pressures Neutral Neutral Bad Bad
OD12 Waste batteries and accumulators Responses Neutral Neutral
OD13 Packaging waste Responses Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Good
OD14 Construction waste Pressures Neutral
OD15 End-of-life tyres Responses Good Good Good Good Good Good
OD16 End-of-life vehicles Responses Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
OD17 Waste generated by manufacturing and service activities Pressures Neutral Neutral
OD18 Resource productivity Pressures Neutral Neutral Neutral
OD20 Waste containing asbestos Pressures Neutral
OD30 Separate collection of waste containing hazardous substances Responses Neutral
OD31 Sustainable models of production and consumption State Neutral
OP01 Environmental protection taxes and other environmental pressure duties Responses Good
OP02 Reporting of environmental data Responses Neutral Neutral Good Good Good
OP03 Eco-schools in Slovenia Responses Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good
OP04 Attitudes of citizens towards the environment Responses Neutral Neutral
PB02 Consumption of ozone-depleting substances Driving forces Good
PB03 GHG emissions Pressures Neutral Good Good Good Neutral Good Good Neutral Bad Bad Bad Neutral Neutral
PB08 Projections of Greenhouse Gass Emissions State Bad
PG02 Households Driving forces Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
PG03 Housing Driving forces Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
PG04 Household energy and transportation fuel consumption Driving forces Bad Neutral Neutral Neutral
PG05 Electricity consumption in households Driving forces Bad Bad Bad
PG06 Household expenditure Driving forces Bad Bad Bad Bad
PG07 Food Driving forces Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
PG08 Household vehicle ownership Driving forces Bad
PG09 Eco innovation Responses Bad Good
PG10 Material footprint of households Impacts Bad Bad
PG11 Tourist travel Driving forces Neutral Neutral
PG12 Eco tourism Responses Good Good Good
PG13 Food consumption – animal based protein Impacts Bad Bad
PG14 Household disposable income Driving forces Neutral Neutral
PG15 Households equipped with white goods Pressures Bad Bad
PG16 General health status according to the type of food consumed and according to household income Impacts Bad Bad
PO01 Annual GHG emissions according to Regulation (EU) 2023/857 Pressures Good Good Good Good Good
PO02 CO2 emissions of personal vehicles Pressures Bad Bad Bad Bad Neutral
PO03 Share of RES in transport Driving forces Neutral Good Bad Bad Bad
PO04 Passenger kilometres in public passenger transport Driving forces Bad Bad Bad Bad
PO05 Sustainable freight transport Driving forces Bad Bad Good Good
PO06 Leverage of incentives in the public sector Responses Bad Bad Neutral Neutral Neutral
PO07 CO2 emissions reduction through measures in the public sector Responses Neutral Bad Bad Bad Bad
PO08 Floor area of energy renovated buildings in the public sector Responses Neutral Good Good Good Good
PO09 CO2 intensity in the commercial and institutional sector Responses Bad Good Good Good
PO10 Improvement of energy efficiency in the residential sector Responses Good Good Neutral Bad Bad
PO11 Specific CO2 emissions in the residential sector Responses Bad Good Good Good
PO12 Final energy consumption, GHG emissions and the share of renewables in the buildings Responses Good Bad Bad Bad Bad
PO13 Intensity of GHG emissions in milk and beef production Responses Neutral Bad Neutral Neutral Neutral
PO14 Rational fertilization of agricultural plants with nitrogen - consumption of nitrogen mineral fertilizers Pressures Good Good Neutral Neutral Neutral
PO15 Gross nitrogen budget Responses Neutral Good Neutral Neutral Neutral
PO16 Measures for more efficient nitrogen cycling in agriculture – land area included in Organic farming measure Responses Good Good Good Good Good
PO17 Measures for more efficient nitrogen cycling in agriculture – field and garden areas included in measures that require fertilization based on rapid soil or plant tests Responses Neutral Good Good Good Good
PO18 Financial incentives for energy efficiency and use of renewable energy in the non-ETS industry Responses Bad Neutral Neutral Bad Bad
PO19 Share of RES in the use of fuels in industry Responses Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
PO20 GHG emissions due to the leakage of F-gases from devices Pressures Bad Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
PO21 Quantity of deposited biodegradable waste Driving forces Good Good Good Good
PO22 Emissions productivity Responses Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
PO23 Implicit energy tax rate Responses Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good
PO24 Incentives that work against the goal of reducing GHG emissions Responses Neutral Good Good Bad Bad
PO25 Green jobs Responses Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
PO26 Supporting eco-innovations for the transition to a low carbon society Responses Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
PO27 Annual GHG emissions from the EU-ETS sector Pressures Good Good Neutral
PO28 Share of heat produced in energy efficient district heating systems Driving forces Neutral Bad Bad
PO29 The installed capacity of the systems for the production of electricity from RES Responses Neutral Neutral Neutral
PO30 Self-supply of electricity from RES Pressures Neutral Neutral
PO31 GHG net emissions in the LULUCF sector Pressures Neutral Good Bad Bad
PO32 GHG emissions due to land-use change Pressures Good Good Good Good
PO33 Area of restored forests according to type of regeneration Responses Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
PO34 Ratio of forest development phases State Bad Bad Bad Bad
PO35 GHG emissions due to forest fires Pressures Good
PO36 Energy savings achieved by the energy efficiency obligation scheme and alternative measure Responses Good
PO37 Energy efficiency in industry Responses Good
PO38 GHG emissions in industry Pressures Bad
PO39 Share of population connected to the wastewater treatment systems Driving forces Neutral
PO40 Specific GHG emissions per unit of electricity produced Pressures Good
PP01 Economic losses from climate-related extremes Impacts Bad Bad Neutral Neutral
PP04 Temperature State Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
PP05 Triglav glacier Impacts Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
PP06 Annual growing season length Impacts Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
PP07 Extreme temperatures State Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
PP09 Precipitation State Bad Bad
PP10 Extreme precipitation State Bad Bad
PP11 Heating and cooling degree days State Neutral Neutral
PP12 Hydrological drought of surface waters State Neutral Neutral Neutral
PP13 Hydrological droughts of groundwater State Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
PP14 Agricultural droughts Impacts Bad Bad
PP15 Soil drought State Bad
PP16 Wildfires State
PR01 Volume and structure of passenger transport Driving forces Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
PR02 Volume and structure of freight transport Driving forces Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
PR03 Investments in transport Infrastructure Driving forces Good Neutral Bad Bad Bad Bad
PR04 Final energy consumption in transport Driving forces Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
PR05 External costs of transport Impacts Bad Bad
PR06 Public awareness about the effects of transport on the environment Responses Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
PR07 Impacts of transport on air quality in urban areas State Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
PR08 Emissions of air pollutants from transport Pressures Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
PR09 Transport emissions of greenhouse gases Pressures Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
PR10 Transport accident fatalities Impacts Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
PR11 Passenger car ownership Driving forces Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
PR12 Age of vehicle fleet Driving forces Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Neutral
PR13 Introduction of alternative fuels in transport Driving forces Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
PR14 Expenditure on personal mobility Driving forces Bad Bad Bad Bad
PR15 Progress in charge levels Responses Bad Bad
PR16 Road transport fuel prices Impacts Bad Neutral Neutral
PR17 Quality of transport fuels Pressures Good Good Good Good Good
PR19 Municipal and regional sustainable urban mobility plans in Slovenia Driving forces Good Good Good
PR20 Energy efficiency and specific emissions of CO2 from transport Pressures Good
PR21 Introducing new technologies in transport Driving forces Bad Bad
PR22 Number of electric vehicles Driving forces Good
PR23 Daily Passenger Mobility Driving forces Bad
PR24 European mobility week Driving forces Good
PR25 Greenhouse gas emission intensity of fuels and energy in road transport Driving forces Bad
RE01 Public attitude towards energy consumption Impacts Good Good Good
RE02 Public Awareness on Energy Efficiency Impacts Neutral Neutral Neutral
RE03 Public awareness on climate change impacts Impacts Bad Bad Bad
RE04 Public attitude towards sustainable transport Impacts Neutral Neutral Good
RE05 Public attitude towards battery-powered electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids Impacts Neutral Neutral
RE06 Public attitude toward the use of fuel in Slovenian traffic Impacts Good Neutral
RE07 Public attitude on use of public transport by households Impacts Neutral
RE08 Conditions for increasing the use of public transport by households Pressures Bad
RE09 Attitude of organisations from the public and service sectors towards energy consumption in public and business premises Responses Neutral
RE10 Awareness of the public and service sectors of the energy efficiency in their business premises Responses Neutral
RE11 Awareness of the public and service sector of the environmental impact of their business premises Responses Neutral
RE12 Public opinion on integrating different forms of transportation Pressures Neutral
RE13 Household Perspectives on Achieving Electricity Self-Sufficiency with Photovoltaics Index Responses Good
RE14 Household Attitudes Towards Heat Pump Technology Index Responses Neutral
RE15 Attitude of households towards financial incentives for efficient use and renewable energy sources index Responses Good
SE01 Gross domestic product - the impact of economic development on the environment Driving forces Neutral Bad
SE02 Demographic changes and its impact on the environment Driving forces Neutral Bad Bad
SE03 Human Development Index Driving forces Neutral Neutral
SE04 Life Expectancy and Infant Mortality Impacts Good Good
SE05 Education level and green transition Driving forces Neutral Good
SE06 Risk of poverty rate Driving forces Neutral Bad
SE07 The structure of the economy and green transition Driving forces Neutral Neutral
SE08 Ecological footprint Pressures Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
SE09 Gross domestic expenditure on R&D Driving forces Bad
SE10 Internet usage Driving forces Good
SE11 Happy planet index Responses Neutral
TP01 Land cover and land use State Neutral Neutral Neutral
TP02 Functionally degraded areas State Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
TP03 Land take State Bad Bad Bad
TP04 Soil pollution State Neutral
TP06 Land cover and land use in water protection areas Responses Neutral Neutral
TP07 Potentially contaminated sites Pressures Bad
TU01 Development and distribution of tourism Driving forces Neutral Neutral Neutral
TU02 Outstanding natural features visited Driving forces Good Good
TU03 Green key Responses Good
VD01 Water Exploitation Index Pressures Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
VD02 Wastewater treatment Pressures Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
VD03 River balance State Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
VD05 Nitrates in groundwater State Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
VD06 Pesticides in groundwater State Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
VD07 Phosphorus in lakes State Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good
VD08 Drinking water quality State Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Bad Bad Bad Bad
VD09 Inland bathing water quality Impacts Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
VD10 Nutrient and biochemical oxygen demand in rivers State Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Neutral
VD11 Groundwater quality State Neutral Good Neutral
VD12 Chemical and ecological status of surface water bodies State Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
VD14 Water permits Responses Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
VD15 Groundwater recharge State Bad Neutral Neutral Good Good Bad Bad
VD16 Water protection areas Responses Neutral Neutral Neutral
VD17 Surface water and water areas State Good
ZD01 Infant mortality due to respiratory diseases Impacts Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
ZD02 Asthma and allergic diseases in children Impacts Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
ZD03 Population exposure to PM₁₀ concentrations in ambient air Impacts Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
ZD04 Outbreaks of waterborne diseases (epidemics) Impacts Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
ZD05 Access to safe drinking water Responses Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
ZD07 Biomonitoring of air pollution using epiphytic lichens State Bad
ZD08 Exposure of roe deer to heavy metals (lead and cadmium) and fluorides Impacts Neutral
ZD09 Critical loads and exceedances of sulfur and nitrogen for ecosystems Driving forces Bad
ZD10 Biomonitoring of deposition of metals and nitrogen Impacts Neutral Bad
ZD12 Incidence of childhood leukaemia Impacts Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
ZD13 The incidence of melanoma in adults Impacts Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
ZD14 Exposure of children to road traffic noise in the Municipality of Ljubljana Impacts Bad Bad
ZD15 Dietary intake of certain metals Impacts Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
ZD16 Dioxins in human milk Impacts Neutral
ZD17 Levels of lead in children's blood in the Upper Meža Valley Impacts Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good Good
ZD18 Mortality due to respiratory diseases Impacts Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
ZD19 Foodborne disease outbreaks Impacts Good Good Good Good Good Good Good
ZD20 Heat waves and daily number of deaths Impacts Neutral Neutral Bad Bad
ZD21 Incidence of foodborne diseases Driving forces Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
ZD22 Population exposure to airborne pollen/allergens Impacts Neutral Neutral
ZD23 Exposure of children to road traffic noise in the Municipality of Nova Gorica Impacts Neutral
ZD24 Proportion of resident population living in a flood plain State Neutral
ZD25 Reported cases of lyme borreliosis and tick-borne meningoencephalitis in Slovenia Impacts Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
ZD26 Life expectancy at birth Driving forces
ZD27 Exposure to road traffic noise in the Municipality of Maribor Impacts Neutral
ZD28 Persistent organic pollutants in food - dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs (dlPCBs) in fish and other seafood Impacts Neutral Neutral
ZD29 Population exposure to ozone Impacts Bad Bad Bad Bad
ZD30 Exposure to ultra-fine particles (nanoparticles) in ambient air Impacts Neutral
ZD31 Health impacts of exposure to fine particulate matter PM2.5 Impacts Neutral
ZD32 Incidence of malignant mesothelioma and mortality Impacts Bad Bad Bad
ZD33 Arsenic exposure and health risk assessment for adult population Impacts Good
ZD34 Lead exposure and health risk assessment for adult population Impacts Neutral
ZR05 Air pollution by sulphur dioxide State Good Good Good Good Good Good Good
ZR06 Clone of Air pollution by nitrogen dioxide State Good Good Good Good Good Good Good
ZR07 Air pollution by ozone State Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
ZR08 Concentrations of particulate matter in ambient air State Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad
ZR09 Emissions of substances that cause acidification and eutrophication Pressures Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good
ZR10 Emissions of ozone-precursors Pressures Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good
ZR11 Air quality State Neutral
ZR12 Emissions of heavy metals Pressures Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
ZR13 Persistent organic pollutants emissions (POPs) Pressures Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Bad
ZR14 Air emission projections Pressures Neutral Neutral
ZR15 Emissions of particulate matter Pressures Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
ZR16 Sulphur content of fuels Pressures Good Good
ZR17 Chemical composition of patricles PM10 State Bad Bad
ZR18 Effects of ozone on vegetation Impacts Bad
ZR19 Health costs of air pollution in European cities and the linkage with transport Impacts Neutral