Key message

The large majority of organisations from the public sector and office-based companies (e.g. banks, post offices and other administrative and office premises) believe that increased energy efficiency of business premises is very important. About three quarters of organisations in both sectors think about using the energy more efficiently. For about a third of organisations from both sectors, which think about the efficient energy consumption, its main purpose is to decrease the quantity of energy used in their business premises. Since 2013 the share of organisations, which completely agree that improvement of energy efficiency of business premises is important has increased. On the other hand the share of organisations which think how to use the energy more efficiently and the share of organisations, which have the planned funding to improve energy efficiency, have decreased.


Figure RE10-1: Agreement with the claim that the improving of energy efficiency of their business premises is very important, Slovenia, 2020

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2020

Show data
Completely disagree[%] Disagree[%] Neither agree, nor disagree[%] Agree[%] Completely agree[%]
Public administration organisations (2020) 0 0 1.81 47.67 49.43
Public administration organisations (2013) 0.41 0.68 5.06 53.06 40.11
Office-based companies (2020) 1.57 0 5.95 47.93 44.55
Office-based companies (2013) 0 2.76 10.23 53.66 32.62
All surveyed organisations (2020) 1.69 0.69 5.64 45.17 45.24
All surveyed organisations (2013) 1.00 1.09 6.78 48.70 41.87
Figure RE10-2: Share of organisations which think how to use energy more efficiently, Slovenia, 2020

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2020

Show data
I don't know, No answer, Other[%] No[%] Yes[%]
Public administration organisations (2020) 17.51 5.10 77.39
Public administration organisations (2013) 10.65 5.47 83.88
Office-based companies (2020) 11.37 16.76 71.87
Office-based companies (2013) 5.46 13.63 80.91
All surveyed organisations (2020) 15.27 11.81 72.93
All surveyed organisations (2013) 7.13 8.76 84.10
Figure RE10-3: The aim of efficient use of energy in business premises of organisations, which think about efficient use of energy (main purpose), Slovenia, 2020

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2020

Show data
Reduce costs[%] Reduce quantitative energy consumption[%] Reduce environmental impact[%] Maintain costs at current levels, despite increasing the scope of services and/or production[%] Maintain current quantitative energy consumption at current levels, despite increasing the scope of services and/or production[%] I don't know. No answer. Other.[%]
Public administration organisations (2020) 48.46 30.78 14.32 2.83 2.20 1.42
Public administration organisations (2013) 62.34 23.01 7.40 0.99 3.10 3.17
Office-based companies (2020) 35.92 36.68 12.53 4.37 8.13 2.37
Office-based companies (2013) 50.35 23.73 9.30 6.45 8.41 1.76
All surveyed organisations (2020) 38.42 31.71 13.44 4.10 10.69 1.64
All surveyed organisations (2013) 58.09 17.66 9.86 5.43 7.00 1.95
Figure RE10-4: Foreseen funding to improve energy efficiency, Slovenia, 2020

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2020

Show data
I don't know. No answer. Other.[%] Not planned[%] We have the planned funding[%]
Public administration organisations (2020) 59.15 34.52 6.34
Public administration organisations (2013) 27.43 55.46 17.11
Office-based companies (2020) 43.42 44.63 11.95
Office-based companies (2013) 26.92 52.49 20.60
All surveyed organisations (2020) 49.73 37.64 12.62
All surveyed organisations (2013) 33.23 47.06 19.72


Date of data source summarization

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