Key message

The large majority of organisations from the public and service sector believe that they are ecologically conscious and that they separate waste. The majority of organisations responded that the efficient use of energy in their business premises is important due to both reducing the costs and to protect the environment. Three quarters of companies and two thirds of public administration organisations have stated that they are well familiar with the environmental impact of their business premises.

Compared to the survey from 2013 the share of organisations for which reducing of environmental impact is one of the aims of efficient energy use in their business premises has statistically significantly increased. The share of organisations which believe they are ecologically conscious and are well familiar with the environmental impact of their business premises has also increased.

The data analyses by statistical regions shows statistically significant deviations between regions, when it comes to the awareness of the surveyed organisations of the environmental impact of their business premises.


Figure RE11-1: Opinion of organisations on the ecological awareness of employees, Slovenia, 2020

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2020

Show data
Completely disagree[%] Disagree[%] Neither agree, nor disagree[%] Agree[%] Completely agree[%]
Public administration organisations (2020) 0 1.10 5.70 62.70 29.90
Public administration organisations (2013) 0 1.09 11.99 56.89 30.03
Office-based companies (2020) 0.70 0.70 1.40 45.02 51.31
Office-based companies (2013) 0.94 2.28 13.18 47.92 35.19
All surveyed organisations (2020) 0.29 0.64 4.37 51.56 41.26
All surveyed organisations (2013) 0.37 1.04 9.32 52.04 36.90
Figure RE11-2: Opinion of organisations on their awareness of the environmental impact of their business premises, Slovenia, 2020

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2020

Show data
Completely disagree[%] Disagree[%] Neither agree, nor disagree[%] Agree[%] Completely agree[%]
Public administration organisations (2020) 0.60 8.67 24.45 47.52 17.66
Public administration organisations (2013) 0.83 7.71 33.81 43.98 11.48
Office-based companies (2020) 0.70 4.34 17.15 45.36 30.71
Office-based companies (2013) 3.47 7.04 21.48 51.69 14.42
All surveyed organisations (2020) 1.17 3.79 19.84 46.72 26.28
All surveyed organisations (2013) 2.79 6.73 23.34 48.91 16.91
Figure RE11-3: Agreement of organisations with the claim that they separate waste, Slovenia, 2020

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2020

Show data
Completely disagree[%] Disagree[%] Neither agree, nor disagree[%] Agree[%] Completely agree[%]
Public administration organisations (2020) 2.33 2.19 0 34.01 59.27
Public administration organisations (2013) 0 3.07 4.70 30.83 61.40
Office-based companies (2020) 0.70 0 4.72 26.75 67.13
Office-based companies (2013) 0 4.17 3.80 31.55 59.06
All surveyed organisations (2020) 0.42 0.21 1.48 29.61 65.97
All surveyed organisations (2013) 0 2.54 2.47 33.88 60.46
Figure RE11-4: Aim of efficient energy use in business premises, Slovenia, 2020

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2020

Show data
Only and/or mainly to protect the environment and less to reduce costs[%] Only and/or mainly to reduce costs and less to protect the environment[%] Both to reduce costs and to protect the environment[%]
Public administration organisations (2020) 4.49 11.92 82.38
Public administration organisations (2013) 2.19 7.10 90.71
Office-based companies (2020) 5.72 7.33 86.09
Office-based companies (2013) 3.34 13.34 81.90
All surveyed organisations (2020) 5.69 12.72 80.97
All surveyed organisations (2013) 2.81 12.40 84.37
Figure RE11-5: The reduction of environmental impact as the main aim of efficient energy use, Slovenia, 2020

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2020

Show data
Reduce environmental impact[%]
Public administration organisations (2020) 14.32
Public administration organisations (2013) 7.40
Office-based companies (2020) 12.53
Office-based companies (2013) 9.30
All surveyed organisations (2020) 13.44
All surveyed organisations (2013) 9.86
Figure RE11-6: The share of public administration organisations and office-based companies, which believe they are well familiar with the environmental impact of their business premises (by statistical regions), Slovenia, 2020

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2020


Due to the small sample size the information for specific regions have been merged. The merged regions in the attached regions map are separated by a dotted line. 

Show data
Drava, Mura [%] Carinthia, Savinja, Central Sava[%] Southeast Slovenia,Lower Sava[%] Central Slovenia [%] Upper Carniola[%] Littoral-Inner Carniola, Coastal-Karst, Gorizia[%]
Merged region 1 2 3 4 5 6
Public administration organisations 81 48 69 52 75 69
Office-based companies 71 77 87 69 83 76


Date of data source summarization

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