Key message

Slovenians are big meat lovers. Data for 2021 show that we eat a lot of meat (all types of meat are included here), 89.28 kg per capita; the European average is 69.3 kg. We are also big consumers of eggs, with which we are almost self-sufficient, while fish consumption is modest and declining. However, the amount of food waste should not be neglected. A resident of Slovenia threw away an average of 68 kg of food in 2021, more every year, and most food waste is generated in households.

By far the world's largest consumers of meat are in North America. And meat consumption per capita is increasing in many EU countries.

Globally, livestock farming is the second largest source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The IPCC therefore calls for a change not only in agricultural practices, but also in our dietary habits.


Figure PG13-1: Consumption of meat per capita

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (23. 6. 2022)

Show data
All meat[kg] Meat of cattle[kg] Meat of pigs[kg] Sheep and goat meat[kg] Meat of horses[kg] Poultry meat[kg] Other meat[kg] Offal[kg]
2000 88.51 20.55 38.12 0.59 0.30 24.76 0.28 3.92
2001 93.04 20.23 41.29 0.71 0.35 26.05 0.31 4.11
2003 99.17 23.55 42.43 0.90 0.25 24.90 0.27 6.88
2010 93.70 19.94 41.55 1.01 0.20 27.72 0.38 2.90
2011 89.53 19.82 39.55 0.93 0.19 26.22 0.24 2.58
2013 82.24 18.57 35.54 0.82 0.15 24.76 0.26 2.13
2014 84.99 18.06 36.82 0.90 0.17 26.99 0.31 1.75
2015 88.32 18.99 37.02 0.95 0.16 28.88 0.38 1.95
2018 92.60 19.97 37.45 0.95 0.12 31.39 0.48 2.24
2019 90.77 20.11 36.54 0.88 0.13 30.63 0.57 1.92
2020 87.93 19.64 32.73 0.57 0.12 31.53 0.30 2.74
2021 89.28 20.63 32.78 0.91 0.11 30.97 0.42 3.46
Figure PG13-2: Egg consumtion and consumption balance (the self-sufficiency % is shown in the table)

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (23. 6. 2022)

Show data
Self-sufficiency rate[ (%)] Consumption per capita[(kg)]
2000 95 10.81
2003 104 6.85
2005 94 6.51
2006 97 7.03
2009 93 10.23
2011 96 10.12
2012 92 9.08
2016 95 10.67
2017 90 11.52
2018 96 10.85
2020 95 10.38
2021 97 10.80
Figure PG13-3: Quantity of fish consumed per household member

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (23. 6. 2022)

Show data
Fish (fresh and frozen)[kg]
2000 2
2002 2.10
2004 1.90
2005 1.80
2006 1.60
2009 1.40
2010 1.60
2012 1.50
2015 1.70
2018 1.10
Figure PG13-4: Food waste generation by source

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia ( 17. junij 2019)

Show data
The resulting waste food - TOTAL[tons] ... originated in food production (including primary) [tons] ... created in the distribution and trade of food [tons] ... originated in catering and food serving [tons] ... generated in households [tons]
2013 118450 7950 9165 38313 63023
2014 125102 9516 9478 41348 64761
2015 133898 10001 12933 44824 66141
2016 137638 10726 14492 43899 68521
2017 131761 10485 13115 40568 67594
2018 139856 10839 13763 42071 73182
2019 140804 12118 14447 44388 69850
2020 143570 10850 15290 42666 74764
2021 143254 13499 14465 39923 75368
Figure PG13-5: Per capita meat consumption forecast in European countries

Statista, a leading provider of market and consumer data, Hamburg (October 6, 2022)

Figure PG13-6: Global meat consumption per capita: Continued rise of poultry, pigmeat and fall of beef

OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2022-2031 (October 6, 2022)


Date of data source summarization