Key message

In the last decade (2012–2021), on average around 135,000 tons of hazardous waste was generated annually in Slovenia. This waste accounted for 1% to 3% of all generated waste in Slovenia. Since they contain substances harmful to the environment and health, they must be collected, recovered or disposed of separately from other waste.

In the last decade (2012–2021) each resident of Slovenia annually discards on average around 3.5 kg of hazardous municipal waste, of which the majority in waste electrical and electronic equipment (63%).

Due to insufficient domestic capacities for final treatment and the need for special treatment technologies, in the last decade (2012–2021), on average 61,400 tons of hazardous waste was exported for final treatment processes, mainly to EU countries.

The indicator shows the quantity of generated hazardous waste and the manners of treatment of hazardous waste.

Hazardous waste has one or more hazardous characteristics which are harmful to health and/or the environment (e.g. flammability, irritancy, toxicity, mutagenicity, oxidizing properties, infectivity, etc.). Mandatory management of hazardous waste is specified in the Decree on waste management (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 34/08). The Annex to the Decree contains a list of hazardous waste including the list of properties due to which such waste is classified as hazardous.

Hazardous waste is generated by two main sources:

- manufacturing and service activities where hazardous waste must be handed over and waste generators are responsible for correct classification and marking of waste;

- households where hazardous waste can be delivered to collection facilities operated by local public utitlity services responsible for collection and transportation of municipal waste or handed over twice a year during the collection of hazardous waste from households. Generators from households can also hand over certain types of hazardous waste to distributors (small portable batteries, car batteries, electric or electronic equipment, etc.).


Figure OD03-1: Hazardous waste generated, Slovenia

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (administrative source: Slovenian Environment Agency) (2022)

Show data
Hazardous waste - TOTAL[1000 t] Hazardous municipal waste[1000 t] Hazardous non municipal waste[1000 t]
2012 120.79 5.04 115.75
2013 119.10 5.16 113.94
2014 146.88 6.79 140.09
2015 145.58 7.90 137.68
2016 119.91 6.80 113.10
2017 132.74 6.68 126.06
2018 139.73 6.67 133.06
2019 145.69 7.75 137.94
2020 138.30 7.38 130.92
2021 140.10 7.55 132.55
Figure OD03-2: Types of hazardous waste generated, Slovenia

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (administrative source: Slovenian Environment Agency) (2022)

Show data
Other hazardous waste[%] Other hazardous waste[t] Construciton and demolition waste (incl. excavated soils)[%] Construciton and demolition waste (incl. excavated soils)[t] Oil waste (except edible oils)[%] Oil waste (except edible oils)[t] Waste from waste management facilities and off-site waste water treatment plants[%] Waste from waste management facilities and off-site waste water treatment plants[t] Slag, bottom ash and waste from flue-gas treatment[%] Slag, bottom ash and waste from flue-gas treatment[t] Waste machinery, end-of-life vehicles and WEEE (incl. batteries and accumulators)[%] Waste machinery, end-of-life vehicles and WEEE (incl. batteries and accumulators)[t] Waste solvents[%] Waste solvents[t] Waste chemical substances[%] Waste chemical substances[t] Hazardous waste - TOTAL[t]
2012 7.36 8890.46 4.16 5024.11 9.34 11279.50 26.82 32393.78 8.79 10621.87 6.15 7433.18 15.88 19175.24 21.50 25968.62 120787
2013 1.92 2292.28 1.94 2316.26 9.11 10848.58 25.62 30517.74 12.62 15029.07 9.99 11893.58 16.45 19590.27 22.34 26609.35 119097
2014 1.46 2138.96 13.23 19435.38 8.46 12432.56 23.05 33852.76 11.88 17453.89 6.92 10166.74 14.52 21329.91 20.47 30071.80 146882
2015 1.29 1879.81 8.23 11980.80 8.60 12520.03 23.32 33949.75 13.05 18994.71 7.90 11504.55 15.77 22957.68 21.84 31791.79 145579
2016 1.53 1831.65 9.43 11306.11 10.28 12324.70 2.66 3186.25 15.22 18244.08 17.62 21129.72 16.58 19876.76 26.69 32006.78 119906
2017 1.47 1946.03 8.41 11156.51 8.90 11819.17 5.37 7132.41 16.03 21283.71 19.58 25987.61 15.88 21076.89 24.36 32333.22 132736
2018 1.32 1850.30 8.06 11260.34 10.26 14334.74 7.16 10010.64 15.29 21359.62 19.49 27233.51 12.30 17191.28 26.12 36491.23 139732
2019 1.29 1880.90 8.92 12997.05 8.97 13064.34 4.20 6121.40 13.53 19706.19 21.62 31504.36 13.58 19785.24 27.89 40630.43 145690
2020 1.92 2655.82 7.41 10249.52 8.53 11796.98 4.05 5604.42 17.00 23513.84 19.95 27596.49 14.89 20588.10 26.24 36290.79 138296
2021 2.06 2886.78 11.09 15543.36 9.14 12809.81 3.33 4670.52 13.72 19223.89 17.29 24226.47 15.31 21445.16 28.05 39291.01 140097
Figure OD03-3: Import and export of hazardous waste

SI-STAT (2022)

Show data
Import of hazardous waste into Slovenia[t] Export of hazardous waste from Slovenia[t]
2012 34362 54657
2013 32264 49814
2014 38156 57504
2015 40082 54882
2016 34974 55007
2017 34517 58265
2018 34533 58789
2019 35061 84047
2020 31082 73022
2021 26883 67679
Figure OD03-4: Structure of imports of hazardous waste into the Slovenia, 2021

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (administrative source: Slovenian Environment Agency) (2022)

Show data
Lead batteries and accumulators[t] Hazardous waste from waste management facilities[t] Acids[t] Slag[t]
2021 24504.92 1377.72 590.41 409.92
Figure OD03-5: Structure of exports of hazardous waste from Slovenia, 2021

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (administrative source: Slovenian Environment Agency) (2022)

Show data
Hazardous waste from waste management facilities[t] Hazardous waste from facilities for waste management[t] WEEE (incl. batteries and accumulators)[t] Waste solvents[t] Oil waste[t] Other hazardous waste[t]
2021 42200.18 14516.80 4020.12 2801.17 2446.80 1693.67
Figure OD03-7: Hazardous waste management, Slovenia, 2021

SI-STAT (2022)

Show data
Export[t] Recycling Other waste management (storage, pre-processing, etc.)[t] Disposal on landfills[t] Inicineration[t] Energy recovery[t]
2021 67679 44091.75 43592.60 11204.39 5527.15 2594.90
Figure OD03-8: Share of generated hazardous waste among all generated waste in EU member states, 2020

Eurostat (2023)


Figures for Ireland refer to 2018.




Date of data source summarization

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