Key message

The analysis of results of the Energy Efficiency Survey of Slovenia for the public and service sector (REUS JSS 2020) indicates that less than a tenth of organisations from the public sector and less than a fifth of office-based companies from the service sector (e.g. banks, post offices and other administrative and office premises) believe that energy consumption in their business premises is either low or very low.

Over the period from 2013 to 2020 we can notice a positive trend regarding the awareness of organisation about energy consumption in their business premises. The share of organisations, which believe that they are well-informed on the possibilities of energy savings in their business premises, and which invest a lot in measures to reduce energy consumption, has statistically significantly increased both in the public as well as service sector. Among the office-based companies, the share of organisations that strive for maximum energy efficient operation, has also increased.  


Figure RE09-1: Opinion of organisations on energy consumption in their business premises, Slovenia, 2020

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2020

Show data
(very) low[%] moderate[%] (very) high[%]
All surveyed organisations (2013) 13 57 30
All surveyed organisations (2020) 13 57 27
Office-based companies (2013) 14 60 24
Office-based companies (2020) 17.38 60 20
Public administration organisations (2013) 7 58 34
Public administration organisations (2020) 9 55 35.61
Figure RE09-2: Agreement of organisations with the statement that they are well-informed on the possibilities of energy savings in their business premises, Slovenia, 2020

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2020

Show data
Completely disagree [%] Disagree [%] Neither agree, nor disagree [%] Agree [%] Completely agree [%]
All surveyed organisations (2013) 3 8 24 47 17
All surveyed organisations (2020) 1 4 19 48 26
Office-based companies (2013) 3 11 25 46 14
Office-based companies (2020) 1 2 20 40 35
Public administration organisations (2013) 0 4 25 52 16
Public administration organisations (2020) 0 5 18 52 23.91
Figure RE09-3: Agreement of organisations with the statement that they strive for as energy efficient operation as possible every day, Slovenia, 2020

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2020

Show data
Completely disagree[%] Disagree[%] Neither agree, nor disagree Agree[%] Completely agree[%]
All surveyed organisations (2013) 1 5 11 50 33
All surveyed organisations (2020) 1 1 10 57 30
Office-based companies (2013) 2 7 16 52 22
Office-based companies (2020) 2 1 8 56 31
Public administration organisations (2013) 0 2 12 53 34
Public administration organisations (2020) 1 2 12 63 22.40
Figure RE09-4: Agreement of organisations with the statement that they invest a lot in measures to reduce energy consumption in their business premises, Slovenia, 2020

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2020

Show data
Completely disagree[%] Disagree[%] Neither agree, nor disagree[%] Agree[%] Completely agree[%]
All surveyed organisations (2013) 3 12 26 42 17
All surveyed organisations (2020) 2 4 24 48 21
Office-based companies (2013) 3 22 25 39 10
Office-based companies (2020) 2 8 22 44 23
Public administration organisations (2013) 3 10 41 33 12
Public administration organisations (2020) 0 6 27 54 12.70
Figure RE09-5: Opinion of organisations on energy wasting habits in their business premises, Slovenia, 2020

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2020

Show data
There are no energy wasting habits in our company[%] The electric devices are mostly left switched on, even when we do not use them[%] We usually do not turn the lights off, even if there is no one in the room[%] We maintain the temperature within our premises, which allow us to wear shirts only during the heating season[%] Excessive use of personal vehicles[%]
Public administration organisations (2020) 22.37 35.63 32.58 21.66 10.40
Office-based companies (2020) 32.32 46.25 26.66 19.93 13.26
All surveyed organisations (2020) 26.65 47.37 28.57 18.86 13.10
Figure RE09-6: The share of public administration organisations and public office-based companies, which believe that they are well-informed on the possibilities of energy savings in their business premises (by statistical regions), Slovenia, 2020

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2020


Due to the small sample size the information for specific regions have been merged. The merged regions in the attached regions map are separated by a dotted line. 

Show data
Merged region[%] Public administration organisations[%] Office-based companies[%]
Drava, Mura 1 73 86
Carinthia, Savinja, Central Sava 2 67 77
Southeast Slovenia,Lower Sava 3 81 93
Central Slovenia 4 67 69
Upper Carniola 5 88 83
Littoral-Inner Carniola, Coastal-Karst, Gorizia 6 88 60


Date of data source summarization

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