Key message

Area included in the implementation of agri-environment measures is on the increase. In 2004, these measures affected 278,010 ha (gross) or 177,682 ha (net) of agricultural land, while in 1999, their extent was only 2,948 ha. The share of land under agri-environmental support in the total utilised agricultural area increased from 1 % in 1999 to 36 % in 2004. In 2004, the most important type of agri-environmental schemes in terms of area covered were those specifically targeted at landscape and biodiversity enhancement (68 %). This type of measure belongs to the group of the so-called broad brush or light green measures which tend to include a large number of holdings and cover wide area, and are less demanding.

The indicator presents agricultural area included in the implementation of the agri-environmental measures in total and by types of measures. The relative aggregate indicator is the share of agricultural land under these measures in the total utilised agricultural area. This indicator does not provide direct information on the environmental efficiency of the measures; rather, it indicates the response of agricultural holdings to the agricultural policy supporting environmentally friendly methods of production.
Data on the area enrolled in agri-environmental measures refer to approved applications for direct payments for the implementation of individual environmental measure in accordance with the annual decree on the implementation of the agricultural policy. The total area included in the agri-environmental programmes was calculated as sum of areas with individual measure (excluding animal-based measures). As a number of different agri-environmental measures can be implemented on the same area, the basic information is represented by gross area. Where possible, the information on net area (without double counting the area on which more than one measure is implemented) is used for the calculation of the relative indicator (share of area under agri-environmental measures in the total utilised agricultural area).This is comparable with the definition used to calculate this indicator for the majority of the EU-15 counties.


Figure KM03-1: Share of utilised agricultural area enrolled in agri-environmental measures in Slovenia and EU-15

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food of the Republic of Slovenia, 1999-2004; Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia; IRENA Indicator Fact Sheet: IRENA 1 – Area under agri-environment support.

Show data
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Gross UAA under agri-environmental measures ha 2948 6299 90486 111753 134174 235254 273592 271315 328364
Net UAA under agri-environmental measures ha 2948 6299 90486 np np 177682 203648 np np
Organic farming ha 355 3010 8330 11762 16275 15478 20477 23190 26496
Input reduction, crop rotation, extensification ha 2593 3289 7957 12975 15799 68529 99375 104681 133727
Protection against erosion in orchards and vineyards ha - - - - - 304 282 214 151
Crop rotation stabilisation ha - - 328 1539 1794 6961 12988 12286 17623
Greening of arable land ha - - - 2722 4245 25826 40952 44881 60152
Permanent green cover in groundwater protected areas ha - - - - 7 463 1199 947 1084
Integrated arable crop production ha - - - - - 24343 31692 34608 41565
Integrated fruit production ha 2416 2955 3074 2812 3221 3180 3406 3155 3540
Integrated vine production ha - - 4107 5334 5875 6563 7922 7594 8636
Integrated horticulture ha 177 334 448 568 657 889 930 990 976
Grassing and green fallow ha - - - - - - 4 6 -
Lanscape and biodiversity enhancement ha - - 74199 87016 102100 146688 147805 138149 162260
Revitalisation of agricultural land ha - - 487 145 31 - - - -
Mauntain pastures ha - - 9744 9263 7290 8857 7989 6226 6496
Steep slopes mowing ha - - - - - 25466 23477 21079 25267
Humpy meadows mowing ha - - - - - 23 35 12 26
Meadow orchards ha - - 344 472 519 692 677 600 879
Sustainable animal breeding ha - - 63624 66753 75602 83515 93416 89450 104975
Restructuring of animal husbandry in the central areas of appearance of large cornivores ha - - - 10383 14485 13010 8033 7987 9204
Extensive grassland maintanance ha - - - - 4173 14954 13632 12155 14369
Preservation of special grassland habitats ha - - - - - 171 546 640 602
Bird conservation in humid extensive meadows in Natura 2000 sites ha - - - - - - - - 308
Preservation of litter meadows ha - - - - - - - - 21
Preservation of grassland habitats of butterflies ha - - - - - - - - 113
Other ha - - - - - 4559 5935 5295 5881
Production of traditional and regionally rare agricultural plants ha - - - - - 4559 5935 5295 5881
Share of UAA under agri-environmental measures (net) % 0.6 1.2 17.8 np np 36.2 40 np np
Utilised agricultural area (UAA), total ha 498591 508960 509624 505462 509709 490518 508758.5 490341 498577
Figure KM03-2: Breakdown of area under agri-environmental schemes by type of measure in Slovenia and EU-15

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food of the Republic of Slovenia, 1999-2004; IRENA Indicator Fact Sheet: IRENA 1 – Area under agri-environment support.

Show data
Luxembourg Finland Sweden Austria Slovenia France Ireland Germany Portugal Italy
2002 % 100 99 86 82 31 29 25 18 17
2005 % 40
United Kingdom Belgium Denmark Spain Greece Netherlands
2002 % 16 12 11 9 3 3
2005 %


The objective of the agri-environmental measures is to use different types of support to promote the preservation or transition to environmentally friendlier methods of production which contribute to improved quality of soil and water, preservation of soil fertility, biodiversity and traditional rural landscape, and thus to the protection of enivironment and sustainable use of natural resources. The programme documents do not contain quantified targets; every increase of area under agri-environmental measures, thus, can be considered as being in accordance with the goal.

The agricultural policy began implementing the first measures for the support of environmentally friendly methods of farming in 1999. On a larger scale, the implementation continued after the adoption of the Slovenian Agri-Environmental Programme in 2001 (Official Gazette RS No. 34/01). In the first year (2001) there were ten pilot measures; in the next few years, their number continued to grow and increased to 21 in 2004. Farmers are included in the programme on a voluntary basis and implement the measures on the entire holding or on part of it. By signing a special contract, they commit themselves to farm in accordance with the conditions prescribed for individual measure, which go beyond usual principles of good farming practice for at least the minimum specified period (five years as a rule). With the inclusion in the agri-environmental programme, they are entitled to receive area-based (or animal-based in some cases) payments to cover additional costs or compensate for the loss of income due to the more demanding farming methods. After Slovenia’s entrance in the EU, support in the scope of the Agri-Environmental Programme has become part of the Rural Development Programme 2004–2006 (Official Gazette RS No. 116/04).

Since 1999, area under agri-environmental measures has been increasing steadily. In 1999, the measures were implemented on 2,948 ha, in 2001 on 90,486 ha, and in 2004 on 278,010 ha (net 177.682 ha). The area increased due to the rising number of measures and the growing response to individual measures. The share of area under agri-environmental payments (net) in the total utilised agricultural area rose from 1 % in 1999 to 36 % in 2004.

In 2004, 68 % of agricultural land under agri-environmental measures were intended for the implementation of the measures designed to contribute to the conservation of the cultural landscape and biodiversity (189,899 ha). Measures reducing the consumption of inputs or contributing to improvements of soil quality and indirectly to water quality covered 24 % (68,102 ha), and organic farming as the most demanding form of agri-environmental measures covered 6 % (15,450 ha). Measures for the protection or preservation of endangered plant species were implemented on the remaining land.

In 2002, agri-environmental measures were implemented on 24 % of total utilised agricultural area in the EU-15. The majority of the measures were targeted at the reduction of inputs and extensification (40 %), followed by measures for biodiversity and landscape enhancement (30 %), other measures (22 %), and organic farming (7 %).


Data for Slovenia
The data are taken from annual reports of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food on the state of agriculture, food production and forestry in individual years (source: Report on the State of Agriculture, Food Production and Forestry; 1999 to 2003; MAFF). The basic sources are data on direct payments in agriculture, kept by the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Agricultural Markets and Rural Development (AAMRD). These are data on approved applications for individual measures or granted direct payments by measures. For the first few years of the implementation of the Slovenian Agri-Environmental Programme (SAEP) (2001–2003), which enabled combinations of certain measures on the same area, only data on gross total area under agri-environmental measures is available. Consolidated data, without double counting (net area), are only available for the last year (2004) and for 1999 and 2000, when only one measure could be implemented on the same area. For 2004 the sources of data for the calculation of indicators is the annual report of the MAFF on the implementation of the Rural Development Programme (Report on the Implementation of Measures of the Rural Development Programme for the Republic of Slovenia 2004-2006 for 2004, Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and Food; 2005). A constituent part of such reports is a common set of data on the area under agri-environmental contracts in total and by type of measure providing comparable information for all EU member states.
The source of data on the total utilised agricultural area (UAA) is the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SORS).
All data are updated on an annual basis.
Data for Europe
– Name of original database: IRENA Indicator Fact Sheet; IRENA 01: Area under agri-environmental support; ;
– Trustee institution: EEA/IRENA with DG AGRI.
Original data were acquired on the basis of the Common indicators for monitoring of the Rural Development Programmes (Council Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999). Data refer to area for which contracts on the implementation of individual agri-environmental measure were concluded. They are updated on a yearly basis, but with considerable delay.