The indicator shows the quantity of packaging waste generated per capita, decoupling of the quantity of produced packaging from the GDP, the quantity of produced and recovered packaging waste by material and the shares of recovered and recycled packaging waste relative to the set objectives.

Packaging is defined as products made of any type of material intended to cover or hold goods (raw materials or final products) for the purpose of storage or protection, handling, delivery or presentation on the route from the packaging facility to the end user (Decree on the management of packaging and packaging waste, Official Gazette of the RS, nos. 84/2006, 106/06 and 110/2007). In addition, all products and items listed in Article 3 of this Decree also constitute packaging.


Figure OD13-1: Generation of packaging waste per capita in Slovenia and EU

Analysis of annual reports on waste management in 2005; Waste Management Database, Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, 2008

Show data
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Slovenia kg per capita 79 89 91 81 84 102
EU 15 kg per capita 172 176 174 197
EU 25 kg per capita 168
Figure OD13-2: Trend in total quantity of packaging waste production and GDP

Analysis of annual reports on waste management in 2005; Waste Management Database, Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, 2006

Show data
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
packaging waste t 157481 177547 182000 161507 168630
GDP mio EUR 22099 23673 24876 26257 27626
packaging waste index (2001=100) 100 113 116 103 107
GDP index (2001=100) 100 107 113 119 125
Figure OD13-3: Quantity of produced and recovered waste by material

Analysis of annual reports on waste management in 2005; Waste Management Database, Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, 2008

Show data
2001 - produced 2001 - recovered 2002 - produced 2002 - recovered 2003 - produced 2003 - recovered 2004 - produced 2004 - recovered 2005 - produced 2005 - recovered
glass t 24118 np 21842 np 22823 np 26228 4694 25650 10405
plastics t 29883 3026 31463 4529 32598 2517 32345 8305 33940 11507
paper and paperboard t 45891 np 57575 np 52120 np 52202 39880 56030 43339
metals t 13329 np 13769 np 14506 np 13798 3315 13120 4633
wood t 36510 np 44972 np 34393 np 28520 13416 31590 9728
other t 385 np 642 np 864 np 8414 214 8300 66
total t 157480 12252 177547 21396 164390 21445 161507 69824 168630 79678
2006 - produced 2006 - recovered
glass t 31259 11902
plastics t 47348 18304
paper and paperboard t 70416 46760
metals t 18077 3443
wood t 36182 14204
other t 899 79
total t 204181 94692
Figure OD13-4: Share of recovered packaging waste and target share

Analysis of annual reports on waste management in 2005; Waste Management Database, Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, 2008

Show data
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 target - 2007 target - 2012
glass % np np np 18 41 38.1 15 60
plastics % 10 14 8 26 34 38.7 15 22.5
paper and paperboard % np np np 77 77 66.4 15 60
metals % np np np 24 35 19 15 50
wood % np np np 47 31 39.3 15 15
total (specified materials) % np np np 45 50 46.3 25 np
total (all packaging waste) % 8 12 13 43 47 46.4 50 60
Figure OD13-5: Share of recycled packaging waste

Analysis of annual reports on waste management in 2005; Waste Management Database, Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, 2008.

Show data
2004 2005 2006 target - 2012
glass % 18 41 38 60
plastics % 19 34 39 22.5
paper and paperboard % 76 77 66 60
metals % 24 35 19 50
wood % 5 21 5 15
other % 2 1 9 np
total (all packaging waste) % 34 45 40 55-80


- to ensure the recovery of packaging waste, including energy recovery, for a minimum of 60 % of the total weight of packaging waste; to recycle between 55 % and 80 % of the total weight of packaging waste; to ensure the following recycling shares for individual types of packaging materials included in the total weight of packaging waste: 60 % of weight for glass, 60 % of weight for paper and cardboard,
50 % of weight for metals, 22.5 % of weight for plastic (only material which is recycled back into plastic is included), 15 % of weight for wood (Decree on the management of packaging and packaging waste, 2006).
- to recover 50 % of the total weight of packaging waste by the end of 2007, 25 % of which should be the total weight of the following materials: paper and cardboard, plastic, wood, metal, glass, while recovering 15 % of the weight of each individual material; to recover 60 % of the total weight by the end of 2012; to recycle 55 – 80 % of the weight, including 60 % of glass, 60 % of paper and cardboard,
50 % of metals, 22.5 % of plastic (only material which is recycled back into plastic is included) and 15 % of wood (Resolution on National Environmental Action Plan 2005-2012).

Annual quantities of packaging waste amount to 16-20,000 tonnes. In 2005, Slovenia generated 204,181 tonnes of packaging waste, i.e. 102 kg per capita. Waste packaging includes all packaging entering the Slovenian market along with goods, service packaging and disposable packaging entering the Slovenian market as well as packaging imported by end users. It is stipulated that all the packaging entering the market becomes packaging waste in the same year. In 2006, we produced 70,416 tonnes of paper and cardboard, 47,348 tonnes of plastic, 36,182 tonnes of wood, 31,259 tonnes of glass, 18,077 tonnes of metals and 899 tonnes of other packaging material.

Up to 2003, the quantities of waste packaging rose parallel to the GDP; from 2003 onwards, however, Slovenia has been inching closer to the desired decoupling of packaging waste growth from GDP growth.

In 2006, packaging waste was managed by two companies, SLOPAK and INTERSEROH. The companies collected approximately 160,000 tonnes of packaging waste from households, production and service activities. In accordance with the 2001 Order on the management of separately collected fractions in the public service of urban waste management, collection centres have been gradually set up for household packaging waste based on the number of inhabitants in each municipality. Household packaging waste is collected by a local public service responsible for municipal waste and transported to the waste management company, where it is further handled as necessary.

In 2006, 46 % of the total weight of packaging waste was recovered, thus approaching the objective for 2007 which anticipated 50 % recovery. Paper, cardboard, plastic, wood, metals and glass reached 46% recovery, thereby exceeding the 2007 objective of 25 % recovery. In addition, objectives set for 2007 were exceeded for individual materials such as plastic, paper and cardboard, metals, glass and wood.

Recycling was carried out for 40 % of packaging waste in 2006, nearing the 2012 objective of 55-80 % recycling. Objectives for individual materials were exceeded in plastic as well as paper and cardboard.
39 % of plastic and 66 % of paper and cardboard was recycled. Glass recycling amounted to 38% (the 2012 objective is set at 60 %), metals to 19 % (2012 objective: 50 %) and wood to 15 % (2012 objective: 15 %).

According to an assessment by the European Environment Agency published in 2008, EU countries have noted an increase in the quantities of packaging entering the market. The increase breaches the Directive on packaging and packaging waste, which defines the reduction of packaging waste as one of its objectives. However, we have achieved and exceeded the objective of 25 % recycling of packaging waste by 2001. Furthermore, we are successfully approaching the 55 % objective for 2008, as in 2004 we recycled 54 % of all packaging waste. In 2004, 25 EU countries produced on average 168 kg of packaging waste per capita, while the collected quantities vary significantly, ranging between 69 kg per capita in Lithuania and Slovakia, 205 kg per capita in Ireland and 209 per capita in Italy. The discrepancy may be attributed to the differences in methodology.


Analysis of annual reports on waste management in 2005; Waste Management Database, Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, 2008.

List of used sources
EEA, 2008; Generation and recycling of packaging waste (CSI 017)