Of all new-born deaths in Europe by 12.9% die from respiratory diseases. Data for Slovenia show that due to respiratory disease in 2013, died on average 8.7% of all new-born deaths, aged 28-364 days (National Institute of Public Health, 2014). Studies have shown a very complicated link between level of air pollution and infant mortality due to respiratory diseases, mainly due to various external factors (allergens, cigarette smoke, diet, lifestyle, etc.).
NIJZ, 2003-2014; SURS, 2003-2014
NIJZ, 2003-2014; SURS, 2003-2014
ENHIS, 2015.
Peter Otorepec, dr. med., Katarina Bitenc, univ. dipl. soc, Simona Perčič, dr. med., National Institute of Public Health;