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Environmental atlas
EIONET in Slovenia
Environmental indicators
IED devices
Endangered species
Themes and sets
Okoljski trendi
For Media
Climate change
Climate change adaptation
[PP01] Ekonomska škoda zaradi podnebnih sprememb
[PP04] Temperatura
[PP05] Triglavski ledenik
[PP06] Dolžina letne rastne dobe
[PP07] Ekstremni temperaturni dogodki
[PP09] Padavine
[PP10] Ekstremni padavinski dogodki
[PP11] Heating and cooling degree days
[PP12] Hidrološka suša površinskih vod
[PP13] Hidrološka suša podzemnih voda
[PP14] Kmetijske suše
[PP15] Suša v tleh
[PP16] Požari v naravnem okolju
[GZ04] Forest area
[RE03] Ozaveščenost prebivalstva o vplivih podnebnih sprememb
[RE04] Odnos prebivalstva do okolju prijaznega prometa
[VD01] Indeks izkoriščanja vode
[ZD22] Population exposure to airborne pollen/allergens
[ZD25] Reported Lyme borreliosis cases in Slovenia
[ZD29] Izpostavljenost prebivalcev ozonu
Climate change mitigation
[PB02] Poraba snovi, ki povzročajo tanjšanje ozonskega plašča
[PB03] Izpusti toplogrednih plinov
[PB08] Projekcije izpustov toplogrednih plinov
[PR09] Transport emissions of greenhouse gases
[RE01] Odnos javnosti do porabe energije v slovenskih gospodinjstvih
[RE02] Ozaveščenost prebivalstva o energetski učinkovitosti
[RE03] Ozaveščenost prebivalstva o vplivih podnebnih sprememb
[RE04] Public attitude towards sustainable transport
[RE05] Odnos prebivalstva do baterijskih električnih vozil in plug-in hibridnih vozil
[RE06] Odnos prebivalstva do porabe goriv v prometu v Sloveniji
[EN01] Energy-related greenhouse gas emissions
[EN05] Emissions intensity of public conventional thermal power (electricity and heat) production
[EN06] Emissions (CO2, SO2 and NOx) from public electricity and heat production
[EN07] Residues from combustion of coal for energy production
[EN08] Nuclear waste production
[EN09] Emissions of air pollutants from energy sources
[EN10] Final energy consumption by sector
[EN11] Total energy intensity
[EN15] Final energy consumption intensity
[EN16] Primary energy consumption by fuel
[EN18] Renewable energy sources
[EN19] Electricity production from renewable energy sources
[EN20] Energy prices
[EN21] Energy taxes
[EN22] Subsidies in the energy sector
[EN23] External costs of electricity production
[EN24] The share of renewables in final energy consumption
[EN25] Energy import dependency
[EN26] Energy losses in transformation and distribution
[EN30] Production and consumption of electricity
[EN31] Efficiency of systems of production, transport and distribution of electricity and heat
[EN32] Energy efficiency and energy use in sectors of final energy consumption
[PP12] Hydrological drought of surface waters
[PP13] Hydrological droughts of groundwater
[PP14] Agricultural droughts
[PP15] Soil drought
[PR04] Final energy consumption in transport
[RE01] Public attitude towards energy consumption
[RE02] Public Awareness on Energy Efficiency
[RE06] Public attitude toward the use of fuel in Slovenian traffic
[EN02] Ozone precursors (for updated data see indicator EN09)
[EN03] Acidifying substances (for updated data see EN09)
[EN04] Particulate emissions in the energy sector (for updated data see EN09)
[EN12] Electricity consumption
[EN13] Efficiency of electricity production
[EN14] Cogeneration of electricity and heat
[EN17] Electricity production by fuel
[EN27] Energy efficiency and energy consumption in the transport sector
[EN28] Energy efficiency and energy consumption in the household sector
[EN29] Energy efficiency and energy consumption in the industry sector
Handling with energy
[RE01] Public attitude towards energy consumption
[RE02] Public Awareness on Energy Efficiency
[RE03] Public awareness on climate change impacts
[RE04] Public attitude towards sustainable transport
[RE05] Public attitude towards battery-powered electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids
[RE06] Public attitude toward the use of fuel in Slovenian traffic
[RE07] Public attitude on use of public transport by households
[RE08] Conditions for increasing the use of public transport by households
[RE09] Attitude of organisations from the public and service sectors towards energy consumption in public and business premises
[RE10] Awareness of the public and service sectors of the energy efficiency in their business premises
[RE11] Awareness of the public and service sector of the environmental impact of their business premises
[RE12] Public opinion on integrating different forms of transportation
Human health and ecosystem resilience
[ZD01] Infant mortality due to respiratory diseases
[ZD02] Asthma and allergic diseases in children
[ZD03] Population exposure to PM₁₀ concentrations in ambient air
[ZD04] Outbreaks of waterborne diseases (epidemics)
[ZD05] Access to safe drinking water
[ZD07] Biomonitoring of air pollution using epiphytic lichens
[ZD08] Exposure of roe deer to heavy metals (lead and cadmium) and fluorides
[ZD09] Critical loads and exceedances of sulfur and nitrogen for ecosystems
[ZD10] Biomonitoring of deposition of metals and nitrogen
[ZD12] Incidence of childhood leukaemia
[ZD13] The incidence of melanoma in adults
[ZD14] Exposure of children to road traffic noise in the Municipality of Ljubljana
[ZD15] Dietary intake of certain metals
[ZD16] Dioxins in human milk
[ZD17] Levels of lead in children's blood in the Upper Meža Valley
[ZD18] Mortality due to respiratory diseases
[ZD19] Foodborne disease outbreaks
[ZD20] Heat waves and daily number of deaths
[ZD21] Incidence of foodborne diseases
[ZD22] Population exposure to airborne pollen/allergens
[ZD23] Exposure of children to road traffic noise in the Municipality of Nova Gorica
[ZD24] Proportion of resident population living in a flood plain
[ZD25] Reported cases of lyme borreliosis and tick-borne meningoencephalitis in Slovenia
[ZD26] Life expectancy at birth
[ZD27] Exposure to road traffic noise in the Municipality of Maribor
[ZD28] Persistent organic pollutants in food - dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs (dlPCBs) in fish and other seafood
[ZD29] Population exposure to ozone
[ZD30] Exposure to ultra-fine particles (nanoparticles) in ambient air
[ZD31] Health impacts of exposure to fine particulate matter PM2.5
[ZD32] Incidence of malignant mesothelioma and mortality
[ZD33] Arsenic exposure and health risk assessment for adult population
[ZD34] Lead exposure and health risk assessment for adult population
[ZR19] Health costs of air pollution in European cities and the linkage with transport
[PR01] Volume and structure of passenger transport
[PR02] Volume and structure of freight transport
[PR03] Investments in transport Infrastructure
[PR04] Final energy consumption in transport
[PR05] External costs of transport
[PR06] Public awareness about the effects of transport on the environment
[PR07] Impacts of transport on air quality in urban areas
[PR08] Emissions of air pollutants from transport
[PR09] Transport emissions of greenhouse gases
[PR10] Transport accident fatalities
[PR11] Passenger car ownership
[PR12] Age of vehicle fleet
[PR13] Introduction of alternative fuels in transport
[PR14] Expenditure on personal mobility
[PR15] Progress in charge levels
[PR16] Road transport fuel prices
[PR17] Quality of transport fuels
[PR19] Municipal and regional sustainable urban mobility plans in Slovenia
[PR20] Energy efficiency and specific emissions of CO
from transport
[PR21] Introducing new technologies in transport
[PR22] Number of electric vehicles
[PR23] Daily Passenger Mobility
[PR24] European mobility week
[PR25] Greenhouse gas emission intensity of fuels and energy in road transport
[HR01] Exposure to traffic noise
[HR02] Exposure to road traffic noise outside urban areas
[HR03] Exposure to noise from rail traffic outside urban areas
[OD15] End-of-life tyres
[RE04] Public attitude towards sustainable transport
[RE05] Public attitude towards battery-powered electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids
[RE06] Public attitude toward the use of fuel in Slovenian traffic
[RE12] Public opinion on integrating different forms of transportation
[PR18] Exposure to traffic noise
[KM01] Use of plant protection products
[KM02] Consumption of mineral fertilisers
[KM03] Areas of land with agri–environmental measures
[KM04] Intensity of agriculture
[KM05] Share of Agricultural Land with High Natural Value
[KM06] Nature areas under protection and agriculture
[KM07] Farmers' training levels
[KM08] Areas of land with organic farming
[KM09] Energy use in agriculture
[KM10] Land use change and agriculture
[KM11] Production methods on agricultural holdings
[KM12] Specialisation and diversification of agriculture
[KM13] Emissions of Ammonia in Agricuture
[KM14] Emissions of Methane and Nitrous oxide
[KM15] Genetic diversity - agriculture plants
[KM16] Genetic diversity - domestic animals
[KM17] Soil quality
[KM21] Irrigation of agricultural land
[KM22] The Nitrogen Budget in Agriculture
[KM24] Production of renewable energy from agriculture
[KM25] The Phosphorous Budget in Agriculture
[KM26] Plant nutrient content in agricultural topsoils
[KM27] Agricultural area - Arable land per capita
[KM28] Agricultural production
[KM29] Food self-sufficiency
[KM31] Structure of food imports
[KM32] Market prices of agricultural products
[KM33] Coverage of food imports by food exports
[KM34] The Concentration of Agricultural Production
[KM35] Soil water erosion
[KM36] Soil organic carbon stocks
[PP12] Hydrological drought of surface waters
[PP13] Hydrological droughts of groundwater
[PP14] Agricultural droughts
[PP15] Soil drought
[KM18] Nitrates in groundwater and agriculture (replaced by indicator VD05)
[KM19] Plant protection poducts and their degradation products in groundwater (replaced by indicator VD06)
[KM23] Water protection areas and agriculture (latest data available in VD16)
[GZ01] Forest decline and tree defoliation
[GZ02] Naturalness of forests
[GZ03] Growing stock, increment and fellings
[GZ04] Forest area
[GZ05] Deforestation
[GZ06] Deadwood
[PP16] Wildfires
[ZD07] Biomonitoring of air pollution using epiphytic lichens
Green economy
Circular economy
[EN07] Residues from the combustion of coal for energy production
[GZ06] Odmrla lesna biomasa
[IP01] Uvajanje sistemov za ravnanje z okoljem
[KM03] Površine zemljišč s kmetijsko-okoljskimi ukrepi
[KM05] Delež kmetijskih zemljišč z visoko naravno vrednostjo
[KM08] Površine zemljišč z ekološkim kmetovanjem
[KM09] Poraba energije v kmetijstvu
[OD03] Nevarni odpadki (spremljano do 2023)
[OD04] Čezmejni prevoz odpadkov (spremljano do 2022)
[OD06] Neposredni vnos in domača poraba snovi (spremljano do 2022)
[OD07] Waste management
[OD08] Blato iz komunalnih čistilnih naprav (spremljano do 2016)
[OD12] Waste batteries and accumulators
[OD13] Packaging waste
[OD14] Construction waste
[OD15] Izrabljene gume (spremljano do 2019)
[OD16] Izrabljena vozila (spremljano do 2016)
[OD17] Waste generated by manufacturing and service activities
[OD18] Snovna produktivnost (spremljano do 2020)
[RE01] Odnos javnosti do porabe energije v slovenskih gospodinjstvih
[RE03] Ozaveščenost prebivalstva o vplivih podnebnih sprememb
[RE04] Odnos prebivalstva do okolju prijaznega prometa
[RE05] Odnos prebivalstva do baterijskih električnih vozil in plug-in hibridnih vozil
[RE06] Odnos prebivalstva do porabe goriv v prometu v Sloveniji
[RE07] Odnos javnosti do uporabe javnega prevoza v gospodinjstvih
[TP01] Pokrovnost in raba tal
[TP02] Funkcionalno razvrednotena območja
[TP03] Pozidava
[VD01] Indeks izkoriščanja vode
[VD02] Čiščenje odpadnih voda na komunalnih in skupnih čistilnih napravah
[OD01] Komunalni odpadki (spremljano do 2014)
[OD02] Odlaganje odpadkov na odlagališča (spremljano do 2010)
[OD05] Odpadna olja (spremljano do 2009)
[OD09] Health-care waste (followed untill 2010)
[OD10] Waste edible oils and fat (followed untill 2010)
[OD11] Organski kuhinjski odpadki (spremljano do 2010)
[EN09] Emissions of air pollutants from energy sources
[EN11] Total energy intensity
[EN16] Primary energy consumption by fuel
[EN18] Renewable energy sources
[EN20] Energy prices
[EN21] Energy taxes
[EN22] Subsidies in the energy sector
[EN23] External costs of electricity production
[EN25] Energy import dependency
[EN32] Energy efficiency and energy use in sectors of final energy consumption
[GZ03] Growing stock, increment and fellings
[IP01] Environmental management systems
[KM03] Areas of land with agri–environmental measures
[KM05] Share of Agricultural Land with High Natural Value
[KM08] Areas of land with organic farming
[NB04] Subterranean biodiversity
[NB05] Plants – species richness and endangered species
[NB11] Species of European interest
[NB12] Habitats of European interest
[NB14] Farmland bird index
[OD03] Hazardous waste
[OD04] Transboundary shipments of waste
[OD06] Direct Material Input and Domestic Material Consumption
[OD07] Waste management
[OD08] Sewage sludge from urban waste water treatment plants
[OD12] Waste batteries and accumulators
[OD13] Packaging waste
[OD14] Construction waste
[OD15] End-of-life tyres
[OD16] End-of-life vehicles
[OD17] Waste generated by manufacturing and service activities
[OD18] Resource productivity
[OP01] Environmental protection taxes and other environmental pressure duties
[OP04] Attitudes of citizens towards the environment
[PB03] GHG emissions
[PR01] Volume and structure of passenger transport
[PR02] Volume and structure of freight transport
[PR07] Impacts of transport on air quality in urban areas
[PR08] Emissions of air pollutants from transport
[PR09] Transport emissions of greenhouse gases
[PR12] Age of vehicle fleet
[SE08] Ecological footprint
[TP01] Land cover and land use
[TP02] Functionally degraded areas
[TP03] Land take
[VD01] Water Exploitation Index
[VD02] Wastewater treatment
[VD05] Nitrates in groundwater
[VD06] Pesticides in groundwater
[VD07] Phosphorus in lakes
[VD08] Drinking water quality
[VD09] Inland bathing water quality
[VD11] Groundwater quality
[VD12] Chemical and ecological status of surface water bodies
[VD16] Water protection areas
[ZD03] Population exposure to PM₁₀ concentrations in ambient air
[ZD14] Exposure of children to road traffic noise in the Municipality of Ljubljana
[ZD23] Exposure of children to road traffic noise in the Municipality of Nova Gorica
[ZD27] Exposure to road traffic noise in the Municipality of Maribor
[ZR08] Concentrations of particulate matter in ambient air
[OD01] Municipal waste
[OD02] Landfilling of waste (followed untill 2010)
[OD05] Waste oils (followed untill 2009)
[OD09] Health-care waste (followed untill 2010)
[OD10] Waste edible oils and fat (followed untill 2010)
[OD11] Organic kitchen waste (followed untill 2010)
[VD04] Quality of watercourses
[ZR05] Air pollution by sulphur dioxide
[ZR06] Clone of Air pollution by nitrogen dioxide
[ZR07] Air pollution by ozone
[ZR08] Concentrations of particulate matter in ambient air
[ZR09] Emissions of substances that cause acidification and eutrophication
[ZR10] Emissions of ozone-precursors
[ZR11] Air quality
[ZR12] Emissions of heavy metals
[ZR13] Persistent organic pollutants emissions (POPs)
[ZR14] Air emission projections
[ZR15] Emissions of particulate matter
[ZR16] Sulphur content of fuels
[ZR17] Chemical composition of patricles PM
[ZR18] Effects of ozone on vegetation
[ZR19] Health costs of air pollution in European cities and the linkage with transport
[ZR20] Investments in air pollution mitigation measures
[GZ01] Forest decline and tree defoliation
[PP09] Precipitation
[PP10] Extreme precipitation
[PR07] Impacts of transport on air quality in urban areas
[PR17] Quality of transport fuels
[ZD07] Biomonitoring of air pollution using epiphytic lichens
[ZD08] Exposure of roe deer to heavy metals (lead and cadmium) and fluorides
[ZD10] Biomonitoring of deposition of metals and nitrogen
[ZD22] Population exposure to airborne pollen/allergens
[ZD29] Population exposure to ozone
[ZR01] Emissions of sulphur dioxide
[ZR02] Emissions of nitrogen oxides
[ZR04] Emissions of non-methane volatile organic compounds
[VD01] Water Exploitation Index
[VD02] Wastewater treatment
[VD03] River balance
[VD05] Nitrates in groundwater
[VD06] Pesticides in groundwater
[VD07] Phosphorus in lakes
[VD08] Drinking water quality
[VD09] Inland bathing water quality
[VD10] Nutrient and biochemical oxygen demand in rivers
[VD11] Groundwater quality
[VD12] Chemical and ecological status of surface water bodies
[VD14] Water permits
[VD15] Groundwater recharge
[VD16] Water protection areas
[VD17] Surface water and water areas
[MR08] Nutrients in the coastal waters
[PP09] Precipitation
[PP10] Extreme precipitation
[PP12] Hydrological drought of surface waters
[PP13] Hydrological droughts of groundwater
[PP14] Agricultural droughts
[PP15] Soil drought
[TP06] Land cover and land use in water protection areas
[VD04] Quality of watercourses
[VD13] Meeting water quality critera for freshwater fish (monitored until 2014)
[MR01] Accidental oil spills from marine shipping
[MR02] Sea level
[MR03] Dissolved oxygen in the bottom layer
[MR04] Chlorophyll a in coastal waters
[MR05] Bathing water quality in costal zones
[MR06] Chemical and trophic state of the sea - this indicator is no longer being updated - data is available in VD12
[MR08] Nutrients in the coastal waters
[MR07] Suitability of marine water to support marine bivalves and gastropods
Nature and biodiversity
Nature protection designated areas
[NV01] Nature areas under protection
[NV02] Zavarovana območja
[NV03] Natura 2000
[NV04] Naravne vrednote
[NB01] Population size of selected bird species
[NB02] Threatened species
[NB03] Game preservation
[NB04] Subterranean biodiversity
[NB05] Plants – species richness and endangered species
[NB06] Brown bear
[NB07] Compensation for damage caused by protected animal species
[NB09] Plants – invasive species
[NB10] Dolphins
[NB11] Species of European interest
[NB12] Habitats of European interest
[NB14] Farmland bird index
[GZ06] Deadwood
[PP12] Hydrological drought of surface waters
Waste and material flow
[OD03] Hazardous waste
[OD04] Transboundary shipments of waste
[OD06] Direct Material Input and Domestic Material Consumption
[OD07] Waste management
[OD08] Sewage sludge from urban waste water treatment plants
[OD12] Waste batteries and accumulators
[OD13] Packaging waste
[OD14] Construction waste
[OD15] End-of-life tyres
[OD16] End-of-life vehicles
[OD17] Waste generated by manufacturing and service activities
[OD18] Resource productivity
[OD20] Waste containing asbestos
[OD30] Separate collection of waste containing hazardous substances
[OD31] Sustainable models of production and consumption
[EN07] Residues from combustion of coal for energy production
[EN08] Nuclear waste production
[OD01] Municipal waste
[OD02] Landfilling of waste (followed untill 2010)
[OD05] Waste oils (followed untill 2009)
[OD09] Health-care waste (followed untill 2010)
[OD10] Waste edible oils and fat (followed untill 2010)
[OD11] Organic kitchen waste (followed untill 2010)
Soil and land use
[TP01] Land cover and land use
[TP02] Functionally degraded areas
[TP03] Land take
[TP04] Soil pollution
[TP06] Land cover and land use in water protection areas
[TP07] Potentially contaminated sites
[PP12] Hydrological drought of surface waters
[PP13] Hydrological droughts of groundwater
[PP15] Soil drought
Industrial production
[IP01] Environmental management systems
Householdd consumption
[PG02] Households
[PG03] Housing
[PG04] Household energy and transportation fuel consumption
[PG05] Electricity consumption in households
[PG06] Household expenditure
[PG07] Food
[PG08] Household vehicle ownership
[PG09] Eco innovation
[PG10] Material footprint of households
[PG11] Tourist travel
[PG12] Eco tourism
[PG13] Food consumption – animal based protein
[PG14] Household disposable income
[PG15] Households equipped with white goods
[PG16] General health status according to the type of food consumed and according to household income
Instruments of environmental policy
[OP01] Environmental protection taxes and other environmental pressure duties
[OP02] Reporting of environmental data
[OP03] Eco-schools in Slovenia
[OP04] Attitudes of citizens towards the environment
[PR05] External costs of transport
[PR13] Introduction of alternative fuels in transport
[PR16] Road transport fuel prices
[PR19] Municipal and regional sustainable urban mobility plans in Slovenia
[ZR19] Health costs of air pollution in European cities and the linkage with transport
[ZR20] Investments in air pollution mitigation measures
Socioeconomic development
[SE01] Gross domestic product - the impact of economic development on the environment
[SE02] Demographic changes and its impact on the environment
[SE03] Human Development Index
[SE04] Life Expectancy and Infant Mortality
[SE05] Education level and green transition
[SE06] Risk of poverty rate
[SE07] The structure of the economy and green transition
[SE08] Ecological footprint
[SE09] Gross domestic expenditure on R&D
[SE10] Internet usage
[SE11] Happy planet index
[ZD26] Life expectancy at birth
[TU01] Development and distribution of tourism
[TU02] Outstanding natural features visited
[TU03] Green key
Environmental noise
[HR01] Exposure to traffic noise
[HR02] Exposure to road traffic noise outside urban areas
[HR03] Exposure to noise from rail traffic outside urban areas
[HR04] Exposure to traffic noise in Ljubljana
[HR05] Exposure to traffic noise in Maribor
Climate mirror
[PO] Target achievement
[PO01] Letni izpusti TGP po Uredbi (EU) 2023/857
[PO36] Zmanjšanje rabe energije v sistemu obveznosti energetske učinkovitosti
[EN10] Raba končne energije po sektorjih
[EN16] Raba primarne energije po gorivih
[EN24] Delež obnovljivih virov v bruto končni rabi energije
[PO] Transport
[PO02] Izpusti CO
iz novih in vseh osebnih vozil
[PO03] Delež OVE v energiji goriv za pogon vozil
[PO04] Potniški kilometri v javnem potniškem prevozu
[PO05] Trajnostni tovorni prevoz
[PO] Buildings
[PO06] Finančni vzvod spodbud v javnem sektorju
[PO07] Zmanjšanje izpustov CO
z ukrepi v javnem sektorju
[PO08] Površina energetsko saniranih stavb v javnem sektorju
[PO09] CO
intensity in the commercial and institutional sector
[PO10] Izboljšanje energetske učinkovitosti v stanovanjskem sektorju
[PO11] Specifični izpusti CO
v stanovanjskem sektorju
[PO12] Raba končne energije, izpusti TGP in delež OVE v stavbah
[PO] Agriculture
[PO13] Intenzivnost izpustov TGP pri prireji mleka in govejega mesa
[PO14] Racionalno gnojenje kmetijskih rastlin z dušikom - poraba dušikovih mineralnih gnojil
[PO15] Bruto bilančni presežek dušika
[PO16] Ukrepi za učinkovitejše kroženje dušika v kmetijstvu – površina zemljišč v ukrepu Ekološko kmetovanje
[PO17] Ukrepi za učinkovitejše kroženje dušika v kmetijstvu – površine njiv in vrtov v ukrepih, ki zahtevajo gnojenje na podlagi hitrih talnih ali rastlinskih testov
[PO31] GHG net emissions in the LULUCF sector
[PO32] GHG emissions due to land-use change
[PO33] Površina obnovljenih gozdov glede na vrsto obnove
[PO34] Razmerje razvojnih faz gozda
[PO35] Izpusti TGP zaradi goznih požarov
[PO] Other sectors
[PO18] Finančne spodbude za URE in rabo OVE v industriji neETS
[PO19] Delež OVE v rabi goriv v industriji
[PO20] Izpusti TGP zaradi puščanja naprav z F-plini
[PO21] Količina odloženih biorazgradljivih odpadkov
[PO37] Energetska učinkovitost v industriji
[PO38] Izpusti TGP v industriji
[PO39] Priključenost prebivalcev na sisteme čiščenja odpadnih voda
[PO] Multisectorial indicators
[PO22] Emisijska produktivnost
[PO23] Implicitna stopnja obdavčitve energije
[PO24] Incentives that work against the goal of reducing GHG emissions
[PO25] Zelena delovna mesta
[PO26] Spodbujanje eko-inovacij za prehod v nizko ogljično družbo
[PO27] Letni izpusti TGP iz ETS
[PO28] Delež oskrbe s toploto iz energetsko učinkovitih sistemov daljinskega ogrevanja
[PO29] Inštalirana moč naprav za proizvodnjo električne energije iz OVE
[PO30] Samooskrba z električno energijo iz OVE
[PO40] Specifični izpusti TGP na enoto proizvedene električne energije
Tools and collections
Environmental atlas
EIONET in Slovenia
Environmental indicators
IED devices
Endangered species
Okoljsko omrežje
Linked Indicators
Linked indicators
[KM17] Soil quality
[KM18] Nitrates in groundwater and agriculture (replaced by indicator VD05)
[VD05] Nitrates in groundwater
[KM19] Plant protection poducts and their degradation products in groundwater (replaced by indicator VD06)
[KM21] Irrigation of agricultural land
[KM22] The Nitrogen Budget in Agriculture
[KM23] Water protection areas and agriculture (latest data available in VD16)
[KM24] Production of renewable energy from agriculture
[KM25] The Phosphorous Budget in Agriculture
[KM26] Plant nutrient content in agricultural topsoils
[KM27] Agricultural area - Arable land per capita
[KM28] Agricultural production
[KM29] Food self-sufficiency
[KM31] Structure of imports of consumed food
[KM33] Coverage of food imports by food exports
[KM15] Genetic diversity - agriculture plants
[KM16] Genetic diversity - domestic animals
[KM12] Specialisation and diversification in agriculture
[KM10] Land use change and agriculture
[KM31] Structure of food imports
[KM29] Food self – sufficiency
[KM33] Coverage of food imports by food exports
[KM21] Irrigation of agricultural land
[KM12] Specialisation and diversification in agriculture
[KM10] Land use change and agriculture
[KM32] Market prices of agricultural products
[KM33] Coverage of food imports by food exports
[KM29] Food self – sufficiency
[KM31] Structure of imports of consumed food
[KM34] The Concentration of Agricultural Production
[KM35] Soil water erosion
[KM36] Soil organic carbon stocks
[MR01] Accidental oil spills from marine shipping
[MR02] Sea level
[VD03] River balance
[MR04] Chlorophyll a in coastal waters
[MR05] Bathing water quality in costal zones
[VD09] Inland bathing water quality
[MR08] Nutrients in the coastal waters
[MR04] Chlorophyll a in coastal waters
[NB01] Population size of selected bird species
[NB03] Game preservation
[NB07] Damage caused by protected animal species
[NB05] Plants – species richness and endangered species
[NB09] Plants – invasive species
[NB06] Brown bear
[NB02] Threatened species
[NB07] Compensation for damage caused by protected animal species
[NB07] Compensation for damage caused by protected animal species
[NB06] Brown bear
[NB03] Game preservation
[NB09] Plants – invasive species
[NB05] Plants – species richness and endangered species
[NB11] Species of European interest
[NB14] Birds in agricultural landscape
[NV03] Natura 2000
[NB12] Habitats of European interest
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