Environmental indicators in Slovenia

Environmental indicators are based on graphs, maps and assessments and as such present environmental trends in Slovenia. The indicators represent one of the four pillars of our environmental reporting, and are prepared in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act. The Environmental Indicators in Slovenia website enables users to browse among 180 indicators. They are based on numerical data and they indicate the state, characteristics and trends of environmental development in Slovenia. They are prepared using a systematic approach based on data and monitoring, as shown in the information pyramid.

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In recent years, cadmium and lead concentrations in the kidneys and livers of roe deer has decreased below the level of toxic concentrations that could have a direct adverse effect on the health of the individuals of this species. Nevertheless, cadmium concentrations in the internal organs of roe deer exceed the admissible concentration determined by law in many areas of Slovenia (taking into consideration the suitability for human consumption).


Population trends of selected bird species show that the state of the environment in the cultural landscape is still deteriorating, especially in some parts such as Prekmurje and Ljubljansko barje. The population of selected forest bird species is stable, however, a trend of deterioration of its habitat was recorded in recent years, as a result of intensified logging. Bird populations that winter on Slovenian rivers and other water bodies have different trends that are mostly in line with trends of regional biogeographic populations of waterbirds in Europe.


Precipitation is highly variable in space and time, even more than temperature (storms and hail). In the last two decades, Slovenia is observing catastrophic droughts and abundant precipitation resulting in floods, sometimes drought and floods occur even within the same year. The maximum snow cover depth and the depth of fresh snow decreased in the period 1961-2022.


Environmental protection is important to the residents of the EU and Slovenia. The most significant environmental issues mentioned are growing amount of waste, air pollution, and climate change. A large majority of respondents agreed with statements expressing concern about various environmental problems and acknowledging their impact on their daily lives and health.


Trends in annual precipitation are not as obvious as temperature trends. Changes between years and differences between regions are significant. According to climate change projections, annual precipitation will slightly increase while changes in seasonal precipitation will be noticeable. The most worrying are summer conditions, because less precipitation and higher temperature might result in higher frequency of droughts. In winter, more precipitation may lead to an increase in flooding events.


Temperature in Slovenia is increasing faster than global average. Increase in the annual average temperature is most evident in the last three decades. Warming of the atmosphere will continue according to the climate change projections. The result of warming is an increase in sea level (due to melting of glaciers and thermal expansion), increase in level of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (contributes to warming), and many extreme weather and climate events (like floods, droughts, hail and heavy wind), which will influence the quality of our lives.