Environmental indicators in Slovenia

Environmental indicators are based on graphs, maps and assessments and as such present environmental trends in Slovenia. The indicators represent one of the four pillars of our environmental reporting, and are prepared in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act. The Environmental Indicators in Slovenia website enables users to browse among 180 indicators. They are based on numerical data and they indicate the state, characteristics and trends of environmental development in Slovenia. They are prepared using a systematic approach based on data and monitoring, as shown in the information pyramid.

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Comparison of periods 1961-1990 and 1991-2020 on the chosen representative stations around Slovenia shows decrease of heating degree days by around 10 % and multiple increase of cooling degree days. With projected continuous temperature raise until the end of 21st century, those trends are expected to continue. Thus, in Slovenia, energy demand for cooling will increase in the warmer period of the year, while the energy demand for heating will decrease in colder period of the year. Same trend is projected for Europe in general.


Land areas, prepared for irrigation, have increased from 4,554 ha to 6,576 ha in the period 2000-2021, and their share in total utilized agricultural area from 0.9 % to 1,4 %. The water consumption per hectare of irrigated land, which strongly depends on weather conditions in each year, has decreased since 2000. Slovenia belongs to the group of EU countries with the smallest share of utilized agricultural area ready for irrigation.


Slovenia is a net importer of food, as domestic production does not satisfy the total needs (especially for cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, pig meat, and honey). The long-term trend indicates that the self-sufficiency rate is higher and more stable for most animal products (milk, eggs, beef and poultry meat), with the exception of pig meat and honey, where the self-sufficiency rate is noticeably decreasing.


In 2022, agricultural land covered 18.8% of nature protection areas of various types in Slovenia. 26.3% of all agricultural land is included in nature protection areas. In the past, agriculture in Slovenia has contributed to high diversity of species and habitats and played a key role in the shaping of cultural landscape. Creation of protected areas is only the first step towards the preservation of traditional agricultural habitats; these habitats will only be preserved if the farmers have an economic interest in maintaining them.


Despite the fact that the level of education on Slovenian agricultural holdings has significantly improved in the period 2000-20120, it is still quite unfavourable. Still, more than half of the farmers have only practical experience with work in agriculture. In all age classes, the number of farmers who have completed one of the forms of formal agricultural education is increasing. Under the Rural Development Program, 105,406 participants participated in education and training in the sub-measure Support for Vocational Training and Skills Acquisition Activities.


In Slovenia, the majority of energy consumption in agriculture is gas oil used as a propellant for agricultural machinery (55.2 %), followed by energy for the production of mineral nitrogen fertilizers (38.0 %) and electric energy (4.5 %). Compared to the average of 28 European countries, in 2016 Slovenia has 9.5% more direct energy consumption per hectare of utilized agricultural area and 13.5 % less indirect energy use in agriculture.