Key message

Air pollution is the greatest environmental risk to health and a major cause of disease and premature deaths in Europe. Pollution due to PM2.5 causes respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological and metabolic diseases. Since 2005, the number of premature deaths due to PM2.5 pollution has been decreasing in Slovenia and in EU countries. In 2019, there were 1,409 premature deaths due to PM2.5 pollution in Slovenia, and 307,000 in the European Union.


Figure ZD31-1: PM2.5 population weighted average, Slovenia, 2005-2019
Show data
PM2.5 population weighted average [[ug/m3]] population[number]
2005 20.76 1997584
2009 17.79 2032357
2014 14.53 2061079
2015 16.31 2062866
2016 14.87 2064182
2018 14.70 2066871
2019 12.14 2080902
Figure ZD31-2: PM2.5 premature deaths, Slovenia, 2005-2019
Show data
PM2.5 premature deaths (ref = 0 ug/m3)[number] PM2.5 premature deaths (ref = 2.5 ug/m3)[number] population[number]
2005 2079 1855 1997584
2009 1807 1578 2032357
2014 1511 1269 2061079
2015 1803 1556 2062866
2016 1649 1405 2064182
2018 1672 1417 2066871
2019 1409 1150 2080902
Figure ZD31-3: PM2.5 premature deaths, Slovenia, statistical regions (NUT3), 2019
Show data
PM2.5 premature deaths (ref = 0 ug/m3)[number]
Primorsko-notranjska 23
Goriška 65
Gorenjska 117
Koroška 42
Obalno-kraška 59
Jugovzhodna Slovenija 86
Zasavska 40
Posavska 53
Pomurska 84
Podravska 229
Savinjska 181
Osrednjeslovenska 430
Slovenia 1409
Figure ZD31-4: PM2.5 premature deaths in EU coutries, 2019
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PM2.5 premature deaths (ref = 2.5 ug/m3)[number] PM2.5 premature deaths (ref = 0 ug/m3)[number] Population[number] premature deaths/ 100000 (ref = 2.5 ug/m3)[number/100,000 inhabitants] Target 2030 - Zero Pollution Action Plan[number/100,000 inhabitants]
Iceland 19 49 356991 13.73 46.39
Finland 745 1488 5517906 26.97 46.39
Sweden 1496 2770 10230179 27.08 46.39
Ireland 907 1341 4904239 27.34 46.39
Luxemburg 129 185 613894 30.14 46.39
Estonia 265 482 1324815 36.38 46.39
France 22110 29778 65040489 45.78 46.39
Denmark 2151 2905 5806074 50.03 46.39
Portugal 3476 4950 9776338 50.63 46.39
Netherlands 6878 8913 17282141 51.57 46.39
Spain 17649 23252 44788545 51.92 46.39
Malta 211 263 493559 53.29 46.39
Cyprus 550 657 1213182 54.16 46.39
Belgium 5097 6551 11455502 57.19 46.39
Austria 4035 5149 8858759 58.12 46.39
Germany 40801 53795 83018974 64.80 46.39
Slovenia 1150 1409 2080902 67.71 46.39
Slovakia 3470 4164 5450417 76.40 46.39
Czech Republic 7031 8522 10649792 80.02 46.39
Latvia 1189 1566 1919966 81.56 46.39
Italy 41566 49874 59816593 83.38 46.39
Lithuania 2014 2522 2794179 90.26 46.39
Greece 8793 10379 10724577 96.78 46.39
Croatia 3487 4173 4076236 102.37 46.39
Poland 33921 39249 37972775 103.36 46.39
Hungary 8637 10368 9772748 106.09 46.39
Romania 18031 21452 19414440 110.50 46.39
Bulgaria 9156 10559 7000023 150.84 46.39
EU-28 244964 306765 442354235 69.35 46.39


Date of data source summarization