Key message

Emissions of total ozone precursors in Slovenia decreased by 55 % in the period 1990 to 2018. Emissions of nitrogen oxides decreased by 53 %, carbon monoxide by 68 %, non-methane volatile organic compounds by 51 % and methane by 24 %. The reason is mainly the introduction of more stringent emission standards for motor vehicles. This measure contributed to a significant reduction in emissions of nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide from road transport which is the main source of ozone precursors. Emissions of nitrogen oxides and non-methane volatile organic compounds were in 2018 below the prescribed target values, which must not be exceeded from 2010 onwards.

This indicator shows the dynamics of emissions of gases causing the formation of ground-level ozone in the period 1990–2018 and the structure of emissions of particular gases by pollution source.

An ozone precursor is a substance that contributes to the formation of ground-level (tropospheric) ozone. Ozone precursors include nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), methane (CH4) and non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC).

Total emissions of substances causing the formation of ground-level ozone are expressed as the sum of emissions of the four pollutants multiplied by corresponding factors of ground-level ozone formation. Emissions are given in NMVOC equivalents.


Figure ZR10-1: Emissions of ozone-precursors, Slovenia, 1990-2018

National Emission database, GHG Archive, Slovenian Environment Agency (2020)

Show data
NOx[index (1990 = 100)] CO[index (1990 = 100)] NMVOC[index (1990 = 100)] CH4[index (1990 = 100)] ozone precursors - total[index (1990 = 100)] NOx target value[index (1990 = 100)] NMVOC target value[index (1990 = 100)]
1990 100 100 100 100 100
1991 92.17 93.84 95.16 96.25 93.54
1992 92.60 90.48 93.39 96.91 92.53
1993 97.46 95.16 94.47 92.60 95.97
1994 101.77 92.90 96.71 92.37 98.36
1995 100.04 92.59 96.71 93.44 97.51
1996 103.68 95.65 102.31 91.77 101.68
1997 101.92 86.60 97.66 92.39 97.64
1998 92.34 74.68 90.35 94.44 88.52
1999 83.02 67.49 85.38 94.54 81.16
2000 82.28 62.38 82.96 98.21 79.09
2001 82.05 60.48 81.57 97.30 78.16
2002 81.35 59.27 79.82 100.12 77.03
2003 77.94 58.80 78.70 98.61 74.96
2004 75.82 55.22 75.72 96.60 72.28
2005 77.57 54.07 72.82 95.58 71.87
2006 77.97 51.13 71.08 93.48 70.91
2007 75.28 48.78 68.72 94.52 68.43
2008 81.07 47.45 66.51 89.77 70.10
2009 69.11 43.74 61.90 86.06 62.22
2010 67.38 43.27 60.34 84.81 60.78
2011 66.01 42.41 56.45 84.50 58.63
2012 63.98 40.67 54.25 82.69 56.59
2013 60.49 40.21 52.81 80.49 54.36
2014 54.09 33.60 48.70 76.53 48.74
2015 48.94 35.49 48.90 78.76 46.76
2016 50.16 36.33 49.66 80.25 47.75
2017 47.01 34.66 48.80 78.40 45.67
2018 46.98 32.42 48.81 76.11 45.25
target 2010 62.36 61.09
Figure ZR10-2: Structure of ozone precursor emissions, by substances, Slovenia, 2018

National Emission database, GHG Archive, Slovenian Environment Agency (2020)

Show data
NOx[%] NMVOC[%] CO[%] CH4[%]
2018 48.50 12.75 37.48 1.27
Figure ZR10-3: Structure of ozone precursor emissions, by sector, Slovenia, 2018

National Emission database, GHG Archive, Slovenian Environment Agency (2020)

Show data
Energy industries[%] Manufacturing industries and construction[%] Road transport[%] Small combustion[%] Fugitive emissions from fuels[%] Industrial processes and product use[%] Other transport[%] Agriculture[%] Waste[%]
ozone precursors 7.05 8.61 27.28 19.36 1.76 15.19 9.00 11.25 0.50
NOx 13.81 10.75 46.95 8.37 0.00 0.33 12.66 7.07 0.07
NMVOC 0.48 7.24 6.58 19.54 4.24 36.92 5.60 18.80 0.60
CO 1.32 5.36 16.00 62.03 0.00 9.34 5.94 0 0.00
CH4 0.15 0.28 0.27 5.57 13.36 0 0.00 60.95 19.41
Figure ZR10-4: Emissions of ozone-precursors, EU-28 countries, 2018 [in kg / capita]

Air pollutant emissions data viewer (LRTAP Convention),  EEA Greenhouse gas data viewer, EEA and Eurostat (2020)

Show data
emissions per capita[kg/capita]
Czechia 90.74
Luxembourg 61.78
Estonia 57.74
Ireland 53.08
Belgium 52.10
Poland 51.26
Finland 50.90
Latvia 50.18
Greece 47.54
Lithuania 46.75
Slovenia 40.98
Croatia 39.71
Austria 39.37
Slovakia 37.29
Portugal 37.10
Spain 35.79
Germany 35.65
EU-28 35.62
Netherlands 35.21
Cyprus 33.48
Italy 32.85
Hungary 32.30
Sweden 31.97
Romania 31.62
United Kingdom 30.50
France 27.11
Malta 22.46
Bulgaria 21.08
Denmark 3.36


To reduce total national emissions of nitrogen oxides to 45,000 tonnes, sulphur dioxide to 27,000 tonnes, NMVOC to 40,000 tonnes and ammonia to 20,000 tonnes by 2010 as required by the Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone (Gothenburg Protocol) to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) and Directive 2001/81/EC on the reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants (NEC Directive). National emission ceilings should also not have been exceeded since 2010. The revised Gothenburg Protocol and NEC Directive additionally prescribe the reduction of emissions of nitrogen oxides by 39%, sulphur oxides by 63%, non-methane volatile organic compounds by 23%, ammonia by 1% and PM2.5 particles by 25% by 2020 compared to emissions in 2005.


Date of data source summarization
Other sources and literature

  1. Informative Inventory Report 2018 for Slovenia, Agencija RS za okolje, marec 2018
  2. Slovenia's National Inventory Report 2018 Agencija RS za okolje, april 2018
  3. Direktiva (EU) 2016/2284 o zmanjšanju nacionalnih emisij za nekatera (direktiva NEC)
  4. Uredba o nacionalnih zgornjih mejah emisij onesnaževal zunanjega zraka
  5. Resolucija o nacionalnem programu varstva okolja 2005-2012
  6. Zakon o ratifikaciji protokola o zmanjševanju zakisljevanja, evtrofikacije in prizemnega ozona h konvenciji iz leta 1979 o onesnaževanju zraka na velike razdalje preko meja
  7. The 1999 Gothenburg Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone
  8. Uredba o nacionalnih zgornjih mejah emisij onesnaževal zunanjega zraka
  9. Resolucija o nacionalnem programu varstva okolja 2005-2012
  10. Emissions of ozone precursors, Indicator Assessment, CSI 002, Published 27 Jun 2014, Evropska okoljska agencija, 2014
  11. Emissions of air pollutants from transport, TERM 0003, Indicator Assessment, published Dec 2017, Evropska okoljska agencija
  12. de Leeuw, F.A.A.M. (2002), supported by the European topic centre on air and climate change, under contract to the European Environment Agency, A set of emission indicators for long-range transboundary air pollution, Environmental Science & Policy, 5, 135-145
  13. Uredba o vrsti dejavnosti in naprav, ki lahko povzročajo onesnaževanje okolja večjega obsega