Key message

The value of agricultural production per capita in Slovenia in the period 2001–2017 fluctuates. The fluctuation is mainly due to the fluctuation of producer prices of agricultural products and the agricultural production volume. In 2017, the producer prices of agricultural products increased slightly, but unfavourable weather conditions with spring frost, summer drought and other meteorological disasters strongly marked the crop production and affected the even lower value of agricultural production compared to 2016.

The indicator represents the value of agricultural production per capita in Slovenia in the period 2001–2017. Its value is mainly in the monitoring of year-on-year changes, as the amount of value of agricultural production is mainly influenced by the producer prices of agricultural products and the physical volume of production. Producer prices of agricultural products in Slovenia are formed under the strong influence of prices on the markets of neighboring countries, and the physical volume of production fluctuates due to the influence of weather conditions. A comparison with the countries of the European Union is also given, where only the comparison with countries with a similar production structure makes sense.

A similar indicator is calculated by the FAO as part of a package of food security indicators in the dimension of "stability" (per capita food production variability), except that it is calculated in other monetary units (international $).


Figure KM28-1: Value of agricultural production per capita in Slovenia in the period 2001–2017 (2010=100)

* Value of agricultural production in basic prices (EUR, constant prices: 2010=100, current exchange rate)

Show data
Slovenia [EUR/capita]
2001 606.75
2002 637.33
2003 559.73
2004 624.29
2005 603.37
2006 588.26
2007 593.93
2008 594.18
2009 512.61
2010 539.13
2011 595.15
2012 551.27
2013 546.03
2014 572.24
2015 589.24
2016 558.60
2017 526.80
Figure KM28-2: Figure KM28-1: Value of agricultural production per capita in Slovenia in the period 2001–2017 (2010=100)

* Value of agricultural production in basic prices (EUR, constant prices: 2010=100, current exchange rate)

Show data
Slovenia [EUR/capita]
2001 606.75
2002 637.33
2003 559.73
2004 624.29
2005 603.37
2006 588.26
2007 593.93
2008 594.18
2009 512.61
2010 539.13
2011 595.15
2012 551.27
2013 546.03
2014 572.24
2015 589.24
2016 558.60
2017 526.80


  • Increasing the value of agricultural production per capita by achieving higher producer prices of agricultural products and optimal physical volume of agricultural production.
  • Ensure the optimal value of agricultural production, which enables stable food security.


Date of data source summarization