Environmental indicators in Slovenia

Environmental indicators are based on graphs, maps and assessments and as such present environmental trends in Slovenia. The indicators represent one of the four pillars of our environmental reporting, and are prepared in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act. The Environmental Indicators in Slovenia website enables users to browse among 180 indicators. They are based on numerical data and they indicate the state, characteristics and trends of environmental development in Slovenia. They are prepared using a systematic approach based on data and monitoring, as shown in the information pyramid.

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Final energy consumption amounted to 4,719 ktoe in 2021 and increased by 7.1 % compared to the previous year. The increase was mainly a result of a economic recovery after the coronavirus pandemic and a colder year 2021. There was an increase in all sectors. Final energy consumption was 177 ktoe (3.6%) lower than the indicative target value for 2021 from the currrent National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP). The annual indicative target from the proposal for the NECP update was also achieved. In the period 2000‒2021, final energy consumption increased by 3.9 %.


In the last decades, major emissions of air pollutants from transport decreased. However, road transport remains one of the most significant sources of air pollution. In Slovenia in 2020 road transport contributed 38 % to the total emissions of nitrogen oxides. In the period 1990-2020 emissions of substances that cause acidification and emissions of ozone precursors in transport sector declined by 74 % and 77 %. In the period 2000-2020 emissions of particulate matter decreased by 56 %.


The Green Key is an international label for the environment, which is awarded to tourist accommodations and catering establishments that strive for environmental responsibility and sustainable behavior in the tourism industry. In Slovenia, 143 siteswere certified in 2022. In 2021, 3,165 sites were certified in the European Union, and 3,165 around the world.


Concentrations of lead in blood, urine and breast milk in Slovenia are relatively low and comparable to data cited in foreign literature. However, due to the proven neurotoxic effects of lead at concentrations lower than 50 µg/L of blood, there is currently no established safe exposure limit. In order to establish and maintain the lowest practically achievable burden of lead exposure for the population, it is reasonable to implement measures in addition to regular monitoring, targeting vulnerable groups such as children and women of reproductive age.


Concentrations of total arsenic in blood, urine and breast milk in Slovenia are low and comparable to concentrations worldwide.

Long-term surveillance will be possible once regular national human biomonitoring is established.


In the period (2008-2022), the farmland bird index is 73.9, and the grassland bird index in the agricultural landscape is 56.3.The fourteen-year trend of farmland birds shows moderate declining, despite a stable trend over the last eight years.