
In the last decade (2012–2021), on average around 135,000 tons of hazardous waste was generated annually in Slovenia. This waste accounted for 1% to 3% of all generated waste in Slovenia. Since they contain substances harmful to the environment and health, they must be collected, recovered or disposed of separately from other waste.

In the last decade (2012–2021) each resident of Slovenia annually discards on average around 3.5 kg of hazardous municipal waste, of which the majority in waste electrical and electronic equipment (63%).


The export of waste from Slovenia decreased in 2020, for the first time after ten years of growth. We exported around 340 thousand tonnes of waste, mainly to Austria and Hungary. The import of waste also declined for the first time in 2020, we imported around 61 thousand tonnes of waste.


Domestic material consumption amounted to almost 28 million tonnes (13,1 million tonnes per capita) in 2020 and was 2,6% lower than in 2019. The amount of biomass utilized decreased by 1,5% compared to 2019, also  the amount of mineral resources exploitation by 1,5%. The amount of used fossil energy  increased by 1,5% compared to 2019. In 2020, the import to Slovenia was 3,3 million tonnes higher than the export from Slovenia.


In the 2002-2008 period, the quantity of generated waste increased by 55%. In 2008, 42% of waste was deposited, and 58% recovered. Our greatest concern is municipal waste management, as more than 70% of that waste is still deposited. Despite the increased quantity of recovered waste in recent years and the registered decline in deposited quantities, we still remain far behind more developed EU Member States.


In the upcoming years our primary objective is to implement and maintain an effective system of managing waste batteries and accumulators.


We recover only half of construction waste, while the need for natural mineral resources is growing.


The quantity of end-of-life tyres collected for recovery increased dramatically when producer liability was introduced. Arround 16,000 tonnes of end-of-life tyres is produced, which is about 8kg per capita. In 2015, 65% of end-of-life-tyres have been recovered through material recovery and 35% through energy recovery.


Due to lower construction activity, material productivity in Slovenia increased faster than the EU average in the period 2007-2012. In 2018 it amounted to 1.86 PPS / kg, but the target of 3.5 PPS / kg by 2030, with the revival of  construction activity, will be difficult to achieve. Therefore, much more attention needs to be paid to measures for the transition to a circular economy.



Asbestos (six natural minerals with fibrous) becomes dangerous when the material is worn, damaged, or by removing. Asbestos was widely used in construction and industry until 2003, when Slovenia banned its production. In Slovenia 163,455 tons of waste containing asbestos was generated in the period from 2005 to 2015. The majority (99.5%) presents construction materials. Most of waste containing asbestos derives from households (82%).