Environmental indicators in Slovenia

Environmental indicators are based on graphs, maps and assessments and as such present environmental trends in Slovenia. The indicators represent one of the four pillars of our environmental reporting, and are prepared in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act. The Environmental Indicators in Slovenia website enables users to browse among 180 indicators. They are based on numerical data and they indicate the state, characteristics and trends of environmental development in Slovenia. They are prepared using a systematic approach based on data and monitoring, as shown in the information pyramid.

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In 2021 the Water Rights for special use of water were issued in 8385 acts (water permits, concessions), with additional more than 10.000 cases of minor spatial water uses with neglectable influence on state of water, were in the process of evidencing in the Water Book.


In Slovenia, tourism has recorded constant growth since 1992, and the number of overnight stays has tripled in the 1930s. We recorded particularly high growth in the last five years before the pandemic, and Slovenia established itself as an attractive green destination. In 2021 and 2022, the arrivals and overnight stays of domestic guests increased, but the share of foreign guests dropped significantly due to the pandemic. Otherwise, trips by households of all size categories declined in Slovenia in 2020, especially for single-member households.


Slovenians are big meat lovers. Data for 2021 show that we eat a lot of meat (all types of meat are included here), 89.28 kg per capita; the European average is 69.3 kg. We are also big consumers of eggs, with which we are almost self-sufficient, while fish consumption is modest and declining. However, the amount of food waste should not be neglected. A resident of Slovenia threw away an average of 72 kg of food in 2021, and most food waste is generated in households.


The level of consumption of household assets as well as savings or investments depends largely on disposable income. It is a fundamental indicator of the material well-being of households. Household consumption in Slovenia declined markedly in 2020, while disposable income maintained positive growth. The household savings rate was the highest ever. These are the consequences of measures taken during the pandemic. In 2021, disposable income maintains positive growth, but family and social benefits and other incomes have decreased.


The eco-innovation index shows the performance of individual Member States in the various components of eco-innovation compared to the EU average, and presents their strengths and weaknesses. The overall Eco-innovation Index 2019 for Slovenia is 94, placing Slovenia on 15th rank and below the EU average. Slovenia composite index has significantly deteriorated compared to 2017, when it was at 115; placing Slovenia just behind the leading eco-innovative countries.


One of the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions in Slovenia is road traffic, as passenger vehicles contribute as much as 20 % of all greenhouse gas emissions. It is estimated that, due to the smaller role of public passenger transport in Slovenia, it is necessary to achieve as much as 2/3 reduction of GHG emissions by electrifying the vehicle fleet, which dictates the replacement of existing vehicles with fossil fuels. with electric vehicles (battery and plug-in hybrids EV).