Environmental indicators in Slovenia

Environmental indicators are based on graphs, maps and assessments and as such present environmental trends in Slovenia. The indicators represent one of the four pillars of our environmental reporting, and are prepared in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act. The Environmental Indicators in Slovenia website enables users to browse among 180 indicators. They are based on numerical data and they indicate the state, characteristics and trends of environmental development in Slovenia. They are prepared using a systematic approach based on data and monitoring, as shown in the information pyramid.

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In 2021 the Water Rights for special use of water were issued in 8385 acts (water permits, concessions), with additional more than 10.000 cases of minor spatial water uses with neglectable influence on state of water, were in the process of evidencing in the Water Book.


Leukemia is the most common children cancer. It represents 25 to 30% of all new diagnosed cancer cases in children younger than 15 years in the world. Causal mechanisms for the occurrence of leukemia in children are poorly known, but it is often referred connection with environmental risk factors. Data from European cancer registries indicate that the incidence rate of childhood leukemia between 1970 and 1999 grew on average by 0.7% per annum in the last twenty years has been 1% per year, mostly in countries with higher economic status (SES).


Slovenia is a net importer of food, as imports exceed exports in terms of value. After accession to the European Union, both trade flows began to increase significantly. At that time, imports increased more intensely, mainly at the expense of processed products, and exports at the expense of unprocessed agricultural products. Over the last decade, the growth of food and beverages exports has been more intense than the growth imports, therefore the coverage of imports by exports has been increasing and has amounted to above 60% in the period 2017–2021.


In 2019, the material footprint of households in Slovenia amounted to around 15 tons per inhabitant, which is more than the EU average (14.6 tons per inhabitant). Finland, Romania, Estonia and Luxembourg have the largest material footprint with around 28-29 tonnes per capita, the Netherlands the lowest with 7.4 tonnes.


Households in lower income classes self-assess their health status worse than households in higher income classes, but in general, the self-assessment of the health status of Slovenian residents is relatively high. In 2019, a good third of adults in Slovenia (from 18 to 64 years inclusive) were overweight and almost a fifth were obese. Obesity is increasing, which is on the rise among the oldest, but also among children.


In Slovenia, tourism has recorded constant growth since 1992, and the number of overnight stays has tripled in the 1930s. We recorded particularly high growth in the last five years before the pandemic, and Slovenia established itself as an attractive green destination. In 2021 and 2022, the arrivals and overnight stays of domestic guests increased, but the share of foreign guests dropped significantly due to the pandemic. Otherwise, trips by households of all size categories declined in Slovenia in 2020, especially for single-member households.