Environmental indicators in Slovenia

Environmental indicators are based on graphs, maps and assessments and as such present environmental trends in Slovenia. The indicators represent one of the four pillars of our environmental reporting, and are prepared in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act. The Environmental Indicators in Slovenia website enables users to browse among 180 indicators. They are based on numerical data and they indicate the state, characteristics and trends of environmental development in Slovenia. They are prepared using a systematic approach based on data and monitoring, as shown in the information pyramid.

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In Slovenia, tourism has recorded constant growth since 1992, and the number of overnight stays has tripled in the 1930s. We recorded particularly high growth in the last five years before the pandemic, and Slovenia established itself as an attractive green destination. In 2021 and 2022, the arrivals and overnight stays of domestic guests increased, but the share of foreign guests dropped significantly due to the pandemic. Otherwise, trips by households of all size categories declined in Slovenia in 2020, especially for single-member households.


The results of the Energy Efficiency Survey of Slovenia (REUS) 2021 show that 61 % of Slovenian households rarely or never use public transport. Depending on the type of settlements, the largest share of households that use public transport live in Ljubljana and Maribor, as well as in the Obalno-kraška region. A good tenth of those households that use public transport, has used public transport in the recent week, while a fifth of households used public transport in the recent month.


Daily numbers of deaths increase during heat waves. Excess mortality during heat waves is greatest in the elderly and people with pre-existing illness. eight heat waves occurred in year 2019. The average number of deaths was 53 deaths per day during the period of heat waves and equal 53 deaths per day during the period of non-heat wave days. In 2019, no less or excess deaths than expected occurred during heat waves in total population.


Due to high lead content in the environment, the Upper Meža Valley area was declared a brownfield site area in 2007 and underwent special remediation measures with the aim of protecting the health of people, especially children. Data shows that the lead exposure of children in the Upper Meža Valley improved rapidly in the early years of implementing the remediation measures, but no further improvement was observed after 2010. A prevalence study of lead levels in children's blood from the Meža Valley in 2018 even showed higher values compared to a study conducted in 2013.


The Slovenian EHVZ database (Hydrography and Water Land Records) contains 67.549 watercourses with total length of 41.071 km. Total area of still waters is 24 km2 and river reservoirs 31 km2.

For use in water management, water land areas are delineated. Total area of water land in Slovenia is 387 km2, which is 1, 9 % of continental area of the Republic of Slovenia. Marine water land area is 214 km2.


Soil drought has a key impact on plant development and consequently on various industries (forestry, agriculture, …) . Indicators of the number of drought days and the duration of drought periods in individual years show an increase especially after 1990. Similarly, the analysis of the impact of the climate change up to 2100 shows that soil water deficits will increase in the future. The number and the duration of the droughts will increase.