Environmental indicators in Slovenia

Environmental indicators are based on graphs, maps and assessments and as such present environmental trends in Slovenia. The indicators represent one of the four pillars of our environmental reporting, and are prepared in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act. The Environmental Indicators in Slovenia website enables users to browse among 180 indicators. They are based on numerical data and they indicate the state, characteristics and trends of environmental development in Slovenia. They are prepared using a systematic approach based on data and monitoring, as shown in the information pyramid.

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The number of inhabitants who are exposed to traffic noise along major roads outside urban areas is gradually decreasing. In 2017, around 16,000 fewer inhabitants were exposed to high road traffic noise levels throughout the day compared to 2012. There is an important difference between inhabitants who live in the impact area of major motorways and highways, and inhabitants who live in the impact area of major main and regional roads.


It is estimated that in 2021, over €396 million in energy subsidies was allocated in Slovenia (or 356 € million when adjusted to constant prices in 2015). Incentives for environmentally harmful energy production from fossil fuels and the use of fossil fuels represented 26% of all energy subsidies in 2021, whereas this share was as high as 51% in 2015. Significant progress is observed in subsidizing production from renewable energy sources, CHP, and energy efficiency measures.


The response of agricultural holdings to the agricultural policy and favourable market opportunities, which support the spreading of organic farming has been growing every year. The area intended for organic farming has increased in the period 1999–2022 from 2,400 ha to 53,202 ha, or from 0.5% to 11.1% of the total utilised agricultural area. The structure of agricultural land with organic farming is strongly dominated by grassland (79% in 2022), which shows that livestock farms more frequently convert to organic farming.


In Slovenia, the breeding of indigenous domestic animals is becoming less attractive, and out of 15 indigenous breed 14 are endangered. The Carniolan honey bee being the only exception. Eleven out of 13 traditional breeds are also endangered. The share of introduced animal breeds and cross-breeds with introduced breeds has been increasing. The breeds and races where the adaptation to natural conditions is the strongest are the most successful with defying the introduced breeds.


The total number of varieties listed in the National List of Varieties for common wheat, maize and potato from 2011 has decreased. During the same period total number of oilseed varieties has increased, also due to domestic varieties listed as conservation varieties. In other crops the number has remained unchanged. For rye and oats, the proportion of the five most common varieties is 100%. For other crops, the proportion of five most common varieties for each species range from 25% for maize and potato to 90% for triticale.

Life expectancy at birth in Slovenia is gradually increasing for both men and women. It is slightly higher for women than for men. Longer life expectancy at birth is recorded in western Slovenia. In 2021, life expectancy at birth was 83.8 years for women and 77.7 years for men, with an average of 80.7 years in Slovenia compared to 80.1 years in the EU.