Key message

Greenhouse gas emissions in 2011 (compared to 2010) in most European countries decreased by 3.3% and by 4.2% in the EU-15, while in Slovenia were 0.1% higher . The main reason for lower emissions in the EU is lower fuel consumption for electricity and heat production due to the modernization of boilers and milder winters. mild winter has affected the lower emissions in commercial and domestic sectors. The increase in emissions in Slovenia was mainly due to transport emissions have increased by as much as 8.2% compared to 2010. The base year (1986) they are higher by as much as 190%. The most recent data for the year 2011 (19.509 ekvivalneta Gg CO2) Slovenia exceeds the permissible value of the post-Kyoto emissions (18,726 kilotonnes of eq. CO2), but aims to achieve the Kyoto target by introducing sinks (amounting to 1,320 kilotonnes of CO2 per year).

The indicator shows the trend in greenhouse gas emissions, the main sources of emisssions in Slovenia and comparison with the countries of the European Union (EU-27).

Greenhouse gas emissions in 2011 (compared to 2010) in most European countries decreased by 3.3% and by 4.2% in the EU-15, while in Slovenia were 0.1% higher . The main reason for lower emissions in the EU is lower fuel consumption for electricity and heat production due to the modernization of boilers and milder winters. mild winter has affected the lower emissions in commercial and domestic sectors. The increase in emissions in Slovenia was mainly due to transport emissions have increased by as much as 8.2% compared to 2010. The base year (1986) they are higher by as much as 190%. The most recent data for the year 2011 (19.509 ekvivalneta Gg CO2) Slovenia exceeds the permissible value of the post-Kyoto emissions (18,726 kilotonnes of eq. CO2), but aims to achieve the Kyoto target by introducing sinks (amounting to 1,320 kilotonnes of CO2 per year). 


Figure PB03-1: Changes in greenhouse gas emissions in the period 1990-2010 for Slovenia, EU-15 and EU countries compared with the base year for each EU member country (figures do not include land use, land use change and forestry)

Greenhouse gas data viewer, European Environment Agency, 2012; Greenhouse gas database, Slovenian Environment Agency, April 2013.

Show data
base year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
Austria Tg CO2 equiv. 79 78 82 75 75 76 80 83 82 82
Belgium Tg CO2 equiv. 146 143 145 144 143 149 151 154 146 152
Denmark Tg CO2 equiv. 69 69 79 73 75 79 76 89 79 75
Finland Tg CO2 equiv. 71 70 68 67 69 74 71 77 75 72
France Tg CO2 equiv. 564 556 571 570 545 541 552 566 562 577
Germany Tg CO2 equiv. 1232 1246 1200 1151 1141 1122 1117 1136 1100 1074
Greece Tg CO2 equiv. 107 105 105 106 105 108 110 113 118 123
Ireland Tg CO2 equiv. 56 55 56 56 56 58 59 61 62 65
Italy Tg CO2 equiv. 517 519 521 518 512 505 532 526 532 543
Luxembourg Tg CO2 equiv. 13 13 13 13 13 12 10 10 9 9
Netherlands Tg CO2 equiv. 213 212 217 215 220 220 223 231 225 226
Portugal Tg CO2 equiv. 60 60 62 66 65 66 70 68 71 76
Spain Tg CO2 equiv. 290 283 291 298 286 303 314 307 329 339
Sweden Tg CO2 equiv. 72 73 73 73 73 75 74 78 73 74
United Kingdom Tg CO2 equiv. 776 767 774 751 730 717 709 730 704 703
EU-15 Tg CO2 equiv. 4266 4254 4270 4281 4114 4111 4145 4231 4169 4187
Bulgaria Tg CO2 equiv. 133 114 92 85 83 80 82 81 77 71
Cyprus Tg CO2 equiv. / 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 9
Czech Republic Tg CO2 equiv. 194 196 182 165 159 149 150 154 152 145
Estonia Tg CO2 equiv. 43 41 38 28 21 22 20 21 20 19
Hungary Tg CO2 equiv. 115 97 90 81 81 80 79 81 79 79
Latvia Tg CO2 equiv. 26 27 25 20 16 14 13 13 12 12
Lithuania Tg CO2 equiv. 49 49 51 30 24 23 22 23 23 24
Malta Tg CO2 equiv. / 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Poland Tg CO2 equiv. 563 457 448 433 434 430 433 446 438 409
Romania Tg CO2 equiv. 278 256 206 180 175 173 180 183 170 153
Slovakia Tg CO2 equiv. 72 72 64 58 54 51 53 53 53 53
Slovenia Tg CO2 equiv. 20 18 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 19
EU-27 Tg CO2 equiv. / 5586 5481 5280 5180 5150 5201 5321 5218 5176
Austria index (base y. = 100) 100 99 104 95 95 97 101 105 104 104
Belgium index (base y. = 100) 100 98 100 99 98 102 103 106 100 104
Denmark index (base y. = 100) 100 99 114 105 109 115 110 128 114 109
Finland index (base y. = 100) 100 99 96 94 97 105 100 108 106 101
France index (base y. = 100) 100 99 101 101 97 96 98 100 100 102
Germany index (base y. = 100) 100 101 97 93 93 91 91 92 89 87
Greece index (base y. = 100) 100 98 98 99 98 101 103 106 110 115
Ireland index (base y. = 100) 100 99 101 101 101 104 106 109 112 117
Italy index (base y. = 100) 100 100 101 100 99 98 103 102 103 105
Luxembourg index (base y. = 100) 100 97 102 100 101 94 77 77 72 65
Netherlands index (base y. = 100) 100 100 102 101 103 103 105 109 106 106
Portugal index (base y. = 100) 100 100 103 110 108 110 117 113 118 126
Spain index (base y. = 100) 100 98 100 103 99 104 108 106 113 117
Sweden index (base y. = 100) 100 101 101 101 101 104 103 109 102 102
United Kingdom index (base y. = 100) 100 99 100 97 94 92 91 94 91 91
EU-15 index (base y. = 100) 100 100 100 100 96 96 97 99 98 98
Bulgaria index (base y. = 100) 100 86 69 64 62 60 61 61 58 54
Czech Republic index (base y. = 100) 100 101 94 85 82 77 77 80 78 74
Estonia index (base y. = 100) 100 96 88 65 50 52 47 49 48 44
Hungary index (base y. = 100) 100 84 78 70 70 70 68 70 69 68
Latvia index (base y. = 100) 100 102 95 76 62 54 49 49 47 45
Lithuania index (base y. = 100) 100 100 103 61 49 46 44 47 46 48
Poland index (base y. = 100) 100 81 79 77 77 76 77 79 78 73
Romania index (base y. = 100) 100 92 74 65 63 62 65 66 61 55
Slovakia index (base y. = 100) 100 100 88 81 74 71 74 74 74 73
Slovenia index (base y. = 100) 100 91 85 85 86 86 91 94 96 94
EU-27 index (base y. = 100) 100 100 98 96 98 99 101 102 98 99
EU-15 goal index (base y. = 100)
EU-27 goal index (base y. = 100)
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Austria Tg CO2 equiv. 80 80 84 86 92 91 93 90 87 87
Belgium Tg CO2 equiv. 145 146 145 144 146 147 144 139 134 137
Denmark Tg CO2 equiv. 73 68 70 69 74 68 64 72 67 64
Finland Tg CO2 equiv. 71 69 74 77 85 80 69 80 78 70
France Tg CO2 equiv. 563 559 559 550 557 554 558 546 536 531
Germany Tg CO2 equiv. 1040 1039 1054 1033 1031 1019 997 999 977 976
Greece Tg CO2 equiv. 123 127 128 128 132 132 136 132 135 131
Ireland Tg CO2 equiv. 66 68 70 68 68 68 69 69 68 68
Italy Tg CO2 equiv. 549 552 558 559 574 577 575 564 556 542
Luxembourg Tg CO2 equiv. 9 10 10 11 11 13 13 13 12 12
Netherlands Tg CO2 equiv. 214 213 215 214 215 217 211 207 206 205
Portugal Tg CO2 equiv. 84 82 83 88 83 85 87 82 79 78
Spain Tg CO2 equiv. 367 381 382 398 405 421 433 424 432 399
Sweden Tg CO2 equiv. 70 69 70 70 71 70 67 67 66 64
United Kingdom Tg CO2 equiv. 672 674 679 658 663 663 658 654 644 630
EU-15 Tg CO2 equiv. 4126 4137 4178 4150 4202 4205 4173 4138 4075 3989
Bulgaria Tg CO2 equiv. 64 63 66 63 68 66 66 67 71 69
Cyprus Tg CO2 equiv. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10
Czech Republic Tg CO2 equiv. 136 146 146 141 145 146 146 148 149 144
Estonia Tg CO2 equiv. 18 17 18 17 19 19 19 18 21 20
Hungary Tg CO2 equiv. 79 77 79 77 80 79 79 78 76 73
Latvia Tg CO2 equiv. 11 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12
Lithuania Tg CO2 equiv. 21 19 20 21 21 22 23 23 25 24
Malta Tg CO2 equiv. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Poland Tg CO2 equiv. 399 385 382 368 381 385 389 405 407 401
Romania Tg CO2 equiv. 136 138 141 145 151 149 147 151 148 144
Slovakia Tg CO2 equiv. 51 49 52 52 52 52 51 51 49 50
Slovenia Tg CO2 equiv. 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21
EU-27 Tg CO2 equiv. 5066 5069 5125 5097 5163 5169 5135 5122 5065 4959
Austria index (base y. = 100) 102 102 107 109 116 116 117 114 111 110
Belgium index (base y. = 100) 100 100 100 99 101 101 99 95 92 94
Denmark index (base y. = 100) 105 98 101 100 107 98 92 103 97 92
Finland index (base y. = 100) 100 98 105 108 119 113 97 112 110 99
France index (base y. = 100) 100 99 99 98 99 98 99 97 95 94
Germany index (base y. = 100) 84 84 86 84 84 83 81 81 79 79
Greece index (base y. = 100) 115 119 120 119 123 123 127 124 126 123
Ireland index (base y. = 100) 119 122 126 123 123 122 125 124 123 122
Italy index (base y. = 100) 106 107 108 108 111 112 111 109 108 105
Luxembourg index (base y. = 100) 68 73 77 82 86 96 98 97 93 91
Netherlands index (base y. = 100) 100 100 101 101 101 102 99 97 96 96
Portugal index (base y. = 100) 140 137 138 146 137 141 144 136 131 129
Spain index (base y. = 100) 127 131 132 137 140 145 149 146 149 138
Sweden index (base y. = 100) 98 96 97 98 98 97 93 93 91 88
United Kingdom index (base y. = 100) 87 87 87 85 85 85 85 84 83 81
EU-15 index (base y. = 100) 97 97 98 97 99 99 98 97 96 94
Bulgaria index (base y. = 100) 48 47 50 47 51 50 50 51 53 52
Czech Republic index (base y. = 100) 70 75 75 73 74 75 75 76 77 74
Estonia index (base y. = 100) 41 40 41 40 44 45 44 42 50 46
Hungary index (base y. = 100) 68 67 69 67 69 68 69 67 66 64
Latvia index (base y. = 100) 42 40 42 42 42 43 43 45 47 45
Lithuania index (base y. = 100) 42 39 41 42 42 44 46 47 51 49
Poland index (base y. = 100) 71 68 68 65 68 68 69 72 72 71
Romania index (base y. = 100) 49 50 51 52 54 54 53 54 53 52
Slovakia index (base y. = 100) 71 68 73 72 73 72 71 71 68 70
Slovenia index (base y. = 100) 91 92 97 98 97 98 100 101 102 105
EU-27 index (base y. = 100) 98 100 101 99 101 100 99 100 99 98
EU-15 goal index (base y. = 100)
EU-27 goal index (base y. = 100)
2009 2010 2011 goal 2008-2012 goal 2020
Austria Tg CO2 equiv. 80 85 83
Belgium Tg CO2 equiv. 125 132 120
Denmark Tg CO2 equiv. 61 61 56
Finland Tg CO2 equiv. 66 75 67
France Tg CO2 equiv. 508 514 486
Germany Tg CO2 equiv. 912 944 917
Greece Tg CO2 equiv. 125 117 115
Ireland Tg CO2 equiv. 62 61 58
Italy Tg CO2 equiv. 492 500 489
Luxembourg Tg CO2 equiv. 12 12 12
Netherlands Tg CO2 equiv. 199 209 194
Portugal Tg CO2 equiv. 74 71 70
Spain Tg CO2 equiv. 363 349 351
Sweden Tg CO2 equiv. 60 65 61
United Kingdom Tg CO2 equiv. 577 594 553
EU-15 Tg CO2 equiv. 3710 3790 3631
Bulgaria Tg CO2 equiv. 59 60 66
Cyprus Tg CO2 equiv. 10 9 9
Czech Republic Tg CO2 equiv. 135 137 134
Estonia Tg CO2 equiv. 16 20 21
Hungary Tg CO2 equiv. 67 68 66
Latvia Tg CO2 equiv. 11 12 12
Lithuania Tg CO2 equiv. 20 21 22
Malta Tg CO2 equiv. 3 3 3
Poland Tg CO2 equiv. 382 403 402
Romania Tg CO2 equiv. 122 119 123
Slovakia Tg CO2 equiv. 44 46 45
Slovenia Tg CO2 equiv. 19 20 20
EU-27 Tg CO2 equiv. 4598 4709 4553
Austria index (base y. = 100) 101 107 105
Belgium index (base y. = 100) 86 91 82
Denmark index (base y. = 100) 88 88 81
Finland index (base y. = 100) 93 105 94
France index (base y. = 100) 90 91 86
Germany index (base y. = 100) 74 77 74
Greece index (base y. = 100) 117 109 107
Ireland index (base y. = 100) 111 110 103
Italy index (base y. = 100) 95 97 95
Luxembourg index (base y. = 100) 87 92 92
Netherlands index (base y. = 100) 93 98 91
Portugal index (base y. = 100) 124 117 116
Spain index (base y. = 100) 125 120 121
Sweden index (base y. = 100) 83 90 85
United Kingdom index (base y. = 100) 74 77 71
EU-15 index (base y. = 100) 87 89 85
Bulgaria index (base y. = 100) 44 45 50
Czech Republic index (base y. = 100) 69 71 69
Estonia index (base y. = 100) 38 47 49
Hungary index (base y. = 100) 58 59 57
Latvia index (base y. = 100) 42 47 44
Lithuania index (base y. = 100) 40 42 44
Poland index (base y. = 100) 68 72 71
Romania index (base y. = 100) 44 43 44
Slovakia index (base y. = 100) 61 64 63
Slovenia index (base y. = 100) 96 96 96
EU-27 index (base y. = 100) 93 102 97
EU-15 goal index (base y. = 100) 92
EU-27 goal index (base y. = 100) 80
Figure PB03-2: Greenhouse gas emissions by source category in Slovenia

Greenhouse gas database, Slovenian Environment Agency 2013, April 2013.

Show data
base year 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
CO2 1000 t CO2 equiv. 16282 16356 15791 15512 15451 14792 13780 13691 14054 14189
CH4 1000 t CO2 equiv. 2174 2163 2146 2150 2118 2040 2118 2057 2050 2043
N2O 1000 t CO2 equiv. 1388 1403 1346 1288 1265 1184 1276 1211 1271 1325
F-gases 1000 t CO2 equiv. 326 287 328 230 261 268 313 117 117 117
- HFC 1000 t CO2 equiv. 29 np np np np np np np np np
- PFC 1000 t CO2 equiv. 286 276 318 220 250 257 303 107 106 105
- SF6 1000 t CO2 equiv. 12 10 10 10 11 10 10 10 11 11
total 1000 t CO2 equiv. 20354 20204 19685 19234 19151 18443 17317 17202 17440 17626
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
CO2 1000 t CO2 equiv. 15011 15678 15991 15731 15104 15213 16125 16276 16035 16392
CH4 1000 t CO2 equiv. 2004 2011 2046 2022 2118 2087 2177 2145 2138 2139
N2O 1000 t CO2 equiv. 1375 1406 1395 1387 1426 1397 1285 1236 1184 1191
F-gases 1000 t CO2 equiv. 151 145 154 146 151 162 173 199 230 250
- HFC 1000 t CO2 equiv. 32 30 35 31 29 41 52 66 93 111
- PFC 1000 t CO2 equiv. 106 102 105 102 105 106 106 116 119 120
- SF6 1000 t CO2 equiv. 13 13 14 13 16 16 16 17 18 18
total 1000 t CO2 equiv. 18529 19203 19561 19318 18664 18920 19783 19937 19646 19964
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
CO2 1000 t CO2 equiv. 16694 16892 17029 17999 16061 16136 16178
CH4 1000 t CO2 equiv. 2160 2165 2043 2007 1998 1966 2036
N2O 1000 t CO2 equiv. 1206 1210 1139 1139 1110 1103 1135
F-gases 1000 t CO2 equiv. 285 297 286 226 219 238 262
- HFC 1000 t CO2 equiv. 133 154 177 188 196 207 217
- PFC 1000 t CO2 equiv. 133 125 91 21 7 14 29
- SF6 1000 t CO2 equiv. 19 18 18 17 16 17 17
total 1000 t CO2 equiv. 20309 20554 20690 21406 19427 19482 19509
Figure PB03-3: Annual greenhouse gas emissions by sector in Slovenia

Greenhouse gas database, Slovenian Environment Agency, April 2013.

Show data
base year 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
transport 1000 t CO2 equiv. 2008 2025 2315 2494 2525 2730 2577 2652 3096 3448
energy industries 1000 t CO2 equiv. 6729 6729 6376 6459 6565 6265 5345 5867 5645 5255
industrial processes 1000 t CO2 equiv. 1328 1317 1342 1319 1313 1318 1198 933 796 953
fuels in manufacturing industries and construction 1000 t CO2 equiv. 4406 4404 3902 3674 3446 3119 3057 2663 2503 2665
fuels in residential and commercial sectors 1000 t CO2 equiv. 2366 2367 2387 1979 2030 1811 2129 1889 2370 2277
agriculture 1000 t CO2 equiv. 2334 2211 2243 2190 2136 2134 2002 2179 2039 2053
waste 1000 t CO2 equiv. 566 491 502 512 526 532 531 524 538 543
other 1000 t CO2 equiv. 618 659 618 606 610 535 477 497 453 431
total 1000 t CO2 equiv. 20354 20204 19685 19234 19151 18443 17317 17202 17440 17626
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
transport 1000 t CO2 equiv. 3824 4463 4530 3905 3712 3862 3984 3864 4004 4153
energy industries 1000 t CO2 equiv. 5627 5237 5650 5885 5194 5498 6203 6452 6184 6314
industrial processes 1000 t CO2 equiv. 1002 998 1028 1012 1032 1063 1133 1148 1227 1271
fuels in manufacturing industries and construction 1000 t CO2 equiv. 2615 2478 2220 2286 2297 2269 2211 2244 2158 2276
fuels in residential and commercial sectors 1000 t CO2 equiv. 2439 3062 3133 3163 3378 3053 3125 2982 2903 2838
agriculture 1000 t CO2 equiv. 2042 1994 1997 2045 2028 2133 2106 2175 2082 1988
waste 1000 t CO2 equiv. 549 555 567 583 605 623 635 647 657 690
other 1000 t CO2 equiv. 431 416 436 439 418 420 386 425 432 433
total 1000 t CO2 equiv. 18529 19203 19561 19318 18664 18920 19783 19937 19646 19964
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
transport 1000 t CO2 equiv. 4428 4647 5229 6158 5325 5265 5699
energy industries 1000 t CO2 equiv. 6325 6379 6596 6388 6087 6214 6259
industrial processes 1000 t CO2 equiv. 1373 1433 1446 1327 972 980 1014
fuels in manufacturing industries and construction 1000 t CO2 equiv. 2486 2593 2346 2305 1918 1900 1704
fuels in residential and commercial sectors 1000 t CO2 equiv. 2585 2360 1915 2277 2186 2226 1954
agriculture 1000 t CO2 equiv. 2003 2020 2076 1963 1995 1955 1901
waste 1000 t CO2 equiv. 692 706 669 591 551 550 562
other 1000 t CO2 equiv. 416 415 413 397 393 392 417
total 1000 t CO2 equiv. 20309 20554 20690 21406 19427 19482 19509