Key message

Lyme borreliosis (LB) and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) are the most common vector-borne diseases transmitted by ticks. Between 2014 and 2023, Slovenia reported annually slightly less than 3,000 to over 7,000 cases of LB and an average of 105 TBE cases (the highest in 2020 - 187 cases, the lowest in 2015 and 2021 - 62 cases). Due to climate change, which influences the expansion of tick habitats and extends their activity season, the risk of infection may increase in the future. Increased awareness and individual prevention are key factors in reducing the burden of both diseases.


Figure ZD25-1: Data on reported cases of Lyme borreliosis and tick-borne encephalitis in Slovenia, 2014–2023

National Institute of Public Health (2023)

Show data
reported cases of Lyme borreliosis[number ] reported cases of tick-borne encephalitis[number ]
2014 3890 101
2015 3742 62
2016 4273 83
2017 4534 102
2018 7543 153
2019 3939 111
2020 7496 187
2021 2933 62
2022 4007 124
2023 2514 63
Figure ZD25-2: The average incidence rate of reported cases of Lyme borreliosis, by age group and sex, Slovenia, 20142023

National Institute of Public Health (2023)

Show data
Men[Incidence rate/100.000 inh.] Women[Incidence rate/100.000 inh.]
0-4 258.37 232.55
5-9 309.79 265.20
10-14 152.54 109.95
15-19 98.28 105.23
20-24 124.77 96.09
25-29 126.24 109.19
30-34 125.77 128.87
35-39 151.17 153.57
40-44 176.29 188.90
45-49 203.01 257.29
50-54 220.49 353.07
55-59 243.41 403.57
60-64 259.24 440.67
65-69 264.87 414.34
70-74 225.71 350.75
75-79 186.11 222.67
80-84 123.02 128.90
85+ 62.19 46.13
Starost - SKUPAJ 192.43 238.31
Figure ZD25-3: The average incidence rate of reported cases of tick-born encephalitis, by age group and sex, Slovenia, 2014–2023

National Institute of Public Health (2023)

Show data
Men[Incidence rate/100.000 inh.] Women[Incidence rate/100.000 inh.]
0-4 1.52 1.22
5-9 4.64 2.68
10-14 5.03 0.98
15-19 4.93 2.61
20-24 5.11 2.21
25-29 5.31 2.73
30-34 5.26 4.06
35-39 2.98 3.92
40-44 3.44 4.17
45-49 4.91 5.25
50-54 5.79 6.34
55-59 8.28 8.30
60-64 8.75 7.17
65-69 10.06 7.04
70-74 7.50 5.27
75-79 7.00 4.25
80-84 10.37 2.72
85+ 5.24 1.34
Starost - SKUPAJ 5.70 4.36
Figure ZD25-4: Number of reported cases of Lyme borreliosis and tick-borne encephalitis, by months, Slovenia, 2023

National Institute of Public Health, (2023)

Show data
reported cases of Lyme disease [number ] reported cases of tick-borne encephalitis[number ]
January 82 1
February 53 0
March 97 1
April 171 0
May 359 2
June 471 12
July 460 22
August 312 12
September 188 5
October 150 2
November 113 3
December 58 3
Figure ZD25-5: The average incidence rate of reported cases of Lyme borreliosis, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2019–2023

National Institute of Public Health (2023)

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reported cases of Lyme borreliosis[Incidence rate/100.000 inh.]
01-Pomurska 284.38
02-Podravska 131.02
03-Koroška 274.81
04-Savinjska 110.09
05-Zasavska 121.55
06-Posavska 89.11
07-Jugovzhodna Slovenija 168.58
08-Osrednjeslovenska 193.47
09-Gorenjska 327.57
10-Primorsko-notranjska 218.25
11-Goriška 445.37
12-Obalno-kraška 135.47
Figure ZD25-6: The average incidence rate of reported cases of tick-borne encephalitis, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2019–2023

National Institute of Public Health (2023)

Show data
reported cases of tick-borne encephalitis[Incidence rate/100.000 inh.]
01-Pomurska 3.32
02-Podravska 2.69
03-Koroška 15.27
04-Savinjska 3.09
05-Zasavska 2.46
06-Posavska 0.53
07-Jugovzhodna Slovenija 5.34
08-Osrednjeslovenska 5.11
09-Gorenjska 11.12
10-Primorsko-notranjska 19.55
11-Goriška 4.90
12-Obalno-kraška 0.51