Key message

Our society, its production and consumption systems, is based on the use of raw materials such as biomass, fossil fuels and minerals. By increasing the extraction of raw materials, the associated environmental and social impacts are approaching or already exceeding natural limits.

According to available UN data for the period 1990 to 2015, Slovenia achieved no decoupling of economic development from raw material consumption.

In 2015, only five EU countries: Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Belgium and the Netherlands, recycled at least half of their municipal waste.

In Finland, based on years of research, they have proposed a sustainable annual target of eight tonnes per person as an acceptable material household footprint.


Figure PG10-1: PG10-1 Decoupling of material footprint, Slovenia
Figure PG10-2: PG10 - 2 Municipal solid waste generation and recyclingin EU, 2015
Show data
EU 28 Romania Poland Czech Republic Slovakia Estonia Hungary Croatia Belgium Bulgaria Latvia Spain Sweden Lithuania Slovenia Portugal (2014 data) United Kingdom Italy Finland France Greece12 data)[%] Netherlands Austria Irelanddata)[%] Malta Luxembourg Germany Cyprus Denmark
MSW generated 474 247 286 316 329 359 377 393 418 419 433 434 447 448 449 453 485 486 500 501 507 523 560 587 624 625 625 638 789
MSW recycled 215 32 121 94 49 102 121 71 223 123 116 144 215 149 242 138 211 212 203 199 98 271 319 215 42 302 413 115 365
Figure PG10-3: PG10-3: Material footprint of households in Finland


Date of data source summarization