Environmental indicators in Slovenia

Environmental indicators are based on graphs, maps and assessments and as such present environmental trends in Slovenia. The indicators represent one of the four pillars of our environmental reporting, and are prepared in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act. The Environmental Indicators in Slovenia website enables users to browse among 180 indicators. They are based on numerical data and they indicate the state, characteristics and trends of environmental development in Slovenia. They are prepared using a systematic approach based on data and monitoring, as shown in the information pyramid.

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Natura 2000 areas were designated in 2004. Acording to the conclusions of bilateral meeting with European Comission in 2014 the Natura 2000 network was expanded in 2016. Natura 2000 area cover 7681 km2 or 37,50% of the total area and 7676 km2 or 37,87 % of the terrestrial area of the country.


Sustainable models of production and consumption contribute to the prevention of waste generation, for which several legislative measures have been adopted. To monitor their implementation, data on various products placed on the market (e.g. plastic carrier bags) and data on waste (e.g. food waste) are collected.


The proportion of WEEE disposed of within mixed municipal waste is decreasing, while the proportion of WBA disposed of within mixed municipal waste is very low and does not change significantly over the years. On the other hand, the amount of separately collected WEEE is increasing. Almost 15,500 tons of WEEE were collected separately in Slovenia in 2022, which is 7% more than in 2019.


The indicator mainly shows the unidentifiable direction of development. The majority of data were available only for a limited period, and therefore, reliable estimation of trends is not possible. Cereals are the predominant group of crops in Slovenia. Areas for growing green fodder crops and industrial plants are increasing, while the production of root and tuber crops has stabilized on two percent of arable land. A slow diversification of crop types is noticeable, with a positive trend in the share of legumes, although this share has stabilized at around 15% in recent years.


In Slovenia, the majority of energy consumption in agriculture is gas oil used as a propellant for agricultural machinery (59.0%), followed by energy for the production of mineral nitrogen fertilizers (34.7%) and electric energy (3.7%). Gas oil consumption has not changed significantly in the last ten years. Electricity consumption for storage is mainly influenced by the amount of fruit. In terms of direct energy consumption in 2022, the Netherlands stands out, mainly due to the large share of greenhouses, followed by Belgium.



In 2024, agricultural land covered 18.8% of nature protection areas of various types in Slovenia. 26.3% of all agricultural land is included in nature protection areas. In the past, agriculture in Slovenia has contributed to high diversity of species and habitats and played a key role in the shaping of cultural landscape. Creation of protected areas is only the first step towards the preservation of traditional agricultural habitats; these habitats will only be preserved if the farmers have an economic interest in maintaining them.