Environmental indicators in Slovenia

Environmental indicators are based on graphs, maps and assessments and as such present environmental trends in Slovenia. The indicators represent one of the four pillars of our environmental reporting, and are prepared in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act. The Environmental Indicators in Slovenia website enables users to browse among 180 indicators. They are based on numerical data and they indicate the state, characteristics and trends of environmental development in Slovenia. They are prepared using a systematic approach based on data and monitoring, as shown in the information pyramid.

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Species diversity in Slovenia is stil considerably well preserved, distinctly higher in western part of the country. Without systematic monitoring on permanent plots it is impossible to recognize short term trends, but in some regions negative trends are result of landuse changes and impact of alien invasive species.


Environmental protection is important to the residents of the EU and Slovenia. The most significant environmental issues mentioned are growing amount of waste, air pollution, and climate change. A large majority of respondents agreed with statements expressing concern about various environmental problems and acknowledging their impact on their daily lives and health.


Trends in annual precipitation are not as obvious as temperature trends. Changes between years and differences between regions are significant. According to climate change projections, annual precipitation will slightly increase while changes in seasonal precipitation will be noticeable. The most worrying are summer conditions, because less precipitation and higher temperature might result in higher frequency of droughts. In winter, more precipitation may lead to an increase in flooding events.


Temperature in Slovenia is increasing faster than global average. Increase in the annual average temperature is most evident in the last three decades. Warming of the atmosphere will continue according to the climate change projections. The result of warming is an increase in sea level (due to melting of glaciers and thermal expansion), increase in level of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (contributes to warming), and many extreme weather and climate events (like floods, droughts, hail and heavy wind), which will influence the quality of our lives.


Temperature observations show increasing trend of maximum and minimum absolute temperature in between 1961 and 2022, reflecting a global warming. Number of hot days is increasing, including the frequency of extreme hot days with daily maximum temperature above 35 °C. In the summer of 2013, the highest temperature so far was measured in Slovenia, and local temperature records were observed at many meteorological stations. A record number of hot days was observed in 2022. Number of days with temperature below zero show a decline.


Asthma is the most common chronic disease among children and one of the major causes of hospitalization to the age of fifteen. In 2019, in EU countries, the share of people reporting asthma was 5,7 %, and for Slovenia it was 4,8 %.  In the period 2017-2021, the municipalities of Kostel, Kobilje and Cankova stood out in terms of the number of hospitalizations for asthma. Recent evidences support relationship between exposure to air pollution and exacerbation of asthma, mainly due to exposure to particulate matter (PM10).