Environmental indicators in Slovenia

Environmental indicators are based on graphs, maps and assessments and as such present environmental trends in Slovenia. The indicators represent one of the four pillars of our environmental reporting, and are prepared in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act. The Environmental Indicators in Slovenia website enables users to browse among 180 indicators. They are based on numerical data and they indicate the state, characteristics and trends of environmental development in Slovenia. They are prepared using a systematic approach based on data and monitoring, as shown in the information pyramid.

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Population trends of selected bird species show that the state of the environment in the cultural landscape is still deteriorating, especially in some parts such as Prekmurje and Ljubljansko barje. The population of selected forest bird species is stable, however, a trend of deterioration of its habitat was recorded in recent years, as a result of intensified logging. Bird populations that winter on Slovenian rivers and other water bodies have different trends that are mostly in line with trends of regional biogeographic populations of waterbirds in Europe.


Although a quarter of the newly registered personal cars in Slovenia are electric or hybrid, their share among all personal vehicles is only around 3%. This is due to the fact that households rarely decide to purchase new cars, resulting in a high average age of cars over 10 years, and it will take a long time for our vehicle fleet to become less energy-intensive. Slovenia ranks in the bottom quarter of European countries by the share of first registrations of new personal electric vehicles.


The car remains the primary mode of transportation, regardless of the distance or purpose of the trip, while the use of public transport does not show a significant increase. The main barriers to using public transport are poor accessibility, inadequate timetables, a lack of connections, and difficult access. Time inefficiency is also a significant issue. However, there are reasons for optimism, as households are increasingly open to using public transport and car-sharing.


While the declarative attitude of Slovenian households towards the environment and efficient use of energy is improving, the ratio between environmentally aware and unaware households remains unchanged. This is evident from their environmentally oriented behaviour and actual efficiency in energy use. The results of the Slovenian Energy Efficiency Survey – REUS indicate a great potential for reducing final energy consumption in households through the development of environmentally oriented behaviour and positive habits in energy use.


Total GHG emissions in the EU-ETS sector recorded an annual decrease for the fourth year in a row, in the last year they decreased by almost 7% and reached the lowest value in the observed period. The decrease is mainly a result of much lower GHG emissions in transformations. At the EU level, a legally binding target of reducing GHG emissions by 62% by 2030 compared to the 2005 level has been adopted for this sector, which is a common target for the EU and is not further differentiated by member state. Slovenia has not set a specific target for this sector.


Research from the European Barometer (EBS) since 2008 has continuously testified to the high awareness of Slovenians about climate changes. Despite fluctuations in perception, for the majority – over two-thirds – climate change represents a very serious problem. Since 2015, we have observed a gradual increase in this awareness, which has surpassed three-quarters of respondents in the latest measurements. According to the most recent data from the REUS 2022 study, more than 80% of households recognize the severity of climate changes, confirming a high level of concern among the population.