Environmental indicators in Slovenia

Environmental indicators are based on graphs, maps and assessments and as such present environmental trends in Slovenia. The indicators represent one of the four pillars of our environmental reporting, and are prepared in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act. The Environmental Indicators in Slovenia website enables users to browse among 180 indicators. They are based on numerical data and they indicate the state, characteristics and trends of environmental development in Slovenia. They are prepared using a systematic approach based on data and monitoring, as shown in the information pyramid.

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Species diversity in Slovenia is stil considerably well preserved, distinctly higher in western part of the country. Without systematic monitoring on permanent plots it is impossible to recognize short term trends, but in some regions negative trends are result of landuse changes and impact of alien invasive species.


Although the annual number of road traffic fatalities in Slovenia has been declining for decades and has decreased to about a third since independence, traffic still requires an excessive tax. The number of traffic accidents with victims or serious injuries is at the level of 30 years ago, the number of serious injuries is already 15 years stagnant. Traffic accidents have claimed an average of almost 110 lives per year over the last ten years, and fortunately, the number of deaths in traffic accidents has been slightly decreasing over the past ten years.


Soil erosion is a natural geomorphic process of soil particle detachment and transport. Due to human activities, it can be significantly accelerated, reaching levels much higher than in natural conditions. Erosion (water, wind, and tillage erosion) remains the most significant threat to soils in many regions of the world. Measuring erosion is typically done under controlled conditions on standardized test plots, which is a time-consuming, costly, and organizationally demanding process. Therefore, erosion risks and intensities are often assessed using computational models.


Slovenia belongs to the EU Member States with a lower level of specialization in agriculture. This is reflected in the number of specialized farms and the surface area of agricultural land treated by these holdings. Specialized farms in Slovenia generate a smaller share of standard output than the average in the European Union, which indicates that the processes of concentration and specialization of agricultural production in Slovenia is slower than in European Union.


According to estimates, most of the food in Slovenia is imported. The share of food of domestic origin is decreasing in the long term. In 2022, only about one fifth of food is of domestic origin. Before 2004, less than half of the available food was imported, while after Slovenia’s accession to the EU, both import and export of food increased significantly. Exports increased mainly at the expense of unprocessed products, while imports increased at the expense of processed products.


Changes in the size structure show that concentration processes are continuing regarding the extent of the agricultural land, while in the area of the livestock production these processes have slowed down. Nevertheless, due to its small size on average, the competitiveness of Slovenian farms is low compared to the EU–27 countries.