Key message

The reporting score under the Core data flow of the European Environment Agency decreased for Slovenia in recent years. For 2018, we achieved 86%, which is slightly below the EEA target (90% for the average of all countries). Seven EEA countries achieved a score of 100% and seven the score of more than 90% in 2018. In next years, the number of reporting flows through the EEA will increase significantly, which will also affect the change in the list of the most important data flows to be assessed.




Figure OP02-1: Reporting of environmental data – level of completeness of reported environmental data on Eionet core data flows, scored by the European Environment Agency

Progress reports on Eionet core data flows, European Environment Agency, 2020 

Show data
EEA members average Slovenia
1999 47 50
2000 45 50
2001 53 66
2002 62 78
2003 64 88
2004 57 92
2005 69 75
2006 73 96
2007 81 94
2008 85 96
2009 86 94
2010 90 96
2011 92 94
2012 90 94
2013 90 96
2014 89 89
2016 85 93
2017 86 81
2018 89 86
2019 86 90


PDF is a set of six to twelve reports provided by the EEA, in due content and form, that EEA Member States are obliged to communicate to the EEA within a specified time limit in order for the latter to be able to use them in the preparation of its own reports. For the purposes of preparing annual progress reports, the EEA assesses each report (reporting) by using so-called “smileys”, i.e. points – 0, 1, 2 or 3. The sum of gathered points representing a share of all possible points that can be acquired by each assessed state constitutes an overall assessment of the level of completeness of environmental data collected in each state in accordance with the requirements stipulated by the EEA. The rating criteria are determined in advance and for each separate report, and relate in particular to the length and completeness of the time series of the data required and communicated, communication of the data in due time and form, etc. Every year are the critria slightly stricter. The quality of data communicated toll now has not been subject to assessment.

Results are taken from web presentation: Eionet priority dataflows (10.7.2007)


This indicator is also included in the compilation of indicators used for measuring the development of information society in accordance with the eEurope Plus Action plan.

Date of data source summarization