Key message

The car remains the primary mode of transportation, regardless of the distance or purpose of the trip, while the use of public transport does not show a significant increase. The main barriers to using public transport are poor accessibility, inadequate timetables, a lack of connections, and difficult access. Time inefficiency is also a significant issue. However, there are reasons for optimism, as households are increasingly open to using public transport and car-sharing.


Figure OP08-1: Mode of transport for travel to work in the place of residence (for distances less than 5 km) and outside the place of residence (for distances between 5 km and 150 km), Slovenia, 2010-2022

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2022 (20. 06. 2022)


The analysis of the results must take into account that in 2019 and 2022 the respondents could only choose one option, whereas in past surveys (2010-2017) they could choose several options at a time.

Show data
car (< 5 km)[%] bicycle (< 5 km)[%] walking (< 5 km)[%] public passanger transport (< 5 km)[%] other forms of transport (< 5 km)[%] car (5-150 km)[%] bicycle (5-150 km)[%] walking (5-150 km)[%] public passanger transport (5-150 km)[%] other forms of transport (5-150 km)[%]
2019 55 17 9 7 4 84 2 1 7 6
2022 58 13 9 8 8 82 1 1 8 4
Figure OP08-2: Mode of transport for travel to work in the place of residence (for distances less than 5 km) in the summer and in the winter, Slovenia, 2017

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o. (2018)


When analyzing the results, we need to consider that in 2019, respondents could only choose one mode of transportation, while in previous measurements (2010-2017), and they could select multiple options simultaneously.

Show data
car[%] walking[%] bicycle[%] public passanger transport[%]
2017 (in summer) 79 33 30 28
2017 (in winter) 80 25 7 26
Figure OP08-3: Mode of transport for longer trips (5-150 km), Slovenia, 2010-2022

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2022 (20. 06. 2022)


The analysis of the results must take into account that in 2019 and 2022 the respondents could only choose one option, whereas in past surveys (2010-2017) they could choose several options at a time.

Show data
car[%] bicycle[%] walking[%] public passanger transport[%]
2010 87 6 7 17
2011 87 11 13 21
2012 86 7 8 20
2015 87 15 14 30
2017 92 24 22 23
2019 87 1 1 6
2022 84 2 1 8
Figure OP08-4: Key reasons for not using public passenger transport, Slovenija, 2019-2022

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2022 (20. 06. 2022)

Show data
unsuitable timetables[%] takes too long[%] poor bus connections[%] luggage (easier with car)[%] bus not available at our location[%] the nearest bus stop is too far away[%] public transport is not as efficient as abroad and often not on time[%] I need the car for my job[%] the bus costs more/too much[%] out of habit[%] we use it occasionally[%]
2019 33 32 37 24 19 12 15 11 11 10 11
2022 31.86 30.89 29.45 20.32 18.89 14.43 14 8.99 6.94 6.64 5.49
Figure OP08-5: Readiness to switch from car ownership to the use of various mobility services, Slovenia, 2019-2022

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2022 (20. 06. 2022)

Show data
good connections[%] so we do not use significantly more time compared to car travel[%] access to connections[%] cheaper public transport[%] to contribute to a cleaner environment[%] to not reduce the level of comfort[%] other[%] I don't know[%]
2019 43 45 32 32 20 17 4 19
2022 41.69 38.32 28.29 25.62 14.60 13.11 3.75 21.11
Figure OP08-6: Readiness to use alternative modes of transport in the following 12 months, Slovenia, 2011-2022

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2022 (20. 06. 2022)

Show data
walking [%] public passanger transport [%] bicycle [%] car sharing [%] other [%]
2011 34 14 16 3
2012 24 5 13 2
2015 34 12 20 5
2017 30 8 19 3
2019 21 12 15 6
2022 21 15.80 14.71 7 8.75
Figure OP08-7: Share of households willing to combine a passenger car with public transport or other form of transport in their daily transport schemes, if it is available at the appropriate time (by merged statistical regions), Slovenia, 2022

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2022 (20. 06. 2022)


Due to the small sample size the information for specific regions have been merged and are separated by a dotted line.

Show data
  2019 2022
pomurska, podravska 62 (N=216) 53 (N=216)
koroška, savinjska, zasavska 73 (N=187) 60 (N=186)
posavska, jugovzhodna Slovenija 62 (N=104) 39 (N=106)
osrednjeslovenska, gorenjska 72 (N=358) 53 (N=365)
primorsko-notranjska, obalno-kraška, goriška  68 (N=137) 41 (N=139)


Date of data source summarization

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