Key message

In the period 2002-2020, the highest exposure to ozone concentrations were detected in the Primorska region in summer where air quality measuring stations in Koper and Nova Gorica detected highest ozone concentrations in ambient air. There are some differences from year to year in a level of ozone exposure due to meteorological conditions in the warm half of the year and other regional characteristics.  


Figure ZD29-1: Population exposure to ozone based on the indicator SOMO35 (µg/m3.d), Slovenia, 2002-2020

Air quality monitoring database (DMKZ), Slovenian Environment Agency, 2021; calculations of NIJZ, 2021 (30. 04. 2021)


Due to the up-date of the measuring network, ozone measurements at some measuring stations have been not completed, e.g.the Iskrba measuring station. Measurements at the measuring station in Hrastnik have been abandoned, and from June 2020 on, measurements at the Novo mesto measuring station have started anew. At these measuring stations, therefore, there is no data for the whole year and these are only informative or have not yet been shown.

Show data
Ljubljana Bežigrad[micro g/m3.d] Celje[micro g/m3.d] Hrastnik[micro g/m3.d] Nova Gorica[micro g/m3.d] Koper[micro g/m3.d] Maribor[micro g/m3.d] Zagorje[micro g/m3.d] Trbovlje[micro g/m3.d] Iskrba[micro g/m3.d] Otlica[micro g/m3.d] Murska Sobota Rakičan[micro g/m3.d] Krvavec[micro g/m3.d]
2004 6587.70 6522.69 6316.23 8239.73 2969 3625 4438 8042 7753 13822
2005 6644.89 6474.90 6276.65 8382.45 2692 3828 4697 8404 7448 13897
2006 5984.18 5494.70 5692.36 7179.04 1951 3113 3947 8210 6075 13363
2007 6326.30 5978.68 5862.07 7255.57 2259 3411 4717 8588 6248 13579
2008 6266.69 5561.71 5495.66 6630.75 2358 2926 4276 8199 11722 5863 13192
2009 5766.05 4944.48 4818.56 5871.81 8163.76 2308 2321 4119 7612 10452 5483 12776
2010 5093.97 4640.35 4907.18 5478.84 8313.60 2197 2212 4123 7180 9561 5187 12592
2011 5352.91 5249.25 5690.05 6663.45 8763.06 1912 3099 4798 6815 9960 6027 12831
2012 5932.61 6101.38 6487.30 7792.33 9276.94 2070 3998 5110 7113 10434 6806 13257
2013 6401.32 6262.53 6371.62 8378.77 9651.51 1977 4423 4939 6943 9817 7132 13756
2014 5434.51 5420.02 5614.85 7295.36 9095.71 2779 3813 4407 6845 8845 5980 13197
2015 5158.79 4788.97 5289.64 7034.65 8840.90 3654 4250 6213 8101 4997 12491
2016 4613.66 4343.29 4839.86 6494.58 8333.67 5142 3220 4042 5849 8184 4670 11336
2017 5739.62 4967.01 5544.68 7096.99 8551 5728 3721 4806 6880 8880 5525 11890
2018 5699.33 5059.67 5481 6791.33 8347.67 6167.33 3372 4708 6095 9166 6668 11835
2019 5915.67 5472 4109 7139.33 8343.33 6444.67 3634 5197 7484 9870 7011 12300
2020 4909 4910 6792 7666 5772 3093 4148 6813 8997 6411 10897
Figure ZD29-2: Population exposure to ozone based on the indicator SOMO35 (µg/m3.d), by the types of sampling sites, Slovenia, 2002-2020

Air quality monitoring database (DMKZ), Slovenian Environment Agency, 2021; calculations of NIJZ, 2021 (30. 04. 2021)


SIP: Primorska region, SIC: inland area

Measuring sites in SIP: Nova Gorica in Koper (urban background SIP); Otlica (rural background SIP).

Measuring sites in SIC: Ljubljana Bežigrad, Celje in Hrastnik (urban background SIC); Trbovlje (suburban background SIC); Maribor center in Zagorje (urban-traffic SIC); Murska Sobota Rakičan (agricultural-rural SIC); Iskrba (suburban background SIC).

Show data
Urban background SIC area[micro g/m3.d] Ljubljana Bežigrad[micro g/m3.d] Celje[micro g/m3.d] Hrastnik[micro g/m3.d] Urban background SIP area[micro g/m3.d] Nova Gorica[micro g/m3.d] Koper[micro g/m3.d] Suburban background SIC area[micro g/m3.d] Trbovlje[micro g/m3.d] Urban-traffic type SIC area[micro g/m3.d] Maribor[micro g/m3.d] Zagorje[micro g/m3.d] Rural/Agricultural type SIC area[micro g/m3.d] Murska Sobota Rakičan[micro g/m3.d] Rural type/natural background SIC area[micro g/m3.d] Iskrba[micro g/m3.d] Rural type/natural background SIP area[micro g/m3.d] Otlica[micro g/m3.d] Krvavec[micro g/m3.d]
2004 6475.54 6587.70 6522.69 6316.23 8239.73 8239.73 4437.95 4437.95 3296.78 2968.74 3624.82 7752.56 7752.56 8042.38 8042.38 13822.48
2005 6465.48 6644.89 6474.90 6276.65 8382.45 8382.45 4696.98 4696.98 3259.92 2692.20 3827.64 7447.83 7447.83 8403.79 8403.79 13896.77
2006 5723.74 5984.18 5494.70 5692.36 7179.04 7179.04 4226.98 3946.65 2532.09 1950.80 3113.37 6143.04 6075.03 8456.09 8210.13 13627.99 13362.75
2007 6055.68 6326.30 5978.68 5862.07 7392.84 7255.57 4804.80 4717.08 2834.99 2259.41 3410.58 6272.94 6248.22 8739.61 8588.15 13143.66 13578.62
2008 5774.69 6266.69 5561.71 5495.66 7281.51 6630.75 4474.10 4276.16 2641.73 2357.68 2925.79 5984.15 5863.18 8447.47 8198.64 12198.39 11721.86 13191.79
2009 5176.36 5766.05 4944.48 4818.56 7017.79 5871.81 8163.76 4118.65 4118.65 2314.47 2307.64 2321.31 5482.87 5482.87 7612.23 7612.23 10452.21 10452.21 12776.46
2010 4880.50 5093.97 4640.35 4907.18 6896.22 5478.84 8313.60 4123.01 4123.01 2204.36 2196.54 2212.18 5187.44 5187.44 7179.69 7179.69 9560.73 9560.73 12591.53
2011 5430.74 5352.91 5249.25 5690.05 7713.26 6663.45 8763.06 4797.86 4797.86 2505.02 1911.51 3098.52 6027.19 6027.19 6815.29 6815.29 9960.29 9960.29 12830.91
2012 6173.76 5932.61 6101.38 6487.30 8534.63 7792.33 9276.94 5110.04 5110.04 3034.14 2070.10 3998.17 6806.39 6806.39 7112.86 7112.86 10434.39 10434.39 13256.79
2013 6345.16 6401.32 6262.53 6371.62 9015.14 8378.77 9651.51 4939.06 4939.06 3560.08 1976.92 4423.42 7134.72 7134.72 6942.75 6942.75 9816.88 9816.88 13755.95
2014 5489.79 5434.51 5420.02 5614.85 8195.53 7295.36 9095.71 4406.68 4406.68 3519.36 2778.84 3813.47 5980.13 5980.13 6844.88 6844.88 8844.66 8844.66 13196.85
2015 5079.13 5158.79 4788.97 5289.64 7937.78 7034.65 8840.90 4250.12 4250.12 3653.77 2700 3653.77 4997.11 4997.11 6213.17 6213.17 8100.82 8100.82 12491.24
2016 4598.93 4613.66 4343.29 4839.86 7414.12 6494.58 8333.67 4042.37 4042.37 3604.63 5142 3220.30 4669.94 4669.94 5848.58 5848.58 8183.82 8183.82 11365.95
2017 5417.11 5739.62 4967.01 5544.68 7824.00 7096.99 8551 4805.76 4805.76 4447.30 6314 3721.13 5524.91 5524.91 6880.45 6880.45 8879.94 8879.94 11889.69
2018 5413 5699 5060 5481 7570 6791 8348 4708 4708 4447 6167 3372 6668 6668 6905 6905 9166 9166 11835
2019 5762 5916 5472 4109 7837 7139 8343 5197 5197 5120 6445 3634 7249 7249 7606 7606 9824 9824 12338
2020 5170 4909 4910 5770 7325 6792 7666 4148 4513 5772 3093 6411 6411 6813 6813 8997 8997 10897
Figure ZD29-3: Comparison of population exposure to ozone, based on the indicator SOMO35 (µg/m3.d) in 41 European countries and the EU-28, 2011-2018

Air quality in Europe - 2020 report. European Environment Agency (EEA), report No.9/2020. (6. 07. 2021)


SOMO35 is expressed as population-weighted concentration and it is obtained according to the methodology described by ETC/ACM (2018) and references there in and not only from monitoring stations.

Show data
2011[micro g/m3.d] 2012[micro g/m3.d] 2013[micro g/m3.d] 2014[micro g/m3.d] 2015[micro g/m3.d] 2016[micro g/m3.d] 2018[micro g/m3.d]
Austria 5452 5419 5389 4423 6170 4522 6731
Belgium 2714 2050 2520 2297 2790 2203 4298
Bulgaria 5215 5960 4082 2519 4180 3347 3765
Croatia 7143 5989 4503 6240 4996 6342
Cyprus 8773 8369 7900 5426 6390 5612 6844
Czechia 4743 4806 4266 3822 5560 4353 6946
Denmark 2752 2662 2749 2611 2200 2293 3866
Estonia 2516 2310 2545 1991 1780 1949 2793
Finland 2052 1650 2011 1615 1360 1510 2351
France 4439 3635 4098 3786 4250 3420 5274
Germany 3668 3357 3506 3287 4300 3368 5674
Greece 9182 9378 8532 5926 6910 6871 7157
Hungary 5828 6342 4604 3620 5550 3952 5892
Ireland 1353 1479 2043 868 860 1323 2556
Italy 7532 7328 6576 5569 6860 6058 6490
Latvia 2708 3103 2614 2213 2560 2773 2732
Lithuania 3131 3358 2703 2457 2800 2456 3096
Luxembourgh 3527 2561 3167 2872 3460 2211 4604
Malta 7127 8022 7403 6946 5790 5985 5498
Netherlands 2283 1949 2410 2244 2680 2428 3620
Poland 4065 4045 3792 3425 4530 3699 5095
Portugal 4552 4240 5091 3519 3990 4074 4672
Romania 3276 3967 2221 1842 2950 2485 3683
Slovakia 6051 6103 5116 4344 5460 4232 6129
Slovenia 7062 7092 6540 5086 6650 5007 6494
Spain 5858 5850 5895 5436 5820 5212 5841
Sweden 2628 2233 2317 2318 2080 1819 3465
United Kingdom 1471 1183 1606 1337 1290 1161 2307
Albania 7769 8760 7179 4376 7220 5475 5601
Andorra 7891 8058 7303 6692 6050 4423 6593
Bosnia and Herzegovina 5702 7322 5670 3852 6050 4409 5218
Iceland 1094 1242 1473 218 260 499 1999
Kosovo 5691 3149 6130 4769 3922
Liechtenstein 5128 5132 5221 4360 5800 4945 7045
Monaco 8354 6979 7795 7112 8020 7186 7686
Montenegro 6970 8584 6674 4012 6790 5269 5630
North Macedonia 7110 8472 6326 3215 6200 4434 3533
Norway 2395 2128 2443 2113 1760 1502 3128
San Marino 6048 5067 5949 7180 5667 6700
Serbia 5793 6844 4505 2668 5280 3508 3500
Switzerland 5435 4990 4919 4417 6170 4842 7214
EU-28 3507 4250 3547 4970


Date of data source summarization

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