Key message

Life expectancy at birth in Slovenia is gradually increasing for both men and women. It is slightly higher for women than for men. Longer life expectancy at birth is recorded in western Slovenia. In 2021, life expectancy at birth was 83.8 years for women and 77.7 years for men, with an average of 80.7 years in Slovenia compared to 80.1 years in the EU. Although life expectancy is increasing, indicating a positive trend in the data set, environmental factors such as air and water quality, and exposure to pollutants, play a significant role in public health, but these influences are not directly reflected in the life expectancy trend alone.


Figure ZD26-1: Life expectancy at birth in years, separately for men and women, Slovenia, 2010-2021

Eurostat (2023)

Show data
women[years] men[years]
2001  80.40 72.30
2002 80.50 72.60
2003 80.30 72.50
2004 80.80 73.50
2005 80.90 73.90
2006 82 74.50
2007 82 74.60
2008 82.60 75.50
2009 82.70 75.90
2010 83.10 76.40
2011 83.30 76.80
2012 83.30 77.10
2013 83.60 77.20
2014 84.10 78.20
2015 83.90 77.80
2016 84.30 78.20
2017 84 78.20
2018 84.40 78.50
2019 84.50 78.70
2020 83.40 77.80
2021 83.80 77.70
Figure ZD26-2: Life expectancy at birth, for men and women, EU-28, 2021

Eurostat (2023)

Show data
women[years] men[years]
Belgium 84.30 79.40
Bulgaria 75.10 68
Czechia 80.50 74.10
Denmark 83.30 79.60
Germany 83.30 78.40
Estonia 81.40 72.70
Ireland 84.30 80.50
Greece 82.90 77.40
Spain 86.20 80.40
France 85.50 79.30
Croatia 79.80 73.60
Italy 84.90 80.50
Cyprus 83.40 79.20
Latvia 78 68.20
Lithuania 78.80 69.50
Luxembourg 84.80 80.50
Hungary 77.80 70.70
Malta 84.30 80.80
Netherlands 83 79.70
Austria 83.70 78.80
Poland 79.60 71.60
Portugal 84.40 78.50
Romania 76.60 69.20
Slovenia 83.80 77.70
Slovakia 78.20 71.20
Sweden 84.90 81.30
Finland 84.60 79.30