
Water consumption in Slovenia represents a relatively small proportion of the annual gross water outflow from the country. In 2019, the annual WEI+ index was around 3%, and same 3% compared to the periodic average of water availability. The Long-term Annual Average Water Exploitation Index shows a slight decrease, but the trend is not statistically significant.


In recent years, the amount of wastewater treated by secondary or tertiary treatment processes increased, while primary treatment processes have closed. The amount of wastewater treated through secondary treatment processes increased by 150 % since 2000 or from 30 million m3 (in 2000) to almoust 45 million m3 (in 2019). There were almost no tertiary wastewater treatment processes in Slovenia in 2000, and in 2019, 72% of wastewater or 113 million m3 of wastewater was treated by tertiary process.


Slovenian groundwater bodies most polluted with nitrates are those with intergranular (alluvium) aquifers, particularly in north-eastern Slovenia. Groundwater in karst and fractured aquifers is less burdened with nitrates due to geographical conditions, low population density and less agricultural land. In the period 1998–2020, the average annual levels of nitrates in water bodies in the Sava valley, Ljubljansko barje, Savinja, Drava and Mura basins show a statistically significant downward trend. In other water bodies, nitrate levels are not statistically significant.


In Slovenia, nutrient overloading is still the basic problem concerning lakes and reservoirs, and from 2006 to 2019, no improvement is observed. In the assessment period 2016–2019, only 4 out of 11 lake water bodies were determined to be in good or very good trophic status. Overloading of lakes with phosphorus is usually a result of inadequate wastewater drainage and intensive agriculture in the watershed area.


In 2021, drinking water monitoring was carried out in supply zones (water supply systems) that supply 50 or more persons (94,6% of the population). Large, medium and some of small supply zones that supply more than 500 (90,0%) inhabitants, generally have adequate drinking water quality. The smallest supply zones that supply 50-500 inhabitants are the least regulated, in comparison to larger due to the fecal contamination, as some with karst water resources.


Inland bathing water quality in Slovenia is good and comparable with bathing water quality in other European countries.


Groundwater is most polluted in aquifers with intergranular porosity in the northeastern part of Slovenia.


In Slovenia, 98.7% of surface water bodies are in good chemical condition. The two water bodies are in poor chemical condition due to the excess of metals. In general, Slovenian surface waters are not loaded with priority substances in the water, but they are loaded with too high concentrations of mercury and brominated diphenylethers in fish. These are ubiquitous pollutants that are excessively present in biota both in Slovenia and in Europe.


Water protection areas cover 3532 km2 or 17,4% of Slovenia’s land surface in 2021. This is a slight increase, compared to 2017, but the goal of protecting the areas of all water sources for public water supply with a regulation on national level, has not been reached yet.


In Slovenian larger cities, in 2021, 35% of children (0-14 years old) in larger cities were exposed to concentrations of 0-20 µg PM10/m3 and 65% of children (0-14 years) in larger cities were exposed to concentrations of 20-30 µg PM10/m3. In Europe, most children live in an environment where PM10 concentrations are below 26 µg/m3.