Key message

The trend of food consumption after 2000 is slightly declining in almost all categories. One possible explanation for this decline is probably changed eating habits when we eat less at home. At the same time, there is a marked upward trend in food and beverage costs. The results of research show that of all food categories, meat and dairy products have the highest environmental impacts. The number of agricultural holdings with organic farming in Slovenia is slowly growing, but the dynamics of growth of organic production is not satisfactory. The structure of organic production in Slovenia also does not meet the demand, which is highest for fresh vegetables, fruit, mill and dairy products, while the livestock and grassland predominate in organic production.


Figure PG07-1: Amount of food and drinks used per household member

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (3rd July, 2023)

Show data
Rice[kg] Vegetables[kg] Fruit[kg] Bread and pastries[kg] Pasta products[kg] Flour, all kinds, other cereals[kg] Meat and meat products[kg] Fish (fresh and frozen)[kg] Eggs[piece] Milk and low fat milk[l] Edible oils[l] Sugar[kg] Coffee and coffee substitutes[kg] Soft drinks[l] Fruit juices[l] Wine[l] Beer (also non-alcoholic)[l] Spirits[l]
2000 3.80 107.70 68.40 64.10 6.60 27 62.50 2 145.70 79.40 14.10 14.70 3.10 30.90 28.20 25.70 23.90 0.60
2003 3.50 95.70 70.20 52.80 6.60 23.80 52.80 2 112.70 74.60 12.30 13.40 3.10 29.10 33 19.90 20.20 0.60
2007 3 89.90 66 39 6.50 17.80 51.70 1.40 93.70 65.40 10.40 10 3.20 39.30 21.30 13.90 26.40 0.80
2009 2.50 92.80 69.60 37.90 5.90 16.50 48.70 1.40 100.70 64.50 9.80 9.90 3.40 35.90 22.40 13.10 25.60 0.90
2012 2.60 84.40 72 34.20 6.40 17.40 47.70 1.50 87.70 54.10 10.50 8 3.50 29.40 21.60 10.90 26.40 1
2015 2.30 79.10 63.80 27.50 5.80 11.90 43.20 1.70 80.20 46.80 8.90 7 3.10 23.40 13.20 7.80 26.40 0.90
2018 2.30 78.60 59.40 26.90 6.70 12.10 42.90 1.10 80.30 43 7.40 6.40 3 24 16.50 8.50 26.40 1.10
Figure PG07-2: Average annual allocated assets of households per household member

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (3rd July, 2023)

Show data
Bread and cereals[EUR] Meat[EUR] Fish and seafood[EUR] Milk, cheese and eggs[EUR] Oils and fats[EUR] Fruit[EUR] Vegetables[EUR] Sugar, jam, honey, chocolate and confectionery[EUR] Non-alcoholic beverages[EUR] Alcohol beverages, tobacco and narcotics[EUR]
2001 157.80 212.82 18.93 120.08 29.91 53.98 57 57.91 83.71 85.12
2002 168.50 221.01 21.61 126.85 30.65 61.04 63 63.42 88.17 97.33
2003 174.51 218.03 22.23 132.25 30.44 62.87 65.95 67.98 89.04 111.59
2007 176.12 239.35 23.91 148.74 31.63 74.30 75.17 82.29 97.26 150.83
2008 192.33 260.93 28.09 175.10 36.80 82.63 80.69 94.43 106.82 161.12
2009 184.27 243.25 28.49 177.57 36.39 81.89 80.05 92.83 105.28 143.54
2012 185.22 250.91 32.37 167.30 40.58 85.09 75.96 93.71 111.23 142.07
2015 169.77 227.95 28.91 155.78 42.53 94.40 82.49 79.89 95.36 139.92
2018 190.06 252.32 34.71 165.70 38.31 99.11 89.89 89.59 104.50 141.32
Figure PG07-3: Organic products of animal origin (t)

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food (3rd July, 2023)


the data for meat and milk production together and cow's milk and eggs are not shown in the graph, but are in the table

Show data
Meat - TOTAL[t] Beef and veal[t] Pigmeat[t] Sheepmeat[t] Goatmeat[t] Poultrymeat[t] Equidae[t] Other meat[t] Production of milk - TOTAL[t] Ewes' milk[t] Goats' milk[t] Honey[t] Consumable eggs[pieces]
2012 294.64 267.94 3.77 4.30 0.21 16.55 1.84 0.03 4829.75 117.21 121.83 21.39 3653736
2013 177.28 156.49 10.56 3 1.33 12.71 4.66 0.23 5395 128.26 144.40 44.95 4137950
2014 200.10 177.41 5.05 1.92 0.10 13.59 1.65 0.39 5626.43 104.44 105.77 20.34 4641164
2015 151.63 128.12 9.85 3.30 0.49 2.03 1.15 6.71 6036.20 85.58 118.64 21.81 6313978
2016 323.91 260.16 5.50 1.88 0.35 38.22 1.13 16.67 7127.75 124.36 139.03 21.20 6935642
2017 326.69 275.13 21 3.31 0.28 25.50 1.38 0.08 6050.93 178.09 158.76 31.31 8657164
2018 410.21 350.07 24.99 1.97 0.12 32.80 0 0.27 7186.72 180.71 138.46 43.91 10868595
2019 330.18 278.41 23.86 0.31 0.40 27.07 0 0.12 7739.63 188.13 203.77 42.04 11704526
2020 308.68 260.06 18.51 2.20 0 27.48 0.20 0.23 7714.80 193.03 214.53 34.08 13315892
2021 457.39 407.60 22.63 1.52 0 25.19 0.30 0.15 8236.27 173.26 220.18 32.18 12547262
Figure PG07-4: Organic crop products production (t)

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food (3rd July, 2023)


data for green fodder from fields and hay from perennial grasslands are not shown in the graph, but they are in the table

Show data
Cereals for the production of grain grains[t] of which wheat and spelt[t] of which barley[t] of which oats[t] of which maize for grains[t] Dried pulses and protein crops[t] Root crops[t] of which potatoes[t] Industrial crops[t] of which oilseeds[t] Plants harvested green[t] of which green maize[t] ..of which temporary grasses and grazings[t] Fresh vegetables, melons[t] Strawberries[t] Cultivated mushrooms[t] Fruit[t] Olives[t] Grapes[t] Hay with permanent grassland[t]
2012 2861.92 649.34 409 256.11 653.70 0 1114.60 1018.20 184.03 157.77 5642.96 349 1262.40 701.63 10.94 4.30 1207.30 99.98 570.50 56142.27
2013 2942.75 614 427.55 413.62 586.11 0 1184.75 1069.54 124.69 86.61 6300.87 201.50 1367.38 1217.61 15.31 5.85 1817.23 210.05 815.96 64210.84
2014 3929.31 1314.48 561.26 396.21 1005.53 38.12 1579.14 1402.15 155.78 130.30 10857.05 514.20 1892.32 1410.71 27.01 7.70 1845.31 175.87 964.04 75476.95
2015 3386.36 1205.05 460.70 446.75 544.17 73.60 1611.25 1392.58 216.54 182.11 9356.67 954.70 2275.75 1573.09 27.78 5.58 2744.45 340.08 1207.99 48571.68
2016 4725.15 1460.52 865.59 358.35 1264.38 105.57 1622.21 1471.12 88.34 76.38 12123.98 1155.80 4059.28 1746.27 24.22 20.50 1937.21 417.89 1017.44 50936.53
2017 4848.86 1676.22 744.15 514.63 867.68 201.29 1767.90 1566.46 426.69 382.22 14297.70 2307.50 4355.47 1478.01 37.90 0.08 895.36 423.08 1312.32 50483.45
2018 5492.38 1602.27 815.14 653.90 1048.22 114.60 1823.56 1547.18 334.62 266.56 19408.35 2811.13 4823.13 1780 54.15 0.07 5020.81 552.43 1504.99 59332.48
2019 5628.90 1769.57 858.53 845.95 1109.23 105.52 1626.28 1385.33 306.03 257.67 18550.60 2406.40 5832.60 1739.93 55.43 0.05 1520.94 421.39 2203.28 101950.44
2020 5622.11 1715.97 943.15 638.49 1226.95 95.09 1831.25 1632.26 609.30 412.08 16609.53 2237.90 7326.21 1641.16 59.06 25.19 7430.94 659.01 1914.19 102055.25
2021 5865.84 2045.84 812.45 622.51 1362.84 120.04 1509.82 1335.90 297.78 211.46 17568.14 1434 8670.69 1906.24 57.01 30.06 1327.11 314.87 2034.21 98818.31
Figure PG07-5: Production of vegetables (t)

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (3rd July, 2023)

Show data
Vegetables Total[t] White cabbage[t] Kale[t] Cauliflower and broccoli[t] Chinese cabbage[t] Lettuces[t] Endives[t] Chicory[t] Spinach[t] Carrots[t] Beetroot[t] Tomatoes[t] Sweet peppers[t] Cucumbers - total[t] Cucumbers - pickling[t] Cucumbers - slicing[t] Onion[t] Garlic[t] Leeks[t] French beans - total[t] French beans - climbing[t] French beans - dwarf[t] Peas[t] Rampion[t] Courgettes[t] Asparagus[t] [t]
1991 0 39040 1808 773 481 2633 1324 892 306 4120 2431 5937 1208 5189 0 0 7610 1462 381 2576 0 0 598 0 0 0 13668
1995 0 30278 1057 959 762 4260 1933 1291 455 3181 3820 6172 1818 6581 0 0 6461 1101 463 2821 0 0 821 0 0 0 7389
2000 78809 26993 659 1474 421 6894 2266 2386 391 2813 3141 3421 5824 3002 0 0 6260 640 684 2103 0 0 325 0 0 0 9285
2005 87579 25008 1395 1756 536 7434 3238 3475 412 2747 3010 6629 10227 3708 1485 2224 7212 240 716 3112 2167 946 225
2010 59986 20241 725 996 229 5781 1836 2302 236 2039 2013 3766 3375 2312 719 1594 4667 292 608 1921 1314 607 156 0 0 0 6488
2014 86208 20851 942 1625 377 10474 3868 4230 298 3518 2631 6607 3594 3273 1105 2168 7563 912 407 3407 2392 1015 216 864 2240 224 8088
2016 105505 21698 1003 1395 420 12252 3093 5231 316 5590 3970 8652 4024 2662 1093 1569 10885 1089 925 3180 1981 1199 259 493 3557 233 14577
2019 120120 19286 866 1845 408 13052 2755 6254 318 5666 4865 9013 4261 2411 849 1561 10101 1056 1136 1975 1058 917 639 647 6718 576 26274
2020 135241 21874 1003 2054 504 14718 3100 6166 372 6949 5610 10238 4347 2991 1058 1934 11912 1070 1285 2261 1244 1017 626 742 7214 622 29584
2021 114957 19675 849 1709 425 12248 2668 5840 306 5201 4675 8771 3734 2332 803 1529 10514 1023 1070 1684 887 798 512 595 5010 356 25757
2022 90651 10785 675 1392 405 9878 1848 5637 239 4214 5956 10358 3030 2627 687 1940 8082 736 1204 1413 664 749 230 552 5778 334 15279
Figure PG07-6: Household expenditure for food and drink, EU 2021

Eurostat (3rd July, 2023)

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Date of data source summarization

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