
In 2011, electricity consumption increased due to some economic growth. In 2000-2011 period, the average consumption growth was 1.7% per annum, which matches the projections in the current NEP.
Compared to the year 2000, the biggest growth was recorded in services sector, followed by the households.


In the production of electricity and heat in thermal power plants and combined heat and power plants 55% of input energy was lost in the year 2010.
Due to a lack of new investments, the efficiency of electricity production and of electricity and heat production is improving too slowly. Compared to the EU-27, Slovenia produced electricity and heat 4 percentage points less efficiently.


Electricity production from CHP has significantly increased in 2012, but it was nevertheless still far from the target for 2010.


In 2011 continued the dominance of solid fuels for the production of electricity, which has been available for use in Slovenia, but the share is slowly decreasing. Followed by renewable energy sources to 30% share and of nuclear energy has been produced 24% of electricity. The share of electricity produced from domestic sources was 80% above the target set by the Resolution of the National Energy Program.


The most of energy in transport is used in cars, followed by trucks, the share of which is growing very fast. Efficiency of energy use with excluded influence of transit transport is improving, but too slow.


The most of energy in households is used for heating of appartments. In the period 2009-2012, efficiency of energy use increased a lot, especially on the account of increase of efficiency of energy used for heating.


Most of industrial energy is consumed in the production of metals. In the period 2008-2012, the efficiency of energy use has increased, while the trends in individual sectors are very different and diverse.