Key message

At the end of 2019, the total floor area of energy-renovated buildings in the public sector amounted to 1.71 million m2, which exceeds the indicative annual target by 8%. In 2019, more than 187,000 m2 were renovated, which is 28% less than the previous year and also significantly less than in the period 2013−2015. According to currently available data, the total floor area of energy-renovated public buildings will reach 1.84 million m2 in 2020, which will exceed the target value for this year by 3%. Together with this indicator, it is also necessary to consider the results of indicators for monitoring the CO2 emissions reduction and final energy savings achieved through the implementation of measures in the public sector.


Figure PO08-1: Cumulative floor area of energy-renovated buildings in the public sector in the period 2011−2019, expected value of the indicator in 2020 and its target values up to 2020

Jožef Stefan Institute - Energy Efficiency Centre

Show data
Target values of the indicator Indicator values in the period 2011−2019 Expected value of the indicator in 2020
2011 0
2012 63.27 63.27
2013 301.04 522.62
2014 538.82 972.66
2015 776.59 1261.72
2016 980.28 1261.72
2017 1183.97 1265.05
2018 1387.66 1526.99
2019 1591.35 1714.38 1714.38
2020 1795.04 1841.43


The indicator methodology is available only in Slovene (link to the indicator)

Date of data source summarization