Key message

The results of the Energy Efficiency Survey of Slovenia (REUS) 2021 show that 61 % of Slovenian households rarely or never use public transport. Depending on the type of settlements, the largest share of households that use public transport live in Ljubljana and Maribor, as well as in the Obalno-kraška region. A good tenth of those households that use public transport, has used public transport in the recent week, while a fifth of households used public transport in the recent month. The main aim of the use of public transport for two fifths of households are errands and shopping, while a quarter of public households use public transport for commuting. The share of households that use public transport as their main mode of transport for commuting to work remains very small. We should take into account that data for 2021 include impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has also affected use of public transport.


Figure RE07-1: Frequency of public transport use, Slovenia, 2021

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2021 (25.10.2021)

Show data
Slovenia[%] Ljubljana[%] Maribor[%] Settlement with more than 10,000 residents[%] Settlement with 2,000 - 10,000 residents[%] Rural settlement with fewer than 2,000 residents[%] Non-rural settlement with fewer than 2,000 residents[%]
1-7 times a week 10.38 22.53 14.63 6.23 8.05 7.76 9.06
1-3 times a month 9.63 22.30 10.59 10.37 8.69 6.93 5.35
1-3 times every half a year 18.93 27.63 28.31 35.94 16.87 11.62 11.92
Fewer 33.87 22.92 36.11 37.86 30.63 36.46 37.07
Never 27.20 4.61 10.36 9.61 35.76 37.23 36.60
Figure RE07-2: Last use of public transport use, Slovenia, 2021

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2021 ()

Show data
This week 13.80
This month 17.57
This year 30.37
More than a year ago 38.27
Figure RE07-3: The aim of the last use of public transport, Slovenia, 2021

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2021 (25.10.2021)

Show data
Commuting within the location of residence (less than 5 km) 11.35
Commuting outside of the location of residence (5-150 km) 12.81
Transportation to the kindergarten, school, university (less than 5 km) 3.10
Errands and shopping within the location of residence (less than 5 km) 16.32
Errands and shopping outside of the location of residence (5-150 km) 22.43
Trips (5-150 km) 28.18
Holidays (more than 150 km) 5.82
Figure RE07-4: Share of households that regularly (1-7 times a week) uses public transport by statistical region, Slovenia, 2021

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2021 (25.10.2021)

Show data
Pomurska[%] Podravska[%] Koroška[%] Savinjska[%] Zasavska[%] Posavska[%] Jugovzhodna Slovenija[%] Osrednjeslovenska[%] Gorenjska[%] Primorsko-notranjska[%] Goriška[%] Obalno-kraška[%]
Region 10.50 4.74 0 6.59 13.57 0 1.83 18.30 10.22 0 3.94 29.78
Figure RE07-5: Use of public transport for commuting, shopping and errands, within and outside the location of residence, Slovenia, 2010-2019

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2021 (25.10.2021)


The analysis of the results must take into account that in 2019 the respondents could only choose one option, whereas in past surveys (2010-2017) they could choose several options at a time.

Show data
Commuting within the location of residence (less than 5 km)[%] Commuting outside of the location of residence (5-150 km)[%] Errands and shopping within the location of residence (less than 5 km)[%] Errands and shopping outside of the location of residence (5-150 km)[%]
2010 5.77 5.26 9.57 8.51
2011 10.97 10.65 7.53 10.99
2012 8.34 8.52 10 7.87
2015 28.49 22.51 7.95 12
2017 28.28 21.42 8.42 12
6.44 7.31 3.05 4


Date of data source summarization

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