
In 2022, EU-27 net GHG emissions decreased by 1.7% compared to 2021 and was 32% lower than 1990. In 2022, Slovenian GHG emissions decreased by 2.9% compared to 2021. Emissions from non-ETS sectors were as much as 3.5% higher than in 2021, but 9.4% lower than in 2005.


Total greenhouse gas emissions will increase in Slovenia up to 2020 (in relation to 2015 data). After 2020, levels will decrease. GHG emissions not included in the ETS are according to current projections up 2020 significantly lower than the target values.


While the declarative attitude of Slovenian households towards the environment and efficient use of energy is improving, the ratio between environmentally aware and unaware households remains unchanged. This is evident from their environmentally oriented behaviour and actual efficiency in energy use. The results of the Slovenian Energy Efficiency Survey – REUS indicate a great potential for reducing final energy consumption in households through the development of environmentally oriented behaviour and positive habits in energy use.


Research from the European Barometer (EBS) since 2008 has continuously testified to the high awareness of Slovenians about climate changes. Despite fluctuations in perception, for the majority – over two-thirds – climate change represents a very serious problem. Since 2015, we have observed a gradual increase in this awareness, which has surpassed three-quarters of respondents in the latest measurements. According to the most recent data from the REUS 2022 study, more than 80% of households recognize the severity of climate changes, confirming a high level of concern among the population.


Although a quarter of the newly registered personal cars in Slovenia are electric or hybrid, their share among all personal vehicles is only around 3%. This is due to the fact that households rarely decide to purchase new cars, resulting in a high average age of cars over 10 years, and it will take a long time for our vehicle fleet to become less energy-intensive. Slovenia ranks in the bottom quarter of European countries by the share of first registrations of new personal electric vehicles.