Key message

Households willingness to use photovoltaic systems in single-family homes has increased. The index increased by 7 index points between 2019 and 2022, reaching a value of 36 on a scale from 0 to 100 in 2022. The share of households that already use or intend to use photovoltaics in the near future has increased the most during this period. Despite the positive change, as many as a quarter of households are still hesitant or reluctant to use photovoltaics. There are no differences in willingness to use photovoltaics between regions. It is recommended to simplify the procedures for installing photovoltaics, strengthen information support and continue with financial incentives for households.


Figure RE13-1: Index of household propensity for photovoltaic systems in single-family houses, Slovenia, 2019-2022

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2022 (10. 10. 2024)

Show data
Propensity of households[index points (0-100)]
2019 29
2022 36
Figure RE13-2: Affection for using photovoltaics in single-family houses, Slovenia, 2019-2022

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2022 (10. 10. 2024)

Show data
2019[%] 2022[%]
Unfavorable 31 24
Favorable 63 58
Planning 4 12
Users 2 6
Figure RE13-3: Importance of solar energy use (solar panels, photovoltaics) to meet the building's own needs, typical for sNES (Nearly Zero Energy Buildings), Slovenia, 2019-2022

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2022 (10. 10. 2024)

Show data
not at all important[%] slightly important[%] neutral[%] important[%] very important[%] refuse to answer[%] don't know[%]
2019 1.31 3.87 12.49 24.41 43.32 14.07 0.52
2022 1.15 2.54 14.43 24.82 48.75 0.57 7.74
Figure RE13-4: Likelyhood to produce its own electricity in the next 12 months in single-family houses, Slovenia, 2017-2022

Base: households in single-family buildings, which do not yet have their own electricity production ()

Show data
not likely at all[%] not likely[%] not unlikely not likely[%] likely[%] very likely[%] definitely[%] refuse to answer, I don't know[%]
2017 59.36 28.50 6.07 3.88 0.17 0.51 1.52
2019 42.52 34.61 12.28 3.60 1.25 0.13 5.60
2022 30.53 30.03 14.41 10.53 3.70 1.85 8.95
Figure RE13-5: Likelyhood to produce its own electricity with photovoltaic system in the next 12 months in single-family houses, Slovenia, 2019-2022

Base: households in single-family buildings, which do not yet have their own electricity production ()

Show data
Photovoltaic system[%]
2019 3.94
2022 13.02
Figure RE13-6: Production of own electricity in single-family houses, Slovenia, 2015-2022

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2022 (10. 10. 2024)

Show data
yes[%] no[%] refuse to answer[%] don't know[%]
2015 0.57 98.71 0.29 0.43
2017 1.49 97.69 0.33 0.50
2019 2.40 95.61 0.80 1.18
2022 7.41 91.51 0.31 0.76
Figure RE13-7: Producing own electricity with photovoltaic system in single-family houses, Slovenia, 2019-2022

Survey on Energy Efficiency in Slovenia, Informa Echo d.o.o., 2022 (10. 10. 2024)

Show data
Photovoltaic system[%]
2019 2.31
2022 6.28
Figure RE13-8: Household preference index for photovoltaic systems in single-family homes

Energy efficiency survey of Slovenia (10. 10. 2024)


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