Key message

In Slovenia, forests have been growing in terms of timber reserves and growth for decades. They have increased by more than 140% over the last 70 years. In addition to natural conditions, harvesting depends on socioeconomic factors, and recently on the occurrence of natural disasters (windbreaks, icebreakers) and bark beetles, and today it amounts to about 50% of the increase. By 2014, the felling accounted for about 50% of the increment, after which it increased substantially and presents 60 to 75% of the total increment of conifers and deciduous trees.




Figure GZ03-1: Growing stock of conifers and deciduos in Slovenia, 1947–2018
Show data
total[m3 pro hectare] deciduous[m3 pro hectare] conifers[m3 pro hectare]
1947 126.05 58.02 68.03
1961 156.14 65.33 90.80
1970 171.52 75.79 95.73
1980 185.60 85.21 100.40
1990 192.43 92.29 100.15
2000 231.69 119.74 111.95
2005 257.26 136.01 121.25
2006 262.12 138.86 123.26
2007 268.84 143.34 125.50
2008 271.86 145.13 126.73
2009 276.08 147.69 128.39
2010 278.89 149.52 129.37
2011 282.10 151.68 130.42
2012 285 154 131
2013 289.31 157.12 132.19
2014 292.80 159.39 133.41
2015 294.58 160.96 133.62
2016 296.40 162.28 134.12
2017 298.98 164.39 134.59
2018 301.84 166.50 135.34
Figure GZ03-2: Increment of conifers and deciduos in Slovenia, 1990–2018
Show data
total[m3 pro hectare] deciduous[m3 pro hectare] conifers[m3 pro hectare]
1990 4.92 2.49 2.43
2000 6.06 3.33 2.73
2005 6.48 3.61 2.87
2006 6.52 3.63 2.89
2007 6.61 3.68 2.93
2008 6.64 3.70 2.94
2009 6.74 3.76 2.98
2010 6.85 3.83 3.02
2011 6.98 3.92 3.06
2012 7.10 4 3.10
2013 7.17 4.05 3.12
2014 7.26 4.11 3.16
2015 7.28 4.12 3.15
2016 7.33 4.16 3.17
2017 7.36 4.18 3.18
2018 7.47 4.24 3.23
Figure GZ03-3: Fellings of conifers and deciduos in Slovenia, 1993–2018
Show data
total[m3] deciduous[m3] conifers[m3]
1993 2087666 798081 1289585
1994 2254880 843605 1411275
1995 2091910 843953 1247957
1996 2330403 818119 1512284
1997 2567060 1179128 1387932
1998 2470173 1074121 1396052
1999 2396315 1047198 1349117
2000 2609039 1186289 1422750
2001 2614301 1155464 1458837
2002 2645554 1148889 1496665
2003 3007098 1184211 1822887
2004 2957997 1137607 1820390
2005 3236100 1202710 2033390
2006 3718263 1475508 2242755
2007 3242070 1199335 2042735
2008 3427372 1372031 2055341
2009 3374191 1520419 1853772
2010 3374137 1566071 1808066
2011 3895637 1855622 2040015
2012 3910807 1758340 2152467
2013 3923995 1733423 2190572
2014 6349735.80 2886440.40 3463295.40
2015 6031042 2108495 3922547
2016 6102630 2089485 4013145
2017 4984635 1688661 3295974
2018 6060959 1693383 4367576
Figure GZ03-4: Growing stock in some European counrties, 2015
Show data
growing stock[m3/ha]
Cyprus 64
Spain 66
Norway 96
Finland 104
Sweden 106
Turkey 129
Italy 149
France 173
Hungary 182
Bulgaria 183
Denmark 196
Latvia 198
United Kingdom 207
EU-28 209.10
Netherlands 215
Croatia 216
Lithuania 236
Estonia 257
Poland 269
Slovakia 274
Belgium 275
Romania 281
Czech Republic 297
Austria 299
Germany 321
Slovenia 346
Switzerland 352
Figure GZ03-5: Increment of forest in some European counrties, 2015
Show data
increment (m3/ha)[m3/ha]
Cyprus 1.20
Spain 1.90
Norway 2.30
Turkey 3.20
Italy 3.20
Sweden 3.30
Bulgaria 3.70
Croatia 4.30
Finland 4.40
France 5.50
Estonia 5.60
EU-28 6.29
Lithuania 6.40
Latvia 6.60
Hungary 6.90
Austria 7.10
Slovakia 7.20
Netherlands 7.30
United Kingdom 7.40
Belgium 7.70
Poland 8
Denmark 8.70
Romania 8.70
Switzerland 8.90
Slovenia 9
Czech Republic 9.40
Germany 11.20






Date of data source summarization