Key message

The growth trend of total passenger kilometers in public passenger transport from the previous two years continued in 2017 and the value of the indicator reached the value it had at the beggining of our observed period i.e. in year 2011. The positive changes in this area achieved good results, we are approaching the target value of passenger kilometers for 2020 and with continuation of the 2017 similar growth objective will be reached.


Figure PO04-1: Passenger kilometres volume in public passenger transport in years 2005 and 2011−2017 and the linear trajectory to the 2020 target value (Source: JSI-EEC)
Show data
Total passenger kilometres 2005 Total passenger kilometres Buses - Urban Buses -Coaches Trains - passenger transport Passenger kilometres target value in year 2020
2005 1697.08 287.60 632.88 776.60
2011 1555.87 231.12 551.55 773.20
2012 1508.99 234.10 533.09 741.80 1508.99
2013 1478.50 258.34 459.86 760.30 1581.86
2014 1432.25 256.99 478.66 696.60 1654.74
2015 1461.72 254.76 497.66 709.30 1727.62
2016 1479.27 280.64 518.62 680 1800.49
2017 1550.01 344.28 554 650.10 1873.37
2018 1946.25
2019 2019.12
2020 2092
Figure PO04-2: Passenger kilometres volume in each of public transport modes in years 2005 and 2011−2017 (Source: JSI-EEC)
Show data
Total passenger kilometres 2005 Total passenger kilometres Buses - Urban Buses - Coaches Trains - passenger transport Passenger kilometres target value in year 2020
2005 1697.08 287.60 632.88 776.60
2011 1555.87 231.12 551.55 773.20
2012 1508.99 234.10 533.09 741.80 1508.99
2013 1478.50 258.34 459.86 760.30 1581.86
2014 1432.25 256.99 478.66 696.60 1654.74
2015 1461.72 254.76 497.66 709.30 1727.62
2016 1479.27 280.64 518.62 680 1800.49
2017 1550.01 344.28 554 650.10 1873.37
2018 1946.25
2019 2019.12
2020 2092


Date of data source summarization