Key message

The main source of environmental (ambient) noise is transport. Road traffic is the most widespread source. Percentage of the population exposed to different noise levels is high. People in urban areas are exposed to the highest levels of noise, because of concentration of population and traffic in the cities. Most worrying is a significant increase in noise at night, because people are most sensitive to noise at that time.


Figure PR18-1: Number of people exposed to noise above Lden and Lnight near major roads and railways in Slovenia in 2006

Epi Spektrum, d.o.o., 2007; PNZ, d.o.o., 2007

Show data
Ldvn Lnoc
major roads no. of inhabitants 136343 85781
major railways no. of inhabitants 10051 8691
Figure PR18-2: Share of people exposed to noise above Lden near major roads and railways in Slovenia in 2006

Epi Spektrum, d.o.o., 2007; PNZ, d.o.o., 2007

Show data
55–60 60–65 65–70 70–75 > 75
major roads no. of inhabitants 77425 29930 17923 10379 686
major railways no. of inhabitants 5594 2593 1112 435 317
major roads % 56.79 21.95 13.15 7.61 0.5
major railways % 55.66 25.8 11.06 4.33 3.15
Figure PR18-3: Share of people exposed to noise above Lnight near major roads and railways in Slovenia in 2006

Epi Spektrum, d.o.o., 2007; PNZ, d.o.o., 2007

Show data
50–55 55–60 60–65 65–70 70–75 > 75
major roads no. of inhabitants 48559 22383 13114 1704 21 0
major railways no. of inhabitants 4665 2419 955 359 293 0
major roads % 57 26 15 2 0 0
major railways % 54 28 11 4 3 0
Figure PR18-4: Number of people exposed to noise above Lden and Lnight near roads and railways in Municipality of Ljubljana and Maribor in 2006

A-projekt Nataša Kepe-Globevnik, s.p., 2008; Epi Spektrum, d.o.o., 2009

Show data
Ldvn Ldvn
roads - Ljubljana no. of inhabitants 168696 113945
roads - Maribor no. of inhabitants 71406 50584
railways - Ljubljana no. of inhabitants 11326 8832
railways - Maribor no. of inhabitants 2704 2392
Figure PR18-5: Number of people exposed to noise above Lden and Lnight near roads, railways and airports within agglomerations and near major roads, railways and airports total outside agglomerations in EU-27, Norway and Switzerland in 2007

EEA, Number of people exposed to noise in Europe, 2011

Show data
roads - within
railways - within
airports - within
- major roads -
total outside agglomerations
major railways -
total outside agglomerations
major airports -
total outside agglomerations
Lden > 55 dB no. of inhabitants (million) 60.05 8.4 3.6 34.78 6.16 1.37
Lnight > 50 dB no. of inhabitants (million) 42.4 6.64 1.91 23.21 4.97 0.43
Figure PR18-6: Number of people exposed to noise above Lden and Lnight near major roads, railways and airports total outside agglomerations in some EU-27 countries in 2007

EEA, Number of people exposed to noise in Europe, 2011

Show data
France United Kingdom Italy Germany Spain Austria Czech Republic Belgium Poland Sweden
Lden > 55 dB no. of inhabitants (million) 11.0992 10.087 4.4394 2.4855 1.8908 0.7785 0.7548 0.4872 0.4367 0.4214
Lnight > 50 dB no. of inhabitants (million) 9.801 6.6049 3.7452 1.4791 1.182 0.3941 0.558 0.3353 0.3357 0.2905
Netherlands Slovakia Hungary Denmark Slovenia Norway Finland Ireland Romania Portugal
Lden > 55 dB no. of inhabitants (million) 0.1874 0.1844 0.1722 0.1603 0.1363 0.1316 0.102 0.0976 0.0668 0.0135
Lnight > 50 dB no. of inhabitants (million) 0.0831 0.1396 0.1243 0.1141 0.0858 0.0887 0.0394 0.024 0.042 0.0069
Lithuania Latvia Estonia Luxembourg
Lden > 55 dB no. of inhabitants (million) 0.0076 0.0015 0.0002 0.0001
Lnight > 50 dB no. of inhabitants (million) 0.004 0.0005 0.0001 0

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