Key message

Children in primary schools and kindergartens in Ljubljana are potentially exposed to excessive levels of noise from road traffic. Among 110 kindergartens and 53 primary schools, 14 kindergartens and 3 schools are located in the area, where the limit value of environmental noise for playgrounds (55 dB (A)), defined as the recommendation of the World Health Organization is exceeded. In the school year 2010/2011 498 school pupils and 1429 children in kindergartens were exposed to elevated noise levels in Ljubljana. Therefore, it would be recommended to perform noise measurements inside these premises.


Figure ZD14-1: Exposure of primary schools to road traffic noise in the Municipality of Ljubljana - the level of noise at the most exposed facade of school

Slovenian Environment Agency, Municipality of Ljubljana, 2011.

Show data
45-50 dB(A) 50-55 dB(A) 55-60 dB(A) 60-65 dB(A) 65-70 dB(A) 70-75 dB(A)
elementary schools number 3 10 15 18 5 2
pupils number 681 2780 6592 7476 1563 716
elementary schools % 5.7 18.9 28.3 34 9.4 3.8
pupils % 3.4 14 33.3 37.7 7.9 3.6
Figure ZD14-2: Exposure of kindergartens to road traffic noise in the Municipality of Ljubljana - the level of noise at the most exposed facade of kindergarten

Slovenian Environment Agency, Municipality of Ljubljana, 2011.

Show data
45-50 dB(A) 50-55 dB(A) 55-60 dB(A) 60-65 dB(A) 65-70 dB(A) 70-75 dB(A)
kindergartens number 7 22 42 19 16 4
children number 744 2411 5277 2574 1501 554
kindergartens % 6.4 20 38.2 17.3 14.5 3.6
children % 5.7 18.5 40.4 19.7 11.5 4.2