In 2020, CO2 intensity in the commercial and institutional sector increased further compared to the previous year, to 33 t CO2/million EUR1995, and lagged 0.7 percentage points behind the annual target value. The 2020 target was thus not achieved which is due to a 3.8% reduction in value added caused by the implementation of measures for preventing the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In comparison to 2010, the intensity was 55% lower. Since the energy statistics for this sector are calculated as the difference between the total energy consumption and the energy consumption of all other sectors, the indicator is rough, which makes it difficult to interpret the year-on-year changes.
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Jožef Stefan Institute - Energy Efficiency Centre
Indicator value in 2005[t CO2/mio EUR1995] | Target values of the indicator[t CO2/mio EUR1995] | Indicator values in the period 2010-2020[t CO2/mio EUR1995] | |
2005 | 99.03 | ||
2010 | 73.71 | ||
2011 | 64.93 | ||
2012 | 47.61 | 47.61 | |
2013 | 45.69 | 51.98 | |
2014 | 43.78 | 38.82 | |
2015 | 41.86 | 42.74 | |
2016 | 39.95 | 49.06 | |
2017 | 38.03 | 36.73 | |
2018 | 36.12 | 31.90 | |
2019 | 34.20 | 32.30 | |
2020 | 32.29 | 32.98 |
The indicator methodology is available only in Slovene (link to the indicator)
Ana Marija Udovič, for JSI-EEC, and Barbara Petelin Visočnik, JSI-EEC, prepared as a part of a project for the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning