Key message

In Slovenia, over 70% of the energy supply is available to end users. The share is by far the most affected by the efficiency of electricity and heat production.

In the production of electricity and heat in thermal power plants, less than half of the energy invested was lost in 2021. Compared to the EU-27 countries, Slovenia was in the bottom third of countries.

In 2020, the production of electricity from CHP accounted for just under 7% of the total production in Slovenia.





Figure EN31-1: Share of energy losses and share of final energy consumption in gross inland consumption for Slovenia in period 2000–2021

Statistical office of RS, 2022.

Show data
Loss in transformation[%] Consumption in transformation and in energy sector[%] Loss in grids[%] Final energy consumption[%]
2000 26.32 1.43 1.42 70.82
2001 26.20 1.44 1.23 71.13
2002 27.70 1.44 1.25 69.61
2003 25.35 1.46 1.53 71.66
2004 25.39 1.47 1.48 71.66
2005 25.39 1.40 1.64 71.57
2006 25.13 1.46 1.47 71.94
2007 25.60 1.45 1.48 71.47
2008 25.47 1.42 1.28 71.83
2009 26.21 1.55 1.50 70.74
2010 25.62 1.62 1.65 71.11
2011 27.04 1.57 1.45 69.95
2012 25.67 1.66 1.55 71.12
2013 25.40 1.71 1.53 71.36
2014 26.15 1.69 1.53 70.63
2015 23.73 1.66 1.57 73.04
2016 23.44 1.62 1.55 73.38
2017 24.50 1.58 1.56 72.36
2018 23.39 1.59 1.53 73.49
2019 23.56 1.65 1.50 73.29
2020 26.17 1.86 1.55 70.42
2021 23.27 1.79 1.51 73.43
Figure EN31-2: Structure of primary consumption vs final consumption and energy loses for year 2021

Jožef Stefan Institute, 2022; Statistical office RS, 2022

Show data
Transformation losses[%] Consumption in transformation and energy sector[%] Distribution losses[%] Non energy consumption[%] Industry[%] Transport[%] Households[%] Other sectors[%]
Share in gross inland consumption 23.27 1.79 1.51 0.51 19.75 27.63 17.71 7.84
Figure EN31-3: Efficiency of conventional thermal electricity and heat production for Slovenia

Statistical office RS, 2022.

Show data
Fuel consumption in thermal power plants and cogeneration plants[ktoe] Gross electricity production[ktoe] Gross electricity and heat production[ktoe] Efficiency of electricity and heat production[%]
2000 1365.75 432.42 586.14 42.92
2001 1484.96 465.52 618.98 41.68
2002 1559.58 495.10 642.78 41.21
2003 1488.92 486.41 643.10 43.19
2004 1504.30 491.75 653.04 43.41
2005 1507.83 496.30 665.98 44.17
2006 1553.66 513.84 680.84 43.82
2007 1596.15 522.96 684.63 42.89
2008 1604.82 525.11 698.68 43.54
2009 1538.29 511.18 680.85 44.26
2010 1562.80 521.67 704.67 45.09
2011 1586.95 522.18 699.18 44.06
2012 1530.08 512.30 683.73 44.69
2013 1481.72 486.76 659.90 44.54
2014 1170.33 381.77 533.95 45.62
2015 1195.10 436.89 606.41 50.74
2016 1276.64 492.69 670.54 52.52
2017 1288.90 482.41 663.18 51.45
2018 1257.32 464.02 649.02 51.62
2019 1219.05 454.56 630.36 51.71
2020 1213.12 450.45 628.70 51.83
2021 1146.71 405.43 591.12 51.55
Figure EN31-4: Efficiency of conventional thermal electricity and heat production for EU-27 in 2000 and 2020


Show data
2000[%] 2020[%]
EU27 44.76 53.30
- 0 0
Denmark 66.03 89.04
Austria 76.19 82.15
Latvia 84.53 81.43
Luxembourg 44.40 80.19
Croatia 63.62 71.82
Lithuania 42.62 66.07
Sweden 57.92 65.37
Portugal 50.66 65.35
Finland 60.01 63.05
Netherlands 56.71 62.84
Ireland 41.45 61.17
Italy 43.67 57.38
Germany 42.51 56.99
Romania 55.96 56.12
Greece 38.71 55.02
Poland 46.55 53.06
Spain 41.86 52.52
Estonia 40.71 52.30
SLOVENIA 46.34 52.05
Malta 33.12 50.77
Belgium 39.14 48.89
Czech Republic 45.31 45.68
Slovakia 42.04 45.62
Hungary 43.67 44.99
Bulgaria 40.56 43.22
Cyprus 32.56 42.14
France 38.93 41.24
Figure EN31-5: Production of electricity from combined heat and power in period 2002–2020 and share in gross production

Statistical office of RS, 2022.

Show data
Production of electricity[GWh/100] Production of electricity from combined heat and power[GWh/100] Share of electricity produced from combined heat and power[%]
2002 146 8.73 5.98
2003 138.21 9.10 6.58
2004 152.72 9.77 6.40
2005 151.17 11.05 7.31
2006 151.15 11.23 7.43
2007 150.43 10.88 7.23
2008 163.98 11.06 6.74
2009 164.03 10.25 6.25
2010 164.40 11.35 6.90
2011 160.59 11.45 7.13
2012 157.36 11.85 7.53
2013 161.03 11.49 7.14
2014 174.37 10.90 6.25
2015 151 11.10 7.35
2016 165 12.11 7.34
2017 163.26 12.56 7.70
2018 163.27 13.01 7.97
2019 161.00 11.71 7.28
2020 171.91 11.81 6.87
Figure EN31-6: Share of combined heat and power (CHP) in electricity production in EU-27 for 2019


Show data
Share of CHP in electricity production in 2019[%]
Latvia 41.15
Denmark 35.93
Finland 32.84
Lithuania 27.39
Netherlands 26.63
Luxembourg 22.12
France 18.34
Poland 18.25
Germany 14.27
Italy 13.77
Belgium 13.66
Estonia 13.64
Hungary 13.41
Austria 13.10
Portugal 12.09
Czech Republic 11.36
France 10.87
Slovakia 10.77
Bulgaria 8.77
Romania 8.56
Malta 8.51
Ireland 6.68
Sweden 5.48
Greece 4.55
Croatia 3.16
Cyprus 0.61


Date of data source summarization

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