Key message

After 2005, the gross nitrogen budget ranged between 32 and 69 kg per ha of agricultural land with an indistinct downward trend. The 2020 target (less than 53 kg N per ha) was met in both 2020 (32.0 kg per ha) and the five-year period 2016-2020 (45.0 kg per ha).


Figure PO15-1: Gross nitrogen surplus in the period 2005–2020 and the target values of the indicator by 2020

Agricultural institute of Slovenia

Show data
Indicator values in the period 2005–2020 [kg/ha] Target values of the indicator [kg/ha]
2005 42.99
2006 68.09
2007 59.66
2008 43.66
2009 54.27
2010 44.56
2011 49.37
2012 56.80 57.67
2013 68.76 57.08
2014 42.08 56.50
2015 44.89 55.92
2016 41.85 55.33
2017 64.56 54.75
2018 43.43 54.17
2019 43.22 53.58
2020 32.03 53


The indicator methodology is available only in Slovene (link to the indicator)

Date of data source summarization