Key message

In 2019, the indicator shows a slight decline in the eco-innovation index. Slovenia is slightly below the EU average in eco-innovative activities. The target value for Slovenia has not been set. Throughout the observed period, the indicator reflects the fluctuation of Slovenia's eco-innovation index compared to the EU.


Figure PO26-1: Eco-innovation index in Slovenia and the EU-27(28)

Eurostat, Jožef Stefan Institute - Energy Efficiency Centre

Show data
EU-27(28) Slovenia
2010 100 87
2011 100 99
2012 100 105
2013 100 71
2014 100 93
2015 100 93
2016 100 102
2017 100 117
2018 100 107
2019 100 94


The indicator methodology is available only in Slovene (link to the indicator)

Date of data source summarization