Key message

In Slovenia, the number of ISO 14001 certified companies and companies registered under the EMAS standard, as well as the number of awarded eco-label flowers, has been increasing. Slovenia ranks above the EU-27 average in the number of awarded ISO 14001 certificates and eco-label flowers. Slovenia has been less successful with the EMAS standard – here, it is among the lowest ranked EU-27 countries.


This indicator shows the development of environmental management systems. It presents the development in the number of awarded environmental certificates under the ISO 14001 standard and the EMAS scheme as well as the development in the number of awarded eco-label flowers in Slovenia and the EU. For easier perception and comparison with EU countries, the data on environmental certificates and labels is expressed per million inhabitants. In addition to the aforementioned mechanisms for encouraging environmental management, the indicator also shows the development in the number of awarded environmental certificates for energy efficient companies, energy efficient projects, clean production, environmentally friendly companies, environmental product of the year, international environmental partnerships, eco-profit, environmentally responsible performance and environmentally friendly procedures.

ISO 14001 is an internationally agreed standard that sets out the requirements for an environmental management system. It helps organizations improve their environmental performance through pollution prevention and more efficient use of resources.

The EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) for the environmental management of organisations is an environmental management system that was introduced in 1995. Organisations that have been awarded EMAS certificates are obliged to continuously assess and improve their environmental performance and inform the public of the environmental impact of their activities. EMAS is an upgrade of the ISO 14001 standard. It ensures greater openness, transparency and periodical publication of verified environmental information. Compared to the ISO 14001, the EMAS has higher demands with regard to improved performance, participation of employees, legal compliance and communication with the public.

The Eco-label flower is an instrument of environmental protection. The EU introduced it in 1992 in order to encourage companies to develop products and services that maximally reduce environmental impact throughout the product/service life cycle and provide consumers with better information on the environmental impact of their products/services. The overall impact of products is assessed – from the extraction of raw materials to the disposal of used products, while consumers are directed through the provision of accurate, clear and scientifically supported information on products and services. The advantages of being awarded the Eco-label flower include confirmation of meeting environmental requirements, use of the Eco-label and, last but not least, promotion. The scheme supports all products except food, beverages, pharmaceuticals and medical devices, but changes or enhancements are being prepared in these fields as well.

The introduction of environmental management systems represents an important economic instrument for communication and harmonisation in the field of environmental protection. For companies, it represents an internationally recognised approach to management that covers all the most important aspects of environmental management (from the use of raw materials and energy, to management of technological processes and requirements relating to the use of products) and leads to elimination and reduction of adverse impacts on the environment. The advantage of introducing an environmental management system is represented by compliance with environmental legislation and reduction of costs as well as an increased competitiveness in marketing products, technologies and knowledge on international markets and expanding the market of a company’s business operation. It belongs among voluntary approaches that usually establish themselves in the business sector through public programmes.



Figure IP01-1: Število organizacij s standardom ISO 14001 na milijon prebivalcev v Sloveniji in primerjava z nekaterimi državami EU

The ISO Survey of Certifications 2009, 2010; Eurostat, 2011

Show data
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Czech Republic no. of certificats 42 60 116 174 318 519 1288 2122 2211 2731
Finland no. of certificats 206 470 508 687 750 1128 882 923 935 822
Italy no. of certificats 123 243 521 1295 2153 3066 4785 7080 9825 12057
Romania no. of certificats 1 1 5 15 45 96 361 752 1454 2269
Slovenia no. of certificats 12 19 88 136 149 205 338 417 379 438
Spain no. of certificats 164 573 600 2064 3228 4860 6473 8620 11125 13852
Sweden no. of certificats 304 851 1370 2070 2730 2330 3478 3682 3759 3800
EU-25 no. of certificats 3673 6479 9921 16707 21689 28902 36888 43461 49927 57660
EU-27 no. of certificats 3674 6480 9926 16728 21744 29015 36748 44262 51473 60143
Czech Republic population 10289621 10278098 10266546 10206436 10203269 10211455 10220577 10251079 10287189 10381130
Finland population 5159646 5171302 5181115 5194901 5206295 5219732 5236611 5255580 5276955 5300484
Italy population 56909109 56923524 56960692 56993742 57321070 57888245 58462375 58751711 59131287 59619290
Romania population 22488595 22455485 22430457 21833483 21772774 21711252 21658528 21610213 21565119 21528627
Slovenia population 1978334 1987755 1990094 1994026 1995033 1996433 1997590 2003358 2010377 2010269
Spain population 39802827 40049708 40476723 40964244 41663702 42345342 43038035 43758250 44474631 45283259
Sweden population 8854322 8861426 8882792 8909128 8940788 8975670 9011392 9047752 9113257 9182927
EU-25 population 450898791 452121151 453217103 454910541 457027499 459285404 461715361 463881434 466047516 468517364
EU-27 population 481617757 482767512 483797028 484635119 486646114 488797929 491134938 493210397 495291925 497686229
Czech Republic no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 4 6 11 17 31 51 126 207 215 263
Finland no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 40 91 98 132 144 216 168 176 177 155
Italy no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 2 4 9 23 38 53 82 121 166 202
Romania no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 0 0 0 1 2 4 17 35 67 105
Slovenia no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 6 10 44 68 75 103 169 208 189 218
Spain no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 4 14 15 50 77 115 150 197 250 306
Sweden no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 34 96 154 232 305 260 386 407 412 414
EU-25 average no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 8 14 22 37 47 63 80 94 107 123
EU-27 average no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 8 13 21 35 45 59 75 90 104 121
2008 2009
Czech Republic no. of certificats 3318 4684
Finland no. of certificats 991 1107
Italy no. of certificats 12922 14542
Romania no. of certificats 3884 6863
Slovenia no. of certificats 444 390
Spain no. of certificats 16443 16527
Sweden no. of certificats 4478 4193
EU-25 no. of certificats 67401 73510
EU-27 no. of certificats 71606 80938
Czech Republic population 10467542 10506813
Finland population 5326314 5351427
Italy population 60045068 60340328
Romania population 21498616 21462186
Slovenia population 2032362 2046976
Spain population 45828172 45989016
Sweden population 9256347 9340682
EU-25 population 470600329 472079765
EU-27 population 499705496 501105661
Czech Republic no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 317 446
Finland no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 186 207
Italy no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 215 241
Romania no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 181 320
Slovenia no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 218 191
Spain no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 359 359
Sweden no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 484 449
EU-25 average no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 143 156
EU-27 average no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 143 162
Figure IP01-2: Število organizacij s podeljenimi spričevali po shemi EMAS na milijon prebivalcev v Sloveniji in primerjava z nekaterimi državami EU

Evropska komisija, EMAS Helpdesk, 2011; Agencija RS za okolje, 2011

Show data
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Austria no. of organisations with EMAS certificate(s) 35 141 190 294 362 331 298 254 265 256
Denmark no. of organisations with EMAS certificate(s) 15 83 116 152 170 130 121 120 121 116
Italy no. of organisations with EMAS certificate(s) 0 13 24 42 74 123 169 253 394 570
Germany no. of organisations with EMAS certificate(s) 1116 1578 2007 2394 2662 2486 1830 1641 1491 1489
Slovenia no. of organisations with EMAS certificate(s) 1 1 1
Spain no. of organisations with EMAS certificate(s) 1 18 51 103 165 263 314 412 522 666
Sweden no. of organisations with EMAS certificate(s) 15 124 157 199 212 201 115 118 100 84
EU-25 no. of organisations with EMAS certificate(s) 1231 2096 2720 3358 3848 3741 3068 3037 3177 3507
EU-27 no. of organisations with EMAS certificate(s) 1231 2096 2720 3358 3848 3741 3068 3037 3177 3507
Austria population 7971116 7982461 8002186 8020946 8063640 8100273 8142573 8201359 8254298 8282984
Denmark population 5294860 5313577 5330020 5349212 5368354 5383507 5397640 5411405 5427459 5447084
Italy population 56904379 56909109 56923524 56960692 56993742 57321070 57888245 58462375 58751711 59131287
Germany population 82057379 82037011 82163475 82259540 82440309 82536680 82531671 82500849 82437995 82314906
Slovenia population 1984923 1978334 1987755 1990094 1994026 1995033 1996433 1997590 2003358 2010377
Spain population 39639388 39802827 40049708 40476723 40964244 41663702 42345342 43038035 43758250 44474631
Sweden population 8847625 8854322 8861426 8882792 8909128 8940788 8975670 9011392 9047752 9113257
EU-25 population 450110776 450898791 452121151 453217103 454910541 457027499 459285404 461715361 463881434 466047516
EU-27 population 480920069 481617757 482767512 483797028 484635119 486646114 488797929 491134938 493210397 495291925
Austria no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 4 18 24 37 45 41 37 31 32 31
Denmark no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 3 16 22 28 32 24 22 22 22 21
Italy no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 0 0 0 1 1 2 3 4 7 10
Germany no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 14 19 24 29 32 30 22 20 18 18
Slovenia no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Spain no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 0 0 1 3 4 6 7 10 12 15
Sweden no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 2 14 18 22 24 22 13 13 11 9
EU-25 average no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 3 5 6 7 8 8 7 7 7 8
EU-27 average no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 3 4 6 7 8 8 6 6 6 7
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Austria no. of organisations with EMAS certificate(s) 252 261 253 262 275
Denmark no. of organisations with EMAS certificate(s) 96 93 93 91 96
Italy no. of organisations with EMAS certificate(s) 755 939 1037 1035 1100
Germany no. of organisations with EMAS certificate(s) 1464 1419 1379 1402 1387
Slovenia no. of organisations with EMAS certificate(s) 1 2 3 3 3
Spain no. of organisations with EMAS certificate(s) 905 1033 1159 1228 1217
Sweden no. of organisations with EMAS certificate(s) 71 74 75 75 75
EU-25 no. of organisations with EMAS certificate(s) 3907 4232 4410 4517 4508
EU-27 no. of organisations with EMAS certificate(s) 3908 4233 4413 4521 4512
Austria population 8318592 8355260 8375290 8375290 8375290
Denmark population 5475791 5511451 5534738 5534738 5534738
Italy population 59619290 60045068 60340328 60340328 60340328
Germany population 82217837 82002356 81802257 81802257 81802257
Slovenia population 2010269 2032362 2046976 2046976 2046976
Spain population 45283259 45828172 45989016 45989016 45989016
Sweden population 9182927 9256347 9340682 9340682 9340682
EU-25 population 468517364 470600329 472079765 472079765 472079765
EU-27 population 497686229 499705496 501105661 501105661 501105661
Austria no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 30 31 30 31 33
Denmark no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 18 17 17 16 17
Italy no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 13 16 17 17 18
Germany no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 18 17 17 17 17
Slovenia no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 0 1 1 1 1
Spain no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 20 23 25 27 26
Sweden no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 8 8 8 8 8
EU-25 average no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 8 9 9 10 10
EU-27 average no. of certificats/ mio inhab. 8 8 9 9 9
Figure IP01-3: Število podeljenih okoljskih marjetic na milijon prebivalcev v Sloveniji in primerjava z nekaterimi državami EU

Evropska komisija, Ecolabel Helpdesk, 2011; Agencija RS za okolje, 2011

Show data
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Austria no. of Ecolabels 0 2 2 7 11 12 29 24 37 48
Denmark no. of Ecolabels 18 27 28 45 53 55 61 52 52 56
Italy no. of Ecolabels 13 28 34 54 82 95 160 237 336 331
France no. of Ecolabels 17 27 32 43 45 50 89 137 187 245
Ireland no. of Ecolabels 1 1 0 0 0 9 11 20 24 24
Netherlands no. of Ecolabels 2 3 5 11 11 11 9 17 24 43
Slovenia no. of Ecolabels 0 0 4 2 3 3 3
Sveden no. of Ecolabels 9 8 11 13 15 16 20 21 26 27
EU-25 no. of Ecolabels 127 149 223 276 338 508 702 935 1063
EU-27 no. of Ecolabels 88 127 149 223 276 338 508 705 939 1067
Austria population 8063640 8100273 8142573 8201359 8254298 8282984 8318592 8355260 8375290 8375290
Denmark population 5368354 5383507 5397640 5411405 5427459 5447084 5475791 5511451 5534738 5534738
Italy population 56960692 56993742 57321070 57888245 58462375 58751711 59131287 59619290 60045068 60340328
France population 61424036 61864088 62292241 62772870 63229635 63645065 64007290 64369147 64716310 64716310
Ireland population 3899702 3964191 4028851 4111672 4208156 4312526 4401335 4450030 4467854 4467854
Netherlands population 16105285 16192572 16258032 16305526 16334210 16357992 16405399 16485787 16574989 16574989
Slovenia population 1994026 1995033 1996433 1997590 2003358 2010377 2010269 2032362 2046976 2046976
Sveden population 8909128 8940788 8975670 9011392 9047752 9113257 9182927 9256347 9340682 9340682
EU-25 population 454910541 457027499 459285404 461715361 463881434 466047516 468517364 470600329 472079765 472079765
EU-27 population 484635119 486646114 488797929 491134938 493210397 495291925 497686229 499705496 501105661 501105661
Austria no. of Ecolabels/ mio inhab. 0 0.2 0.2 0.9 1.3 1.4 3.5 2.9 4.4 5.7
Denmark no. of Ecolabels/ mio inhab. 3.4 5 5.2 8.3 9.8 10.1 11.1 9.4 9.4 10.1
Italy no. of Ecolabels/ mio inhab. 0.2 0.5 0.6 0.9 1.4 1.6 2.7 3.9 5.6 5.5
France no. of Ecolabels/ mio inhab. 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.8 2.5 4.5 5.4 5.4
Ireland no. of Ecolabels/ mio inhab. 0.3 0.3 0 0 0 2.1 0.5 1 1.4 2.6
Netherlands no. of Ecolabels/ mio inhab. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.7 0.7 1 1.5 1.5 1.5
Slovenia no. of Ecolabels/ mio inhab. 0 0 0 0 0 2 2.2 2.3 2.8 2.9
Sveden no. of Ecolabels/ mio inhab. 1 0.9 1.2 1.4 1.7 1.8 1.1 1.5 2 2.3
EU-25 average no. of Ecolabels/ mio inhab. 0 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.7 1 1.4 1.9 2.1
EU-27 average no. of Ecolabels/ mio inhab. 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.7
Austria no. of Ecolabels 48
Denmark no. of Ecolabels 56
Italy no. of Ecolabels 373
France no. of Ecolabels 253
Ireland no. of Ecolabels 20
Netherlands no. of Ecolabels 46
Slovenia no. of Ecolabels 7
Sveden no. of Ecolabels 27
EU-25 no. of Ecolabels 1145
EU-27 no. of Ecolabels 1150
Austria population 8375290
Denmark population 5534738
Italy population
France population 64716310
Ireland population 4467854
Netherlands population 16574989
Slovenia population 2046976
Sveden population 9340682
EU-25 population 472079765
EU-27 population 501105661
Austria no. of Ecolabels/ mio inhab. 5.7
Denmark no. of Ecolabels/ mio inhab. 10.1
Italy no. of Ecolabels/ mio inhab. 6.2
France no. of Ecolabels/ mio inhab. 4.5
Ireland no. of Ecolabels/ mio inhab. 2.8
Netherlands no. of Ecolabels/ mio inhab. 3.4
Slovenia no. of Ecolabels/ mio inhab. 2.9
Sveden no. of Ecolabels/ mio inhab. 2.4
EU-25 average no. of Ecolabels/ mio inhab. 2.3
EU-27 average no. of Ecolabels/ mio inhab.
Figure IP01-4: Druga okoljska priznanja v Sloveniji

Katalog z okoljskimi priznanji, Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije, 2011

Show data
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
responsible management number 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 17 34 48
clean production number 0 0 0 0 13 24 33 33 33 33
ecoprofit number 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 20 20 20
environmental product of the year number 2 2 4 4 6 10 11 12 12 15
environmental-friendly company number 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 6 8 10
energy-efficient company number 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 11
energy-efficient projects number 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 6
environmental-friendly process number 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4
international environmental partnership number 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 3
2007 2008 2009 2010
responsible management number 63 76 76 76
clean production number 33 33 33 33
ecoprofit number 20 20 20 20
environmental product of the year number 16 18 18 19
environmental-friendly company number 12 13 13 14
energy-efficient company number 12 12 12 12
energy-efficient projects number 7 7 7 7
environmental-friendly process number 5 6 6 7
international environmental partnership number 3 4 4 4


Environmental certificates such as the ISO 14001 standard and the EMAS are among important instruments of the Sustainable Production and Consumption and Sustainable Industrial Policy Action Plan. The goal of their introduction is to encourage continuous improvement in order to increase environmental performance of organisations. A special emphasis of the EMAS is systemic, objective and regular performance assessment and making available information on environmental performance to the public and other interested parties as well as education and inclusion of employees in active participation in the scheme (EMAS Regulation).

The EU goal through awarding the Eco-label flower is to introduce a voluntary system aimed at promoting products that have low environmental impacts throughout their life cycle and providing consumers with accurate, clear and scientifically supported information on the impact of products on the environment. The latter results in the substitution of hazardous substances with safer ones where technically feasible (Eco-Label Regulation).

The number of companies registered in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard and the EMAS is growing in Slovenia as well as in the EU-27. Slovenia is among the top EU countries regarding the number of awarded ISO 14001 certificates. In 2011, 202 organisations with ISO 14001 certificates per million inhabitants were registered in Slovenia, while the EU-27 average is 198 organisations per million inhabitants. Sweden (430) and the Czech Republic (424) have the highest number of organisations registered in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard per million inhabitants.

Compared to the ISO 14001 standard, the number of Slovenian organisations included in the EMAS is rather modest. In Europe, the highest numbers of organisations registered under the EMAS per million inhabitants in 2011 were recorded in Austria (33), Spain (26), Italy (18), Germany (17) and Denmark (17). On average in 2011, there were 9 organisations with one or more EMAS certificates per million inhabitants per country in the EU-27. With three EMAS certificates awarded by the end of 2011, Slovenia is ranked in the lower half of the EU-27 countries. Due to great efforts of the European Commission, particularly in terms of introduction of integrated approaches to environmental management and integration of environmental issues in sectoral policies, a rapid increase in the number of environmental management system, the EMAS in particular, is to be expected in the future. The latter is pointed out as a strategic goal of the Resolution on the National Environmental Action Programme for the Period 2005–2012, which emphasises the importance of EMAS certificates in the public sector (municipal administrations, providers of environmental protection public services).

Since 1992, when the Eco-label flower was introduced in the EU, the number of companies awarded the Eco-label has been rapidly increasing. In 2011, 1,150 Eco-labels were awarded in the EU-27, the largest numbers being in Italy (6.2/million inhabitants) and France (3.9/million inhabitants). The EU Eco-label is awarded for 24 types of products and services, with new categories being added constantly. In 2011, as many as 36% of all awarded Eco-labels were awarded for tourist accommodation services. In Slovenia, 7 Eco-labels were awarded in 2011, which ranks Slovenia above the EU-27 average. The labels awarded so far fall into the categories of copying and graphic papers, soaps, shampoos and balms, universal cleaning agents and detergents (6). Two were awarded for tourist accommodation and one for interior dyes and varnishes.

In addition to the ISO 14001 standard and the EMAS, other environmental policy instruments exist in Slovenia, including environmental certificates. In 2012, the largest number of certificates was awarded to responsible care programmes (118), followed by clean production (33) and environmental product of the year (21). These programmes are aimed at prevention or reduction of pollution, efficient energy use and concurrent achievement of positive economic results through improved production process technologies, products and services. The responsible care programme is a covenant of the global chemical industry. It emphasises the importance of human health protection and occupational safety.

In addition to ISO 14001 systems and the EMAS scheme, other environmental policy instruments also exist in Slovenia. Figure IP01-3 shows the number of awarded environmental certificates. The most certificates have been awarded in the field of clean production, eco-profit and responsible care. Through production processes, products and services, the awarded programmes are aimed at prevention or reduction of pollution, higher energy efficiency and, simultaneous, achievement of positive economic results. The responsible care programme is an initiative of the global chemical industry. It emphasises the importance of health protection and occupational safety. Until 2006 (inclusive), 33 Slovenian companies were included in the clean production programme, 20 in the eco-profit programme and 35 in the responsible care programme.


Date of data source summarization