The indicator shows the trend in quantities of total nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions in Slovenia and main source categories. The quantities of emissions are calculated in accordance with the methodology for creating the National Emission Inventory, based on the CORINAIR methodology. The emissions are shown in a time series from 1990 to 2003.


Figure ZR02-1: Annual NOx emissions in Slovenia and the target value set for 2010

National Emission Inventory, Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, 2008

Show data
1987 - 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
NOx emissions t 55580 0 56671 52602 54356 56165 58448 58685 61303 60578
NOx emissions index (1987 = 100) 100 102 95 98 101 105 106 110 109
NECD target value index (1987 = 100)
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
NOx emissions t 55349 49603 49014 49578 49207 48179 47877 46657 46831
NOx emissions index (1987 = 100) 100 89 88 89 89 87 86 84 84
NECD target value index (1987 = 100)
2008 2009 target 2010
NOx emissions t 45000
NOx emissions index (1987 = 100)
NECD target value index (1987 = 100) 81
Figure ZR02-2: Sector-specific contribution to total NOx emissions in Slovenia

National Emission Inventory, Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, 2008

Show data
1987 - 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
energy 1000 t 17.949 17.092 14.559 16.888 16.613 16.052 16.572 16.316 16.315
combustion in industry 1000 t 6.299 5.325 4.911 3.737 3.636 4.041 3.471 3.287 4.097
non-industrial combustion 1000 t 2.62 2.457 2.933 2.606 3.032 3.187 3.299 3.933 4.049
road transport 1000 t 20.407 24.273 22.817 24.859 27.417 28.922 29.786 32.368 30.816
other transport 1000 t 8.305 7.524 7.382 6.266 5.467 6.246 5.557 5.399 5.301
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
energy 1000 t 17.011 15.135 15.185 16.218 17.128 16.431 16.676 14.998 13.194
combustion in industry 1000 t 3.905 3.502 3.473 3.677 4.095 4.308 4.053 4.788 4.71
non-industrial combustion 1000 t 4.081 4.333 4.016 3.949 3.791 3.601 3.613 3.45 3.156
road transport 1000 t 24.77 21.442 20.644 20.354 18.992 18.352 17.986 17.904 18.485
other transport 1000 t 5.582 5.191 5.696 5.38 5.201 5.487 5.549 5.517 7.286
2008 2009 target 2010
energy 1000 t
combustion in industry 1000 t
non-industrial combustion 1000 t
road transport 1000 t
other transport 1000 t


The target is to reduce NOx emissions to the target value 45 000, as required by the Protocol on the Reduction of Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground Ozone, and Directive 2001/81/EC on National Emissions Ceilings for Certain Atmospheric Pollutants (NECD). Air emission management and reduction is also a target of the National Environmental Action Programme.

Compared to the situation in 1990, NOx emissions in Slovenia dropped by 9% in 2002. This reduction is the result of an increased portion of vehicles with catalytic converters. With the 56% share of NOx emissions, road traffic remains the principal source of pollution.


The data are taken from the National Emission Inventory database. The database maintained at the Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia contains emission assessments that are made on the basis of statistical data (on sold fuels, industrial production, agricultural activities, etc.) by using emission factors.

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