Key message

In Slovenia 7 % of people live in flood-prone areas. The most extensive flood areas are in northeast and in subpannonian Slovenia, in subalpine valleys and basins and plains along Ledava, Mura and Ščavnica. The largest share of the population in areas of flooding is in Savinjska (13%), Koroška (12%), Zasavska, (10%) and Osrednjeslovenska (9%) statistical region.


Figure ZD24-1: The proportion of people living in areas of flooding by statistical regions, 2010

Institute for Water of the RS, 2012.

Show data
No. of people in region n. of people living in areas of flooding proportion
Gorenjska No. 214080 12189 5.7
Notr.-kraška No. 55004 1344 2.4
Osrednjeslov. No. 556178 51815 9.3
Goriška No. 126583 9281 7.3
JV Slovenija No. 149632 3068 2.1
Savinjska No. 277520 35772 12.9
Koroška No. 76699 8912 11.6
Obal.-kraška No. 116845 7546 6.5
Zasavska No. 45655 4718 10.3
Spodnjepos. No. 74772 4421 5.9
Podravska No. 343074 10235 3
Pomurska No. 127369 8255 6.5
Slovenia No. 2163411 157556 7.3
Figure ZD24-2: Areas at risk of flooding according to the indicative flood map 2012

Institute for Water of the RS,2012.

Figure ZD24-3: Occurrence of major floods in Europe, 1998–2009
Figure ZD24-4: Number of people affected by flooding per million population in the WHO European Region (2000-2011)